Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 11 Chapter 34: Please enter the urn

"Re, the arrogant and slaughtered me (

Flying squirrel and Mordred walked in the big forest in Titanya.

The reason for coming here is very simple. Flying Squirrel once had a battle with Star in the periphery of Titania, and felt that it was related to the game character he encountered in this world. Since it is an enemy, it is naturally necessary to investigate. Moreover, being the same as the transversal person, it cannot be completely ruled out that it has something to do with Mordred's revenge.

Although he was just making a fuss about a slim probability event by the way, he was betting right.

"Oh, it's really choking. Flying squirrel, can't you choose a more normal road?" Mordred complained on the way.

"But, after all, it seems that there is no more information to be collected in the open trading cities of Titanya. It is also forbidden to enter this forest. I heard that this is a visit to the country. The countries and countries that the palace met are all about the same legends as the story. Now that the outer combat power is roughly confirmed, it is the right choice to start investigations directly from places close to their homeland, isn’t it?” Flying Squirrel earnestly analyzed. Said.

"But what." Mordred said, he started to roll on the spot without a knighthood and started the cos repeater, "Except for trees, they are all trees, so boring, so boring, so boring, so boring, so boring, so boring. So boring, so boring, so boring..."

Flying Squirrel once again said in his heart to King Arthur, who did not hand over the succession to Mordred in the Celtic mythology: "You did it right."

However, considering the remaining social animal thoughts, he would not stupidly say to Mordred such sincere words as "Your father is doing the right thing."

"Really," Mordred, who was a little comfortable with venting, turned over and sat up cross-legged against the tree, and said with his hands folded, "Just mentioning the kingdom of fairies reminds me of a certain mistress... or Ni Mu, it's really uncomfortable that Vivienne is still Ninian or something."

"Well, are you talking about the Fairy of the Lake anyway?" Flying Squirrel has understood some of the dignity thoughts of these knights over the years. Although he is basically a social animal, he has not been able to fully accept that kind of world view, but he can understand it with the thinking mode of a game house. Mordred's upset.

If King Arthur's sword in the stone is lost, he can still "white prostitute" a sword in the lake given by a fairy, and Mordred's sword has to be snatched. Obviously they are of the same gene, so why is the rate of equipment explosion so different? Is it just because of birth?

Although it is mostly related to personality, this is not something that can be said in front of a partner.

"Although it is a good thing that there is no danger, Mordred, I think it's almost time to not take it lightly to go deep into this." He said.

"Huh? Did your envoy find anything?" Mordred, who was still rolling a moment ago, immediately picked up the sword and stood up, his eyes sharp, as if the mischief just now was an illusion.

"Speaking of discovery, it is indeed a discovery." Flying Squirrel said.

There are two summoned monsters he sent to the front for investigation: the three-legged black and the fairy queen.

The three-legged crow is a monster that enters the center of a designated area and acts as a shortcut, and the fairy queen instinctively avoids danger.

They happened to be close together, and they saw a small garden courtyard with a small western-style house inside.

Although it seems very reasonable to have houses on the road to reduce the danger, it is not impossible that it is a trap. Even if it is a detection magic, it may be invalidated. In the past, he had fought with him, and he was known as the "Destroy Dragon King". The leader's country cannot be taken lightly.

The reason why he plans to confirm the enemy's situation knowing this is because the flying squirrel has tried to fight with the true dragon king called the "Colorful Dragon King". To be honest, it is an opponent who has a great chance of winning if he knows his abilities as long as he makes a full shot.

What's more, flying squirrel used Anna’s sickle to have an irreparable wound, and had to rely on a race to get out of the disabled state as an opportunity. After all this, he finally got a skeleton that is as hard as the past and is more receptive to this world. , The strength has also improved over time with Mordred as a sparring partner.

If the country you have fought against is indeed an enemy, then you can solve it, so as not to have long nights and dreams.

Of course, it would be great if you could solve the problem without destroying anything, so after the outer Titanya trading city was blocked, I chose this seemingly invading but open-minded approach.

But this country is really different. Even some countries with forests as their main territories will have settlements and villages separated by different distances. Most of those settlements will be backed by trees, and they will be connected by simple roads. In this Titania collar, after walking for so long, the landform is completely virgin forest-like, and then a small western-style building garden that feels a bit modern appears suddenly. Isn’t it a violation of the law?

Soon, they saw with their own eyes the little foreign mansion garden that was extremely uncoordinated in the forest.

"Are the houses in this country?"

"Anyway, go check maybe it is a phantom made by a human-trick to make lost travelers stray into it, haha."

At this time, the door opened by itself.

"Who is twittering in front of my house? It's really rare that someone strays into the Sanctuary Forest at this time." A short-haired girl with human characteristics but a non-human atmosphere standing in the door, holding her breasts, dressed in common clothes in this world. Shouted.

"It's impolite." Flying Squirrel took a step forward, standing at the gate of the garden and said, "My name is Flying Squirrel. We are indeed lost." When visiting the country, he has been walking in the forest all the time. It was lost.

"Flying... flying squirrel?" This aboriginal fairy "unfortunately" learned the incidental Chinese, Japanese and English when practising level magic on his own. She directly heard it as "flying mouse".

The high-ranking fairies did not announce to all the citizens that flying squirrels are their key enemy, so they only regarded the masked skeleton in front of them as the weird native fairies, and put their hands on their chests and introduced themselves: "I am Titanya. Lini Andrea Cleas, dedicated to the service of lost travellers who strayed into it, please come in."

"Then, how do you call it? Tilini... madam? Do you mind if I call it that way?"

"Although I want to say that it's okay, please remove the'madam'. Most residents of this country don't like to add a name other than status to the name."

"Really, do different races have different customs? Most of the races I have met hope that people who meet for the first time will bring honorific titles. But here, just follow the customs. Tillini, since you are in charge of this, then Can I enter the house?"

"No problem, please come in."

(to be continued)

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