Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 10 Chapter 44: Performance on the Dragon Vessel

"Re, the arrogant and slaughtered me (

Kraunpith intends to take back some of the Greer Stones and give them to Titania's professional department for research. Since they are inorganic substances, they can promote the development of the pharmaceutical and medical industries no matter how bad they are.

Then they continued to set off.

The third destination of Kraunpisi and Bai Yiji is the ruins of the ancient country of Loulan, where the dragon veins are located. The dragon veins contain great power, making this a prosperous country for a time.

Long Mai was sent to Bofeng Shuimen by Konoha Village to seal himself many years ago because of the possibility of a war in the Ninja World by Loulan. Not long after that, Loulan lost all its power and was destroyed by turmoil-it was indeed a great power.

However, a few months before the Fourth Ninja World War, the criminals pursued by Konoha Village, a puppet master named Baizu, came to use the dragon veins and used special methods to solve the seal of the wave wind water gate. Konoha Ninja traveled to the past Loulan Kingdom together. Hundred feet alias An Lushan and became Loulan's prime minister. He attempted to use the power of the dragon veins that he could use in the past to enslave civilians to create a puppet army and the ultimate weapon to start a war in the Ninja World. The reason for not becoming a king is that only the blood of Queen Loulan can Activate the dragon vein, for this he killed the queen and other ministers and officials, and created a large number of puppet subjects for the successor little queen to stage a national prosperous and prosperous puppet drama. As a result, he was killed by the Konoha ninja who passed through together with the wave of the wind water gate. Being sealed by Bofeng Shuimen-this is the same thing as mentioned in the previous paragraph.

With dragon veins, powerful power can be obtained, and small groups or individuals with powerful power will inevitably become the thorn in the eyes of big nations and lead to destruction.

Sure enough, history is full of logic and contradictions.

After many more years, today, the ancient Loulan country seems to be only a dilapidated ruin. Kraunpisi and Bai Yiji walked on countless building debris to find the seal set by the Bofeng Water Gate.

"Dragon veins, it turned out to be this kind of structure." Bai Yiji glanced at the seal set by the Bofeng Shui Gate, and peeled it off without any damage.

Obviously this is a lot of ambitious people who tried to do it for many years but failed to succeed, but it resulted in a reward or murder on the list of wanted persons. A locked Pandora's box was opened without any trace of lock picking or damage. NS.

"What is the dragon vein? It's not just a rush of chakras underground, right?" Kraunpisi asked.

"In layman's terms, it is a meeting point of the arteries of planetary life, but this should be the thing formed by the root system of the sacred tree after the first [Infinite Moon Reading] that year. Because this world will not have chakras without the transformation of the sacred tree. Although the dragon vein energy is different from the chakras transformed from biological and natural energy, it is undoubtedly chakras. This is not wrong. Maybe it was originally the earth vein, do you know the concept of earth vein?"

"I still know this."

"A rare alliance, so I should show more sincerity." Bai Yiji continued, "Before talking about the relationship between the earth veins and the chakras, do you know what chakras are? Why does one of my people plant sacred trees to gradually change the planet Your own energy and power system? Since you plan to form an alliance with me, then share your insights, not to mention the superficial statements in this world textbook. If there is no relatively feasible countermeasure and analysis of Otsuki, I can’t rest assured Take care of the seedbed, because once the sacred tree is planted, even if you don’t contact your family, thousands of years later, the possibility of being discovered by the Otsukimoto family will increase.”

After listening to it, Kraunpisi laughed and said, "Hehe, you already have an idea, right? Be a stupid? Otherwise, you won't come here with me, but refused at the beginning. Do you think it's your turn to ask me and prepare to pretend to be forced? You know, my compatriots have many capable fairies."

"Then, tell me?" Bai Yiji raised her chin.

"Okay, then I'm going to start acting." So, Crown Pith really started acting—

The reason why the Datongmu people want to plant the sacred tree and produce the chakra fruit, that is, use the sacred tree to convert the life of the planet into chakras, because the Datongmu people cannot use the universal natural energy, which also includes "solar energy" and other sources. Gives the star energy that provides one of the life conditions for the planet.

Therefore, the Otsuki family managed to cultivate things like the Ten-tailed sacred tree. The Ten-tailed sacred tree itself is a part of nature. It can perform its function as a tree to transform the nutrients and "solar energy" in the planet into a part of itself, and then bloom. Chakra is generated in the result.

In this way, the transformation of energy conversion is completed, and the material and energy that originally gave birth to life on the planet have become the ration of the Datongmu family-the crystallization of Chakra.

Speaking of the relationship between Chakra and the sacred tree I have to mention that it can control the reincarnation eye of the ten-tailed sacred tree.

From the current observations, the Datongmu clan didn't originally have that kind of eyes. It should have the eyes of reincarnation after the sacred tree. From Huiye eating chakra fruit to open the reincarnation writing round eyes, to the big tube wooden Yuyi whose original eyes were also white, awakening after being stimulated, the writing round eyes to the reincarnation eye line of blood succession phenomenon, this relationship should not be wrong. .

The reincarnation eye must originate from the ten tails, considering the powerful chakra collection ability of the sacred tree [Unlimited Moon Reading] and [God·Birth of the Tree Realm], the operator must prepare the reincarnation eye and let the reincarnation writing reincarnation of the sacred tree bloom To achieve this, these eyes must be able to dominate Chakra. This is probably the reason why the tail beast is easily dominated and sealed by the eye of the writing wheel and the eye of reincarnation.

Having said that, there are other aspects that prove that Otsuki cannot directly use the energy in nature.

For example, using the Reincarnation Eye [Hungry Ghost Road] to directly extract the chakras containing natural energy, they can be extracted, but they will be assimilated by nature if they are not careful. Otsuki Mokura-style also declared itself dangerous to them during the battle.

But it's not completely impossible, as long as you learn the fairy arts, such as Otsuki Yuyi, but the technology of the Otsukimoto family does not originally use the magic of natural energy, and it is generally impossible to talk about it. Otsuki Yui’s ability to quickly learn immortality may be due to some of the indigenous blood of the world, because the sacred tree takes a thousand years to bloom and bear fruit without other external forces. It must be natural energy to consume such a long time. Converting into usable chakras is not an easy task—it's just probably nothing for the extremely long-lived big barrels.

In order for the fairy to have a way to confront the big tube tree head-on, rather than by tricks, in addition to using the negative energy poisoning method that is still being studied, there are other ways............

(to be continued)

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