Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 9 Chapter 335: Karma, the defeat of Lord Ban

It was the last battle. Alfin confessed to Sasuke that he was reincarnated as a foreign soul and occupied part of the Sasuke twin sister.

The surrounding air was quiet for a while, and it seemed that the sound of fighting could not reach here.

But, Madara, are you still playing with the pillar and the door? Last time, because of the strength one after another, it was not addictive to do a post, but this time you want to do the brother's grass?

It's too conspicuous, it's hard not to pay attention.

However, it is true that Ten-tailed person has not yet evolved to its final form after being resurrected.

Alfin’s purpose is to never let Naruto Sasuke converge and seal the ten tails. If they are willing to chase it, it would be great, and continue to say: “I coveted your family’s body in order to get Uchiha’s blood, you Don't hate me, do you want to break my body into pieces? Although I have been teaching you to calm down, I didn't ask you to erase your feelings."

"When I understood the feeling of Kaleidoscope's eye opening, and the abnormality of your sister you sometimes, I became somewhat psychologically prepared. The other sister's inner part is also true, but she reincarnated into Yuekui sister's body, it is said that she gave up When the ninja's temperament changes, in order to protect you from the blood of your father, Patriarch Uchiha, am I right?"

"Although it is inaccurate, it is not far from the truth. Understand, from the time you were born, everything around you is false, all, all, the meaning of your life is nothing but the neurosis left by the trade between Itachi and Konoha Emotional comfort, and my eye accessories. Even so, do you oppose [Infinite Moon Reading]?"

"...Compared to this, there is something more important to the world." Sasuke summoned [Suzano Noho], "However, it seems that my sister is determined to irritate me so much and wants to keep me here. , Presumably I, like Naruto, can’t move on without making a break between my brothers and sisters.”

"It's very quick to understand, right?"

"Yes." Sasuke knew Alfin's purpose, so he could still only agree to it. Their [full body must be sorrowful] spread to the living would definitely be in vain, and the deceased would only fall into constant shattering and Fix the endless loop of no time to help. Akatsuki has other combat powers, and she can count on those people to deal with it, not let them give it away.

The purple-black and purple figure instantly moved away from the [Four Red Sun Formation] that imprisoned the ten tails. Sasuke did not give up his vigilance because of Alphan’s "single-difference declaration". The guy who used to visit his house every day might hide. Where can I secretly open a bow and set an arrow, although according to the arrangement, someone will look for her to pin her, but there is no time to observe other battlefields, and Sasuke can't bet that his teammates will win.

"Lea, who are we looking for as our opponent now?" Granbell said, looking up at the direction where the two giants are going.

"The guys from [Unclean Reincarnation] haven't been cleaned up yet." Igria grinned and looked at the battlefield, because all the sealing techniques would be held back by the strong, and those enemies who had been bombarded by An Qi on a large scale unexpectedly recovered. A lot.


Ten minutes later--

In order to defeat their opponents, the two sides continue to liberate their killers, and the battle continues to escalate.

As time passed by, the scars on the earth continued to increase, and no one remembered what the topography of this place was like an hour ago.

However, the situation of the war suddenly changed greatly contrary to common sense.

"Zhu Jian, you fellow--" Madara, unable to move, faced Zhu Jian and spoke out the foul language that hadn't been cursed even if he was defeated several times in the past and his family members were victimized.

Zhuma sharply rebuked Madara: "Maara, you not only collect tail beasts, but also try to gain my power. You are too greedy. It is not a bad thing to pursue power for the sake of ideals, but you blindly seize things that do not belong to you. Excessive power, if it is not something you cannot control after all, it will only lead to your own destruction. Madara, you don't know it."

The fairy technique Chakra between the Thousand Hands Pillars is not only pure natural energy, but also the vitality contained in the Mu Dun, which has never been seen before. After the death of the pillars, future generations can only rely on transplanting Mu Dun cells to obtain Mu Dun. However, almost all of them were eroded and killed by the unconscious inter-column cells. Even if the Uchiha clan can control the wood escape, it is only possible to achieve a balance between the powerful spiritual energy of the writing wheel eyes and the life force of the inter-column cells.

The only person who can fully control the Wood Escape Immortal Technique is between the pillars, and even if this force reaches someone else's body, it cannot be changed.

Therefore, during another fierce battle with Madara, Zhu Jian suddenly manipulated Madara to absorb the power of his wood escape, further disrupting the stability of the cells between the pillars in his body, making Madara completely stagnant for a while.

(It was the original space-time pillar that asked Er Zhuzi to deal with Madara for him, but he was defeated by [Round Tomb·Border Prison] and failed to use it)

This flaw is fatal in front of the pillar and the door.

"[Fei Lei Shen Zhan]!" Suddenly appeared, Kuwu wiped his spotted neck.

Between the pillars, he also took out a samurai sword and pierced Madara's chest with a single knife.

"Ma...was killed?!"

"You lied to the fairy?"

"This kind of thing is too ridiculous?"


When the fairies saw that Madara was killed by the pillars, they all showed great shaking.

If it was just the fact that Madara Uchiha lost to Zhuma Senjuma, it would not be that shocking. After all, Madara had never beaten Zhuma before he was alive, right? However, the pillars have never recovered their peak strength during his On the contrary, Madara has gained more power than before. Not long ago, Madara won once, but there was no wound in the pillars and triumphed. Why is Madara triumphant in just a few minutes now? Was it easily subdued by the pillar?

For the goblin, this might be bad.

[Unlimited Moon Reading] It must be performed by Madara. After all, if you want to resurrect Huiye and then clean it up, it is a necessary condition for the container of Resurrection Huiye to be possessed by Heijue's heart. No fairy is willing to play that kind of unlucky role.

Every life has the most primitive instinct. The fear of death by the fairies is just the most primitive instinct of life, but when necessary, sacrifice will not be rejected.

Because there is a way to resurrect, fairies are not afraid of biological clinical death; because as long as Kraunpisi, who has the ability to create monsters, is still alive, everyone can reshape, even if the remodeled self is not the self in the past, but Being reshaped does not have that sense of disharmony. The consciousness can be smoothly docked, so it is not necessarily unacceptable that the ashes will disappear; in addition, the consciousness of some goblins is forced to be set, and it is impossible to refuse any request from Kraunpith, even if it is to let them. It's the same with taking the initiative to die.

But there are also different situations............

(to be continued)

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