Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 9 Chapter 101: The Legend of Itachi·Water Fantasy

Hagaki Kakashi VS Uchiha Itachi, [Thunder Dun · Hidden Light] VS [Fire Dun · Impatiens Claw Red], at first glance, it was clearly a battle between S-level ninjutsu and B-level ninjutsu, but they fought hard. A tie.

  The weapons attached to the flames and thunderbolt collide with each other, but none of them can hit the target they are pointing at. It can't help but give people the illusion that "Shuriken and kunai can really kill?"

Kakashi's face was solemn. In this round of attacks, every blow has the power to split the boulder and shatter the human body. But in front of Itachi, who played artistic serial collisions with shurikens, he couldn't make waves for a while. A small number of flame shurikens ejected, blasting shock waves changed, and induced Kakashi's attacks to collide and cancel each other.

   Kakashi has used Shao Lun Yan, so I have to wonder: Is this really the level of insight and prediction that Shao Lun Yan can achieve, or is Itachi really a fighter among the geniuses who have far compared him?

   Itachi judged that Kakashi was pursuing privately this time. He who usually has the ninja reimbursement from the dark side could not be prepared enough. The number of ninjas should not be as good as his own. Kakashi started to calculate the flaws that the number of ninjas might reveal and perform illusions——

   "Itachi, is this the power you pursue for revenge, don't force me." Kakashi's expression under the mask became dangerous, and his eyes became sharper. Without the writing wheel, Kakashi's talent is really a chakra. He still has tricks. However, before Itachi rebelled against Konoha, he had a conversation with Itachi, and he always felt a little secretive. He still liked the lovely junior Itachi very much.

   "Almost..." Itachi, who originally felt that the timing was about the same, was about to induce the next step. Unexpectedly, a ninja-like unexpected guy appeared immediately.

   "[Konoha Gyuri Tornado]!"

   Itachi turned his face, and saw a big foot in a green leather tights flying towards Itachi's face. It clearly succeeded in pulling a hand to block it, but Itachi still repelled more than ten meters in an instant before stopping.

   "Kay! Why?" Kakashi was taken aback.

   Metkay tearfully gave Kakashi a thumbs up: "I understand, Kakashi, chasing his girlfriend, this is youth! So, who is this guy?"

   Itachi: "…………"

   Don't care, don't care, it's not accidental that Kay doesn't remember the face.

After Kakashi's brief introduction, Kay posed to Itachi and said: "Next, before my companions catch up, I will play with you. Kakashi, you go quickly." Smile with shiny and clean teeth.

   Itachi was speechless for a while, you know it's fake right away.

  Since Lin was a person who kept secrets in Anbe, there was no companion other than Kakashi in the village, so only Kakashi could be chased. Kakashi definitely didn’t intend to bring companions, he must have come out for other reasons. Most of the ninjas in the village that Itachi might be scrupulous about are traditional-thinking ninjas, and they will definitely not follow. Kai is the only one who can follow. Ninja guy.

   But Itachi knows that Kay is a person who does not eat illusion skills than Kakashi, so he still has to try to keep Kakashi.

   So, regardless of the incompatibility between his attributes and himself, he separated a shadow element to contain Kai. The main body quickly imprinted with "manual block": "[Water Escape·Water Tooth Bullet]."

A bunch of spinning water jets came towards Kakashi, usually only jumping into the air or retreating to avoid it, but that would only fall into a greater passivity, so he confronted him head-on: "[Water Escape·Water Array Wall] ."

   spouted a larger stream of water, turning it into a water gun to resist all the water jets. This is the first time Kakashi has met an opponent who can play evenly since losing the ninjutsu. It feels really good that there is no lack of blue. He thinks that he has assisted himself in completing [Rachel] Ninjutsu’s ninjutsu. , The drag on yourself is greater?

   At this moment, Kakashi's whole body was covered with severe pain. When he looked down, his whole body was on fire!

   "No, it's illusion!"

   However, he couldn't get rid of it for a while. Only then did he discover that it was a phantom illusion, when?

   Kakashi did not remember that he and Itachi looked at each other, and indeed he never looked at each other. There is only one reason for Itachi to use water to escape, which is to try to use the light refraction of the water to perform the illusion of writing wheel eyes.

   "Sister Yuekui, thanks to you, too." He secretly said in his heart.

Sunflower has repeatedly asked Itachi to use his ninjutsu, which he is not good at, with Uchiha’s traditional skills to play compound tricks to deal with the training Itachi wants. Some of them are sunflowers. Sweet tooth. However, some really make Itachi play tricks, such as creating a lens effect with water to turn the illusion of the circle of eyes into a range illusion. The fly in the ointment is that he is not good at water escape, and the range and power are not big enough, so it is suitable as an auxiliary.

   Kakashi's whole body burned in the illusion, and the water wall lost support for a while and was scattered on the ground.

"Kakashi! Open the first door, open!" Kai felt bad, and immediately opened the first door of [Eight Door Dunjia]. The speed and power of physical exercises instantly increased, and he forced the physical ability to break the shadow clone of Itachi and ran. Face off with Itachi before Kakashi.

   Kakashi barely supported his body and said, "Kay, I'm fine... Give it to gives it"

   "What? How can I leave..."

   "Kay! Go ahead, there is no problem here." Kakashi said stiffly.

   "I see." Kay felt that Kakashi didn't seem to be bracing and talking big, and flew towards the other side of the hillside where the waves were flying.

   Kakashi had already extinguished the non-existent fire with illusion resistance. At this point, it was enough for Itachi to explain slightly that he was a spy sent by the third generation of Hokage.

   Kakashi was the person who greeted Itachi before this lurking mission. Although he wouldn't bother, he had a small guess in his heart, plus his inherent impression of Itachi, so the dialogue was established.

   On the surface, the two were motionless and attacked and resisted with magic spells, but they actually "chat in private messages" there.

  , however, said that Kay rushed all the way with enthusiasm and youth, and climbed to the top of the hillside, and saw a shark-faced man in a huge lake that could not exist, as if carrying a cargo, using his shark muscles to pick up the petite Lin and walk here.

The ghost shark didn't spend much effort to deal with Lin who was manipulated as a puppet. It seems that the puppet can't use most of its own abilities. People who don't focus on physical skills are really weak when they are manipulated by the puppet. Ghost shark feels bored.

   He saw a green-skinned watermelon head, like a funny guy stopping him, and he was also taken aback.

   Kai didn't know the ghost shark, but he could see the Konoha forehead guard on the head in the ghost shark's hand, so he didn't hesitate, his body exploded immediately, and rushed to the side of the ghost shark's empty hand with a pure speed.

   "[Konoha Cyclone]!"

   kicked the ghost shark who was a little bit more hearted for a while.

(to be continued)

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