Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 5 Chapter 54: Fingertips

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On the top of an unremarkable stone mountain in the wasteland, a burst of light of teleporting magic array flashed across the ground. 35xs

A group of groups with different characteristics that didn't seem to match up with each other appeared in the magic circle. The staff composition is as follows-

Tree Fairy: Kraun Pith (Magic Tree), Sonny (Rolling Wind Drafting Mimic Demon), Granbell (Dead Tree),

Undead: Glanz (the magician of the night dead), Iblu Yai (vampire), Yayaka (vampire), Melchi (vampire), Will (follow vampire),

Others: Mei Li Fei Si (half human half mimic), Ruo Lu Ji (mermaid).

Sonny, Glanz, Yayaka, and Meliface are the other things that Kraunpis has done, and they brought the people who listened to the story of Ibluyay to teleport them to the Junker city sewers. Then Granbell dictated Granz and made him launch a teleportation magic to bring everyone here.

At the time of the reunion, Kraunpisi learned that the Empire's cleanup of Junker City and the aftermath had almost ended. After Kraunpisi left, the battle was not as easy as the empire imagined.

Even if the imperial squad destroyed Junker’s main army and high-level national personnel with thunder, those who continue to fight and clean up the city and surrounding villages are still attacked by "civilians" from time to time.

In this case, the well-trained imperial knights and warriors are still tired of coping, and the magic students are even more troublesome, and the number of casualties has risen a lot. Now the magic students have been sent back to the empire by boat while the tribute paid to the armor water spider is still valid.

This made Kraunpith feel at ease a lot, because in this way, the "disappearance" of some students, such as himself and Meliphis, would be better confused.

Kraunpisi looked around with a bad feeling, and couldn't see any special scenery, but she found that it was quite far away from the human kingdom, if it hadn't been prepared in advance-to the fairy holy land of the Dragon Kingdom The body was recovered, and now Kraunpith might be killed on the spot.

Fortunately, Alice and Midori in the Holy Land of Fairies have been given a goal that takes a lot of time to complete, and they shouldn't have a lot of time to play coquettishly to themselves.

Pulling away, my eyes turned back to——

"Hey, what do you mean! Didn't you tell you to bring us to your stronghold?" Granbell knocked Granz's head unhappy.

"Yes, Master. However, after you dominated me, the guards and institutions in the stronghold cut off contact with me." Glanz couldn't refuse Granbell, who used the ability to control the undead, and answered truthfully.

"That is, the moment you enter, even you will be bathed in the attack of your original guards and organs?" Kraunpith asked.


"Is it to prevent the possibility that everything that belongs to me will be taken away after an accident?"


"Che, I'm really captured and cause us trouble." Kraunpith kicked Glanz to vent his anger.

"I'm very sorry." Glanz, who was completely dominated and unable to resist Granbell, was even more unable to resist his summoning creator Kraun Pess, bowed his head and apologized, letting Kraun Pess kick and beat.

"It's a good measure, so where do you get in?" asked Iblu Yai, who was eager for knowledge.

This question is not a question that Glanz, whose master and master are not vampires, is compulsory to answer. However, he considered that if he does not show his worth, he might be completely vented by the master and master, so he answered honestly:" There is no special entrance to this place. I discovered the void in this place after I learned to teleport magic 282 years ago, and then decided to move my stronghold from under the cemetery to this place. In order to avoid being attacked from all sides the moment I entered, The best way is to get in from the outside. The most suitable place is about sixty meters directly below."

"...It's really troublesome." Ibruyayi muttered. There are a lot of life magic and battle magic in her knowledge, but the magic that is very convenient for drilling a hole in the mountain does not cause collapse. It really does not exist.

"Hehe, Piss, this place feels like it's tailor-made for you?"

"Well, Dad must be the best at this kind of place!"

When Sonny and Granbell patted Clown Pith on the shoulder and arm and laughed and said, Sagiji was a little uncomfortable——

"Wait, wait, isn't it to summon the 300-meter body to crush this stone mountain?"

"Who would do that kind of thing? Wouldn't it destroy the valuable information that may exist?" Crown Pith held up his hand and said in a huff.

"Huh? Isn't it?"

"Isn't that so?"

Sunny and Granbell were surprised.

"I'll open the mountain gently, and confirm again, it's inside, right?" Kraunpith stretched out his index finger, pointed at Glanz, and opened the magic circle.

"Forgiveness, forgiveness, it is indeed right below, my..."

"That's good." The magic circle in Kraunpith's hand disappeared, and she raised her hand, then instantly bent down, her index finger seemed to lightly poke the ground.

"Kerala rumbling rumbling rumbling rumbling..."

The crisp sound of the original blow instantly turned into a terrifying vibration like a mountain collapse and the ground cracked! Makes everyone around him unstable Will, who was turned into a vampire by Melchi's physical means of sucking blood, does not have a clear sense of self. Because of this, he acts more like a person than Melchi. outside.

Soon, the whole stone mountain split into two halves in an instant! Each leaned slightly outwards, forming a canyon with a line of sky!

However, none of the people present were ordinary people, and almost none fell to the ground in a panic because of this. Instead, they used their own methods to base themselves on it. Of course, it’s just almost nothing—

"Oh oh oh oh~~~~" Melki held her face shyly. She was in the worst physical condition, so she was about to fall and was hugged by Princess Will.

"Hey, is there any use to bring this kind of burden?" Iblu Yai reached out and touched Kraun Pith.

"I forgot to tell you, that man has the ability to eliminate magic, which is very suitable for dealing with magic traps in case of emergence, and the female is the owner, so the explanation is over. Anyway, how about this blow, it's very ool. ?"

Unexpectedly, the magic of the ninth rank was actually used in this respect.

Just now, Kraunpisi was preparing this magic silently when he stretched out his finger, and did not intend to attack Glanz.

And the effect of the action of poking a finger on the ground: It is that Kraunpith thinks it looks very compelling.

"Well, Dad is handsome." Granbell agreed.

"Are you idiot?" Iblu Yai immediately held a negative attitude.

"Why... is it?" When the experienced Iblu Yayi said so, Kraunpith had a bad feeling.

(to be continued)

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