Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 16 Chapter 106: Where there is comparison, there is harm

【Re, I am the arrogant slaughterer】【】

Seeing that Kirito showed understanding and sympathy for the scythe of fate from the perspective of a magic bullet shooter, an archer girl from the knight order said to "her": "But, this guy has killed many people in the past! "

"Ah, maybe. Because it is the law of social development, I can't find out why the people of this country want to develop the forest of the Scythe of Destiny to offend him, but the battle during this period... It seems that none of us died?"

"...Ah." xn

Indeed, they were all wounded. Yuuki could not be confirmed for the time being, but her ability to cope with the situation was not a problem. As for Eugeo, who was closest to death—to put it bluntly, the blood all over his body was forced by himself. It was made by using an unskilled big move.

"'I wish I had known that we would not meet each other, so that I would not bring you death', I may have experienced this bitter feeling. Therefore, I will shoot you through." Kirito said, using a bow and arrow Unleashed the bombardment-type sword skill.

The arrow turned into a blue beam and shot into the Scythe of Destiny, causing a violent explosion in his body.

After a burst of strong light erupted from all the holes in Fate's Scythe, it was smashed into pieces and dissipated, leaving behind a pile of ashes, as well as the dark tattered cloak and long-handled sickle.


Central Capital Centoria, Axiom Church, Central Cathedral, 98th floor—

"Just now, when Kirito attacked the Scythe of Destiny... only for a short moment, she... did his clothes change, let me watch the slow motion."

Even if it was only for a short period of time, Kirito did change into the outfit he used in sao that resembled the ck rockshooter—Black Rock Shooter.

"Facing the Scythe of Destiny in sao is the same configuration. Although the plot is different, the same opponents plus long-range attacks and women's clothing make his thoughts so strong that he can reappear himself at that time. Hmph, I still have to use [Shape Transformation] to achieve this. Well, it can be regarded as getting good data, but it’s not good to give you too much.”

Croynpiss told Chudelkin about it.

As expected, the targets that the integrity knights failed to crusade were cleaned up by a group of ordinary people. Chudelkin summoned the integrity knights currently on duty in the church, which was a good meal of daily scolding.

It happened that both the chief and deputy knight commanders were away on missions this time, so everyone could only bear with a broken face until the end.

Chudelkin rolled upstairs after cursing.

At this time, Crohnpiss walked out alternately, and said: "It's like this again, thank you for your hard work. But in a sense, it is true that we have lost face. Ummm, speaking of having the greatest relationship with this knight, Dakira—"

She coquettishly shouted at a knight wearing the simplest knight armor and a helmet with a visor.

No response was received.

The person next to him secretly poked it with his elbow, or his waist was not felt because of the barrier of the armor, Dakila seemed to be a little wobbly, and did not respond.

"This is..." Kraunpisi took a closer look, the helmet seemed to be a little crooked, and suddenly the corner of his mouth hooked up, and he swung his scepter and swept across the helmet.

"Dang!" Amidst the loud noise, the helmet spun several times before it was stopped by Dakila's twitching hands.

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【Re, I am the arrogant slaughterer】【】

"Yes! Elder Elder...His Highness Elder Fuzuo?!"

"You fell asleep?"

"Ah, ah ah ah... yes. I'm very sorry, I was wrong!"

"Well, don't worry about it. Anyway, I don't expect much from you." Croynpiss smiled and said extremely insulting words, who said that this is a weak knight from an ordinary villager background.

Just looking at the strength and the skills you have mastered, you have the physical strength and muscle strength to do heavy work as a villager. You should have no problem slaughtering wild animals and miscellaneous soldiers. You are good at observing your teammates. Can't beat—Fanatio's evaluation.

"After a while, I will give you some...interesting skills for these weak regular knights and apprentice knights without artifacts. How is your object manipulation authority trained?"

"Yes, absolutely fine!"

"Can you pick this up and use it? This is the basic weapon that will be distributed for you to learn." Croynpiss took out a spirit iron hybrid sword that was prepared in advance. Most hybrid swords do not have exclusive artifacts The type of sword used by knights.

"Yes." Dakira took the sword and lifted it up through gritted teeth like lifting a barbell.

"Hey, your lumbar spine is almost displaced." Crohnpiss complained as he looked at Dakira's slim waist, which was a little uncomfortable.

"Barely no problem, probably."

"Well, let's use the secret technique that you are best at."

"Yes!" Dakira lowered his waist, took a lower stance, put the sword behind him, and began to slash.

The ultra-ultra-basic sword skill [horizontal slash], even if it is weak, the sword path that has been trained hard can be called perfect, but the perfect slash ends here halfway, it seems that the inertia is greater than Dakila imagined, the sword Unable to draw across the perfect fan, he dropped his hand and flew out in a straight line halfway.

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"Wow!" Kraunpiss squatted down to avoid the hybrid sword that flew over his head and fell on the steps several meters behind pretending to be angry, "You want to kill me? !"


"That noble young master over there... Well, Your Excellency Insteku, you have a try." Klaumpis looked at the apprentice knight who looked like Eugeo.

"Okay." Yin Steku stepped forward and raised his hand to the mixed-race sword, "sucked" the sword into his hand with [Hand of Mind] like mind power, and held the hilt tightly to assume the same lower posture.

The sword blade of azure light cut across the air horizontally. When the sword swung to the front, it stopped suddenly as if hitting a hard object, and immediately flew up to the right without any interval. A dark green mist-like effect that symbolizes the increased power of the mind began to appear in the sword light, and he swung forward with a third strike with a loud shout.

The speed and power are impeccable, a little stronger than normal. Facing the opponent who showed his flaws, the three-stage fatal attack [cruel force point] of cutting in half, chopping the head, and cutting in two has been completed, and finally he has a handsome closing shape.

Crohnpith secretly thought that based on the skills she gave in the worship module, there should be more powerful tricks. He didn't show it here, probably because he thought there were a few weak people who didn't like it here, so he didn't want to show it to prevent being imitated. Steal it.

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【Re, I am slaughtered by the arrogant bone】【】

"Hmph, although I feel a bit stinky, but those who have received elite education since childhood and took the initiative to go to experience, the starting point of becoming a knight is different. It's hard work, it's very good, I hope you accumulate more experience and don't repeat that time following Alice Combat gaffe."

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