Realistic Game

Chapter 209: "Oh, I see you as a brother, but...

   Chapter 210 "Oh, I see you as a brother, but"

  "This group of nobles don't know if they are too stupid or have a long-term vision. We don't plan to move them in a short period of time. They are going to die."

   "Oh no, there are some who are not so stupid. Now they are contacting us, planning to join us, planning to report others."

  Zou Peng shook his head.

   "To be honest, this group of nobles are really rotten home and they are nothing.

  To have strength without strength, to have courage and courage, and to surrender before it even started, and keep saying for the continuation of the family.

  I really don’t know what to say. "

  "Isn't this normal? After all, it is a noble system, and it is born noble, plus it is not a founding noble. If it is a founding noble, there may be a bit of courage.

  Also don’t forget, even the king of the Kingdom of Morse is just a marquis.

  There are less than ten cities in a country, and it has just split from a province in the Northern Empire.

  The location happens to be sandwiched between the Southern Empire and the Northern Empire. What do you think it looks like?

  This is a small country in the countryside. The establishment of a country is not relying on force, but politics.

  The nobles in this kind of place are a group of rich villagers and village tyrants.

  Except for the Earl of Red Maple, there are some little nobles with no background, and the Earl of Red Maple did not perform well before?

  All kinds of governance of Red Maple City were only constrained by the entire aristocratic system and dragged down by this group of good teammates.

  Do you feel much more normal when you think about it? "

  Zou Peng fell into silence with his hands on his chin.

   "You said nothing wrong, but I just feel like listening to you saying that, it always feels weird."

  Zou Peng thought for a while but couldn't figure it out, so he shook his head.

   "I don't want to think about it anymore, I don't want to do it anyway, it's not a time when I couldn't beat it before, now they are a group of younger brothers!"

  Zou Peng turned around and left, but before leaving, he suddenly remembered something and said back again.

   "By the way, that guy Geng Tao seems to be doing something sassy again."

  In Red Maple City, a player sneaked into the castle through the back door of a castle quietly, and a person in front of him looked at him enthusiastically.

   "Have you earned it?"

  "Here, I made a little more in this period. This is your principal, one hundred kinas.

  This is your dividend, eighty-nine Kinnas, okay, you sign first, and I will pay you to settle the money.

  There is written evidence as proof. "

   "Good, good, good."

  Other people in the castle would be stunned if they saw this scene. Is this still the usual majestic, ruthless butler?

  The housekeeper saw that the money he had saved so hard had nearly doubled in just a few days. What could he care about? He signed the receipt directly, and then took the money.

  The player starts to check the receipt, and also waits for the butler to count Jinus.

  The butler carefully lit, the player did not remind him, watched quietly, and waited until the dot was finished before saying aloud.

   "Why, the number is right?"

   "Yes, that's right."

  The butler nodded with a big smile.

   "Okay, that's all right, I'll go first."

  The player turned around and left after speaking. The butler was a little bit unresponsive, so he hurriedly stopped him.

   "Hey, wait, wait."

   "Huh? What's wrong?"

  The player looked at him with some doubts, but the butler was also a little confused.

   "Why did you leave? What about the next issue?"

   "Huh? What the next issue, the next issue is gone."

  The player paused and said aloud.

   "What? Nothing? Didn't the issue start every time the issue a few days ago?"

   "A few days ago is a few days ago, today. Today is gone."

  The player said after a moment of sluggishness, then turned around and left.

  The butler looked at the player’s back, feeling a little regretful.

   "Damn it, how come it's gone, I knew I had voted more before."

  It's gone now, no more, wait! "

  A flash of light flashed in the butler's heart, and the previous player was dull for a while and it was clear that he was very much like himself.

  The butler reacted instantly, looking at the player who had walked to the door and said.


   "Huh? Is there anything else?"

  The player turned around and looked at him suspiciously.

  The butler showed a smile on his face, stepped forward, and put a Jinus in the player's hand, with a smile on his face.

   "Almost forgot, you have been working hard during this period of time. If you still have a chance next time, remember to let me know. Your benefit is indispensable."


  The player hesitated, picked up a kinus in his hand and looked left and right.

   "It does say that there are no more projects, this is not good for me"

  The butler saw this look more and more familiar, his vision became stronger and stronger, he cursed in his heart, but his face was still smiling, and he took out two Jinnas and placed them in the hands of the players.

   "Sorry, sorry, I didn't count it clearly just now, I took it wrong, put it away, put it away."

  The player immediately showed a close smile.

   "Hey, I take you as a brother, what do you mean? Look down on your brother, right?"

  The player directly put Jinus in his pocket, and then hesitated a little, and sighed.

   "Oh, brother, I really lied to you, and there are projects. It's not that I didn't want to talk about it just now, but it is strictly forbidden to be exposed.

  But brother, you treat me like this, I feel ashamed and fidget if I don’t say anything.

  Brother and I, please confess, there are projects, but why not tell you?

  I told you, brother, don’t feel harsh, okay. "

   "Okay, OK, just say it."

  The butler said with a smile when he heard that there was an item.

  "Brother, the reason for the previous issues was because my boss didn’t have enough money, so let’s warm up and raise some funds.

  And you guys just take a play and make a good destiny.

  Now that the funds are raised enough, it is time to enter the dinner. To be honest, the boss feels that the profit is too great and does not want to take you to play.

  诶, I tell you, I only told you, you must not pass it out, otherwise I can't eat it. "

  Seeing the nervousness of the player, the housekeeper lost a lot of anger in his heart, but then he was taken over by this project again, and asked cautiously.

  "How big is the profit? Can it be bigger than the previous periods?"

  The player glanced at him disdainfully.

  "That’s it? I don’t know, let me tell you, this time at least this number."

  The player slapped silently and raised five thumbs up.

  The housekeeper saw that his breathing suddenly became heavy.

   "Five times?"

  The player nodded proudly.

   "No, you must take me one, I also want to participate in the stock."

  The butler directly puts the money into the player's hands.

   "You hold it, you hold it."

   "No way, our boss said it is not allowed."

  The player directly pushes away and refuses to accept any money.

  "If you have more money, won't you make more money? I will give you a part, you will give it to me, and I will give you a part."

  Looking at the butler, Mo Lan, the player shook his head and let out a sigh.

   "Oh, let me tell you what our boss said.

  Just a few hundred Kinnas of you, our boss looks down on him, and he has to trouble the staff to keep accounts and send money to you. You are still hesitating about this, worrying about this and worrying about that.

   is really meaningless. "

  The butler directly went to the head when he heard the blood, blushed and said with a thick neck.

   "Who look down on! Five thousand, I will participate in five thousand!!"

  PS: There are deep scams, so don’t be greedy for petty cheapness.

   Thank you for the five hundred rewards of "Art is one hundred thousand volt bombs", thank you for the hundred rewards of "Book Friends 20191107165420879", and thank you for your 100 rewards of "Book Friends 20200331184845207", thank you for your support.



  (End of this chapter)

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