Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 9 Chapter 131: Bribery to the king of pot

"When things are up, what do you have the face to ask me for?" Kakashi raised his head warily, watching the sunflower hanging in the air holding Wenka as a hostage.

"Yes," Sunflower grabbed Wenka's head even higher, and said, "Originally, I was charged with the crime. The remaining children of Uchiha were taken hostage by Konoha, but I can't bear the darkness to protect peace. Ninja, I really can’t stand it anymore. Sasuke is your disciple. For the sake of his disciple’s family, please help me to fight for cover. As for this—"

"What are you going to do with her?" Kakashi's body sank slightly, making a posture to attack at any time if unexpected.

"Have you seen it too? Where did she and mine kill me? She is an insider, I just took her to continue living away from Konoha."

Wenka was sober now, seeing Kakashi cast a questioning look, reluctantly nodded. Her writing wheel eyes have been developed to the end not long ago. It would be interesting if it weren’t for playing the house. I also want to accompany Alfin, who keeps making more writing wheel eyes bloom into a kaleidoscope, and see her in Konoha. Will the village make any big news in the end? She really has no reason to stay in Konoha.

Sunflower took Winka into his arms, turned around, and left Kakashi behind his back seemingly unsuspecting, saying: "Believe it or not, Kakashi, I can only ask you. I and Kakashi are you. To be honest, I'm not an acquaintance, but I feel pretty good about you."

As he said, he turned to the bridge pier and said loudly: "By the way, I would like to say to Mr. Dazner, your technology should be popular in any large enterprise that produces shipping machinery. Don't be entangled in your hometown. By the way, although I Know the high-level people in this country...but they seem to have new mechanical design jobs that can make the country prosperous. You can try your luck." After speaking, we will leave.

Kakashi: "Wait!"

Sunflower: "You can't stop me from leaving, Kakashi, if I doubt what I did to Winka, then let her nod, then her position as a hostage will change back."

After speaking, Sunflower launched [Teleport[]] and disappeared, leaving Kakashi who was overwhelmed in his heart.

For a moment, he didn't realize that No.1 and Bai, who had been thrown on the wreckage of the pier next door, had already slipped away.

No way, the "c-level" mission entrusted by Dazna has failed, but Danzo's task of investigating Akatsuki's industry and trends in the Nami country has to continue.


Sunflower does not always stay at the "Akatsuki" base. Although teaming up with Xiaonan, there are many places to make extra money. As time goes by, Sunflower makes money, and Payne relaxes and has more time to separate operations. stand up.

Because of the contract location of [Psychic Art], she had time to meet with the fairies who were learning celestial arts, and by the way, she asked for some guidance from fairies who were more qualified than her.

"It’s okay if you want to vent, and it’s okay to find the person involved in the pursuit of venting authenticity, but you can erase other people’s memories afterwards, idiot! I’m going to be, I’m really angry now! You! have done ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! "After listening to sunflower" complain "La Erwa tugging at the collar of sunflowers shook the lift and shake.

"Spoiler?" Sonny nodded her chin and tilted her head to guess.

"Isn't it heading in a more troublesome direction now? It's awful." Larva can think of possible things with his own work experience without relying on plot intelligence.

"Alfin is in danger!"

"Didn't it please Kakashi?" Sunflower asked weakly.

"What can Kakashi know about the truth? Will it be announced? What about the results? During his struggle, things will become more troublesome. Is there a way to not disturb Konoha barrier to pick up Alfin? "Lalva asked, lifting his chin.

"No," Sunflower shook his head, "It's okay for space magic to forcibly cross the barrier, but it can't be done without knowing it. What will happen if you forcibly pick up people?"

"It will fight. I guess since Sunflower and you left Konoha Village, the Uchiha activity area has long been equipped with a means to deal with them directly, so that the value of the hostages can be brought into play." Larva said.

"Will it be so exaggerated?" Sonny tilted her head again.

"It's not impossible." Larva looked back and forth, "Original plot information, Osamaru failed to capture the body of Uchiha Itachi and looked at Sasuke. Wouldn't it be better to catch it earlier and raise it? You have to carry out the so-called'Konoha' 'Bad plan', I only came to Sasuke when his body was almost destroyed by the third generation of Naruto? I don't think he saves his body usage. Don't you think so?"

Sunny Tucao: "Isn't it a loophole in Kishimoto's plot or there is a leverage in the readers?"

Larva: "But what we are in is the real world. Besides, I have confirmed it."

"Wait, did you do that kind of thing? I don't know." Sunny walked quickly to Larva and pointed at her face very closely.

"...Because it was not a matter of importance at that time, you didn't ask me or say anything." Larva said, "In fact, there are not no cases. In the year before Uchiha's extermination, not all Uchiha ninjas were Agreeing to the revolution, but confessing to Konoha is not good for him. A small group of people fled several times. Perhaps it was because of concerns about morale and did not make a statement."

Sunflower said, "I know this, but I can't help it, so what?"

Sunny: "So, are there Uchiha's survivors outside? Then—"

Larva shook his head: "No, they were annihilated by Konoha Anbe and a group of ninjas directly under the Daimyo of the Fire Land. Unlike you, I will release summoning units and contact subordinates to learn more about underground facts. After all, Mary and the twins are my important compatriots."

Everyone almost forgot that the twins' abilities equal to Baijue and Mary's reincarnated eyes had visual and mind-reading ability.

"So sly!" Sunny shouted angrily, pointing at Larva's nose, "Obviously, I'm here to change my mind, why are you still working?"

Then she said in a joking tone: "What do you do then? Like the original plot, Dashemaru captures Sasuke after the'Konoha collapse plan'; shall we capture Alfin by the way?"

Larva: "Why? Sunflower, use your salary and connections to bribe Danzo, anyway, the king of the pot will have to pay his debts sooner or later."

Anna was not far away practicing her favorite fairy art [Transfiguration] "Idle", and tried to make [Transfiguration] cute loli's appearance to be able to breathe freely. Hearing the conversation of the fairies, she sighed : "It's not just humans that feel the most annoying."

(to be continued)()

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