Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 9 Chapter 350: My sister gave Naruto her heart

Winkaworth raised his hand to cover his face and said, "Hey, at this rhythm, we will be shattered by the shock wave when we approach, right?"

Alfin: "Calm down and stare at the tomb of Sasuke that may appear at any time. Because even if Anqi has the eyes of reincarnation, it seems that there is no room left."

Winkworth: "No, I can't see the tomb of the wheel."

Alfin: "...I'm sorry, I forgot. Then you pay attention to whether anyone on the ground will get in the way."

On the ground battlefield, only Konoha ninjas can fight. They are still fighting the sunflower stalemate, and the battles on other battlefields have ended or been interrupted.

One of the most inconspicuous is Larva, who added buffs to the battlefield at the beginning of the battle but felt that the changes were negligible.

She slowly raised her hand and pointed it in the air. Although she did not have the ability to achieve this in a battle of this standard, she was carrying out what she had done in the war at this time.

"I don't need to fight anymore, Mary, you see the right time. I'm going to add a buff to them."

"I understand." Mary replied.

Larva's skills can reduce the values ​​of all enemy combat units on the battlefield by a certain value.

This kind of magic buff is almost a rule level. Of course, in Yggdrasil, this value will not be large. If Lalva’s comprehensive strength is calculated at 100 at this time, the value that can be forced to reduce all enemy units in the battlefield is 3~ 5. This has almost no effect on those ninjas who are strong and have undergone tough environment survival training.

So, when the two of them are cooperating and concentrating their energy and fighting a big move comparable to a sixth-level opponent, how is it that you are so suddenly disrupted?

Naruto Sasuke shook as if he had been littered with hemp, and Chakra's control had something wrong.

Normally, this should be a little bit slower, but now this flaw is really too much for An Qi.

"Ah!" An Qi smashed the chaotic and fragile Zijin giant fist one after another, approaching the two.

Naruto endured the feeling of a surge of blood and blood, and switched to the [Angry King Kong] that automatically responded.

"I won! [Good night]!" An Qi clenched her fists again, and every force in her body spewed out into a monster phantom that turned into four different monsters. With her high-speed rocket punch, the [Angry King Kong] will be stabbed in the same way. Smashed like crackers, Sasuke was blown away by the way, and he rushed towards Naruto.

Now her speed is definitely faster than that of Sakumo Hagi and Shisui, who surpassed the zeroth fastest man in the ninja world not long ago, even if she used time and space ninjutsu.

Sasuke, who was flying upside down, was about to activate [Heaven Hand Force], suddenly his surroundings were covered by a wall of fire, and his body could only spin on the spot again.

"[Inseparable], [Fire Escape·Fire Extinguish]." Alphan stared at Sasuke with a writing wheel, and blew the fire vigorously in his mouth, thinking, "If you want to breathe, breathe it, [Tian Shou Li] as long as you can’t see it. The goal can't be changed."

So, Sasuke launched the [Round Tomb·Border Prison], which was just restored not long ago, and let the shadow clone open [Suzano Nohu], and fully transported some Naruto’s Yang Power Chakras in his body. The power of yin is united and condensed on the arrow——

"[Indra Arrow]!"

Mary, who received Larva's reminder, saw that this was a good opportunity, and immediately shrank all her Taoist jade and used the strongest trick: "[Golden Wheel Reincarnation]."

The golden beam of light rose up into the sky, and fell to the place of conflict in the sky!

Sasuke is too late to accumulate energy, so he will release the arrow directly--

"Get in the way!" An Qi had to change direction suddenly, a **** ball appeared in her hand and threw it out, smashing the [Round Tomb·Suzano] that Sasuke had just summoned.

Use the same trick twice on her? An Qi does not have the power of the six channels of orthodox channels, and the eyes of reincarnation alone cannot touch [Round Tomb·Border Prison], but she has fished away Naruto’s jade for the truth several times with a red fishing rod, and finally absorbed it. Saved.

Now it's time to activate the [High Emperor Production Spirit Zun] to use it.

The multiplied by Anqi’s fusion explosion and the disrupted and out of control [Indra’s Arrow] happened to coincide with each other. Almost at the same time, Mary’s golden beam of light was also pressed up, and the light burst in an instant, and the thunder was fierce. Even if the huge explosions in the sky did not affect the ground, the terrain directly below was drastically changed!

Alfin: "It seems that the combination of the power of the six yin and yang is stronger, and the reaction to the collision is even more intense. Coupled with the power of Mary, it is actually the sum of the six yin and yang forces with his younger brother... It feels the same as blew up?"

Wincavoz: "It's not the time to calm down, right? Angie is playing off! We're going to die again!"

Alfin: "It doesn't matter, die calmly, because even if you don't calm down, you won't live. As long as sister Kwai is not affected."

Winkworth: "It's not a good habit to get used to your own death."

They couldn't escape, and they each launched [Izanaki] again.

An Qi and Sasuke Naruto who were in the explosion were not so good, although they all used their own means to protect their bodies in the emergency, they still fell together.

And the fastest recovery is Angel, who will chakra inexhaustible as long as the human heart is dark.

"Can't you move, Naruto?" An Qi kept her head down and looked at Naruto who was falling with her chest. Sasuke has nothing to do with her and ignores her for now.

"Then, I'll start." An Qi took out the red fishing rod and threw it out.

The golden light flashed.


One wears two.


Sunflower drove away the crows that were harassing her: "Woo! It's so sad that Itachi and Shisui all ran away from me. [Kakiha Chichihime]."

"Bang." The illusion broke the backlash, and the avatar of Itachi shadow who had just cast illusion on the sunflower once again disappeared.

"Hey, Itachi's body is also gone? Is the person who flashed around and made me dizzy since just now is gone?"

Sunflower always keeps a distance from Konoha use his strengths to perform hurricane-like large-scale attacks and bombard them indiscriminately, to see if they can persist in the "BloodFort" how long.

After going around? Surrounded? involved?

It doesn't exist, now Sunflower has made good use of space magic to move. No one has a chance except Watergate.

Sunflower just mentions the waterproof door and leads people around. After the previous battle, Sunflower feels that keeping the combat distance between 100 meters and 300 meters between the two sides is just right for him when he is not using [Completely Susano].

After all, she played hundreds of meters of ninjutsu with no difficulty, and with her body equipped with hot weapons, facing multiple opponents, she was really hopeless without continuous long-range bombing with unlimited MP. But there are also new problems-

"But in this way, I won't have the opportunity to interfere with the seal and spirit magic, but I haven't heard of any seal technique that can be performed at such a long distance." This is where Sunflower is embarrassed.

(to be continued)

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