Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 6 Chapter 64: More children, more trees

"But, I demand that my children should have the same rights as your people?"

Seeing that those people reached an agreement soon, at least on the surface, Crowen Pith raised his hand to signal that he planned to make an additional request: "It would be very frustrating to treat us as underage elves wearing flowers on their heads because of the sharp ears. The goblin is embarrassed. You can't recognize magic by race every time, right? There are not many magic casters."

Kraunpith hopes that his children can go out and find a way of life they like. Now that the war is over, they must find something to do for them. Otherwise, the snail dwelling in the holy land of fairies will pester herself to ask Kraunpith at every turn. The caress. In this matter, Kraunpisi didn't plan to bargain, and secretly launched spiritual magic to the representatives of the human race.

"no problem."

   "It seems that the characteristics of the slave's clothing have to be further restricted, and the collar of the slave can also be made more obvious."

   The representative of the human race naturally gave an answer.

"But—" it was the commander-in-chief of the dwarf nation who made the supplement. “If our country suffers from an accident due to the religion of the nation, please help your Excellency the Elf King, even if it is based on the friendship between our ancestors and you in the past. "

   In the past, the Elf King and the Dwarf King once teamed up with the "Thirteen Heroes" to defeat the Demon God. But because of race and religion, the dwarves have a long history of incompatibility with the religious state. There was no war just because the territory did not border.

   It happened that the war between the Elven Kingdom and the Church Kingdom had fallen into a quagmire, so the Dwarf Kingdom took the opportunity to throw a one-sided olive branch.

   "Of course it can." The Elf King agreed in a cool tone.

   "That's great. Thank you for your country's generosity. If your Excellency the Elf King has any equipment you want to customize, just speak up."

   "Yeah." The elf king nodded slightly.

  Think about it carefully. The religious nation has trouble finding a country with no borders. Then only a few elite can be dispatched. Then the Elf King may even find a "prince" with a good bloodline in the battle. The dwarf kingdom also won the "friendship" of the Elf King, which is another agreement that everyone is happy with.

  Claunn Pith and the fairy behind him showed a little bit of dissatisfaction. It is clear that the fairy has also lived in the dwarf country for some time, and it also contributes to the bright side. Why don't you ask the fairy? But when he thought that his strength in the dwarf kingdom was definitely not as good as the feat of the Elf King in the War of the Demon Gods, Kraun Pith was relieved, and shook her hand behind her back, so as not to interrupt the physical communicator's Winkaworth.

  What I talked about on this table is the general content, and the small details of the formal implementation are still given to the people below to slowly headache.

"That's right," Crown Pith thought of a more personal matter, and then interrupted directly, "I remember that the empire may have attracted hostility from the temple church because of this multi-racial agreement, and then affected the country to be shared by them. Services such as medical education, etc., right?"

The Imperial Foreign Minister Bregu hesitated for a little bit more for half a second. Perhaps he didn't expect that Kraun Pess, who could have been able to take advantage of the proposal by this side, would take the initiative to propose it. After half a second, he recovered his poker face and said : "Yes, but because our great Majesty decided to start this war long ago. Even now, there are members of the temple in our country who organize troubles on the streets, but because of timely preparations, all vacancies are ready to be filled. Fortunately, the measures taken by the government have not had a big impact on the country, but the gap in the priests who can use healing magic is difficult to make up for a while."

"I see, my children will make up for this gap, but we also have the conditions." Crown Pith put his hands on the table, clasped his fingers to support his chin, and said solemnly, "The'that' about fairies in China. , Has given a lot of noble merchants health and longevity benefits, do you know?"

"Yeah. I know."

   That refers to the Hell Fairy Order.

   "To openly fill the gap in treatment resources, you have to let ‘that’ have an activity channel, and officially recognize the activities of ‘that’.”

   Klauen Pith hesitated when seeing Bregu, she narrowed her eyes displeasedly, and secretly stretched out her finger, just about to add a stronger spirit magic—

But I saw that Fluda came forward and whispered a few words in Bregu's ear. I couldn't hear it. I'm afraid it was because of the sound insulation magic. Because the sound was blocked early and there was no element to reach the ears of Crow Enpies, so it was even level. High can't hear it either.

   But Kraunpis almost laughed, and the first time I saw Bregu, who had maintained a good expression, became the emoji emperor.

   "I see, then our empire...has no objection," he said.

   Good job, Fluda, you can also play a role in this aspect.

   "Excuse me, what kind of channel is it?" The dwarf affairs chief who was slightly obscured asked cautiously.

   "Doesn't the dwarf kingdom have its own earth temple? It has nothing to do with human temples and churches." Bregu said.

   "But I have to admit that it is difficult for the Temple of the Earth to meet domestic demand."

   "Yes, yes, you sometimes have to rely on the adventurer priests who are stationed in the dwarf to try to keep them higher than the guild's salary." Kraunpisi nodded complacently. Few people know this information because of traffic problems.

   Klauen Pisz smiled slightly: "If my child is still free, you can consider your needs, but the cost of treatment can be paid according to the market price."

   "Of course." If it's the market price, the dwarf has nothing to complain about.

However, Clown Piss changed the conversation and put on a "kind" smile: "It doesn't have to be. My child doesn't have a life of his own. In summary-this is something that will happen for many years in the future, so I I need to find a place to have more children. How did I have children? No one of you probably doesn't know, right?"

Except for the Elf King and the Orcs, everyone else looked wonderful. Trees hundreds of meters high, trees full of flowers, pollen like sandstorms, like natural selection, screening the surrounding plants that can withstand their own genes, and Creatures living in the cracks of the little magic forest.

  Finally, fairies walked everywhere in full bloom. Any animal, beast, or intelligent race, in this forest full of fairies, will only become a food.

   But the people present dare not have any objections, can you stop her from finding a place to blossom?

   "Then, the location?" Delodilong forced her to calm down, she didn't want to be cut off again in the country.

   "Reassure, I will solve it in my own territory." Kraun Pace laughed.

   was all present, revealing an atmosphere of relief.

   It's strange, those two guys who look like Yanfeng Qili can't maintain their poker faces.

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