Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 10 Chapter 84: All parties start

"Re, the arrogant and slaughtered me (

"With the current cultural level of the people and the little nobles, it is too unusual to write this kind of thing."

After reading it roughly, Star raised a question, tore and tore the thick paper that had just been flipped through, and threw the magically synthesized piece of paper into the air to make it disappear as light particles.

"Really not! If it were, I would have reported it long ago." Meliffeis argued, "Moreover, it contains some methods that will obviously cause the executors to be outraged and criticized. From the general human opinion, this This approach is absolutely unacceptable."

Humans in this era have never experienced large-scale wars of the same race. In the war between the empire and the urban alliance, the proportion of the demi-human population in the urban alliance is not small, so it is not counted.

Although in the case of a small-scale conflict, it is not impossible for the army to bloodbath the village. In fact, such incidents have occurred on the border between the empire and the kingdom, but the officials basically do not recognize each other. The main reason for this phenomenon is naturally that human beings belong to the “vulnerable group” in the world. It is not surprising that wars in different countries cannot be avoided. However, under the guidance of the first human players as the temple of **** belief and church belief, the war Rear slaughter in China is not allowed.

Not only between races, but sometimes between individuals, there are huge differences in strength. What if both sides use the strong to harvest behind the enemy? Isn't it going to be annihilated if this continues?

What? What kind of thing did Kraunpith do in the so-called "Goblin War"? Because the opponent doesn't have a matched strong person who can slaughter behind Crown Pith, it doesn't count.

Besides, Kraun Pess does not believe in the gods of the deceased players believed by the temples of the human kingdom and the church.

Claunpis looked a little excited when she looked at Merifice, then looked at the manuscript, and raised her mouth thoughtfully: "Not allowed by human beings, right? But it's up to me. It’s such an avant-garde idea. If it’s not a traverser from the outside, or a faithful believer, I can come up with this method according to the bottom line of my doctrine."

Meliphis accidentally went to the Moon World to play the Holy Grail War, and it didn't matter if she asked her before.

"Master Clown Pith said that, in fact, I can't deny that if the above ideas can be implemented, if they can be implemented, they are great as a means of warfare." Meliphis bowed her head flatteringly.

Star glanced at the signature, thoughtfully, a little familiar, feeling where he had seen it before. No, since I think of it right away, I must have seen it recently, but it's mixed in the massive amount of information, where...

"Ah, there are also examples of a nobleman's name with a territory name... the author's brother's territory, isn't this a place that Bai Yiji has visited many times?" Star suddenly realized.

"Coincidence?" Kraunpisi looked like she was going to vomit, "How could Bai Otsuhime be in the fight of such inferior creatures? Star, you always think more than me, but this time absolutely Thinking too much."

"Is that so?" Star is still thinking, depending on the identity and time of the author of this article, all kinds of coping modes and ways of treating the author can follow the rules, but it's hard to say if things overlap with Bai Yiji.

"Peace just set her hand up." Sunny interrupted.

"Trouble Sanny, can you set up a reverse operation? For example, this war must be extremely troublesome, so it was accidentally ended easily." Kraun Pith immediately complained.

"Haha, is it really useful to do this kind of thing consciously? You can become a prophet if you are not careful."

"Go away! The dirt is gone."

"Peace, go and stare at Bai Yiji. Compared with all kinds of boring things to do here later, you are happier and willing to use your brain with her." Star said angrily.

"It sounds worthy of me, but why does it feel like I've been scolded by you?" said Kraunpisi embarrassingly.

"Use everything."

"Why is my force level reduced to an item?"

"This is called a metaphor, don't you understand?"

"What about the road construction?" Kraunpis asked Star. Because I really intend to build roads for the empire to raid the eastern part of the kingdom, passing through the top forest and the old trade road areas of the dwarf country, I want to simply make it into a regular road directly, anyway, I will use it in the future.

This kind of project can be done without any effort. But if you don’t miss the fighter planes and ensure the quality of road construction, you need earth and creation magic equivalent to the eighth rank or higher, not a few shots. To cross such a vast forest and mountains, you have to use it continuously, and it’s so big. To avoid being discovered by outsiders, the same high-level illusion magic is needed to maintain the same for a long time. Is there anyone among our compatriots who can do this? But not everyone has the ability to scale up the scope of some magic and skills because of its huge body.

Star: "Call a few Alice in the single digit sequence to work alternately."


Inside the Kingdom of Lobel, the temple——

"You seem to have misunderstood, I--no, I was interviewed by the four chief priests for good reasons. Will you be hostile to me, won't you anger your superiors?"

Four people who lowered their hoods and couldn't see the entire face, looked very suspicious, stood in front of the temple, and although they were polite to the monks and soldiers who stopped them, they were somewhat indisputable.

Lee Lobel is the central city of a territory in the western part of the kingdom. It is now the headquarters of the temple. The believers of the temple who have lost their national foundation are more guarded against four suspicious people than in the past.

"Then, can you wait here for a while? I'll ask if this is true." The monk thought for a while and gave a routine reply.

Soon after, the returning monks and soldiers let them go, and still led them with vigilance to see the chief priests of the four great gods.

"Emissary of the Church, our guards have caused you troubles. I am really sorry. But they are also their duties." First, the Chief Water apologized to the visitors, and then, "But, it's a shame that I am waiting for you. Beliefs are different, and at this time, we can put aside the disputes between the gods of life and the gods of death, regardless of previous suspicions."

"No, now is the time for the nations representing mankind to unite." The messenger of the Church took out a letter and another thing, "This represents our sincerity. I hope we can cooperate happily."

The content of the letter is mostly symbolic cross-examinations and inquiries. The question is why the temple was always easily expelled from the country in the past and replaced by others. Even if the problem of the poor combat power of the two sides is ignored, it is not handled properly in the turmoil of the Holy Kingdom and the civil strife. . The other thing presented was a treasure that made the priests look straight after appraisal...

(to be continued)

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