Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 9 Chapter 322: Blooming sakura

An Qi used a red fishing rod to **** the chakra from the strong inside [Four Red Sun Formation], and by the way hooked away the chakras of Lin, Ying and Fu, and absorbed them for use.

"Three-tailed, seven-tailed Chakra, barely counted as a ten-tailed? Hahaha, kidding, don't they think that this 3+7 can compete with the real 10? Hahahahahaha." An Qi became happy.

What about the resistance of the ninja?

Just ignore it. Unless you have powers other than Chakra, you will be walking too hard even if you have not fallen. Even if you resist, it is just like a moth to the fire, just like Neji who died in vain.

"But I'm watching from afar to see how the troops here will deal with it... Well, just fight it, anyway, they are also a mob when they go to the Ten Tails."

An Qi cancelled a clone, eliminated the [Four Red Sun Formation], and the remaining clone was thrown out by An Qi in the direction she sensed, and then turned and left.

"Huh?" After walking for a while, An Qi felt the news from the clone and was incredibly stunned. The monster-like pain turned into a line.

After a while, she shook her head: "Forget it, I don't have that kind of interest. As long as they don't show up in front of me again, I won't see them. Ah, why do I still want to be awkward with my compatriots at this time."


Time goes back a little--

After clarifying the essence of the virus that Alphan gave them, Konoha village also used the [Flying Thunder God Technique] to facilitate another action while re-entering the campaign.

At this time, Tsunade, as the number one medical ninja in the ninja world, needs to go to the front line to milk the living teammates, so the ninja Chakra can be turned into heat, a virus that is too harmful to the ninja. After learning about the relevant information and contacts from the Fifth Unit desperately, they sent a small group to the right place. In short, with the order of the unit commander, they came here to collect as many ninjas as possible with medical knowledge.

Leaded by Tsunade’s disciple Silent, Kozakura’s deputy. He also brought three people, including Guideng Suigetsu, Libra Shigego, and Uzumaki Fragrant Phosphorus that Sasuke had obtained from the Oshemaru base. Other medical ninjas and others have poor combat power, and most of them seem to be struggling to deal with Bai Jue.

The reason for bringing the three of Suigetsu, Shigogo, and Fragrant Phosphorus is based on Sakura’s judgment. On the one hand, it is the person Sasuke brought back to the village. Then it should be considered okay, and the combat power is also good; of course, the point is another. on the one hand--

Shigego is the prototype of the curse seal. Since the curse seal can delay the occurrence of the disease from the pathological characteristics of Sasuke, then Shigego is necessary;

Shuiyue’s ghost lamp clan’s ability can turn the body into water. When it is hydrated, even if it splits into water and sends it to the sky and rains, it’s okay. At this time, the body is still controllable. This kind of person can be used as a medicine injection tool. convenient;

There is also Phosphorus. She is a medical ninja, and she is very powerful, and can use the abilities of the Maelstrom clan in the same system as An Qi, and some abilities are also not available to An Qi.

Everyone is resting. I don't know when An Qi will leave. I hope that the frontline battle can force An Qi to rush to the front line for support. Maybe it's not that difficult, maybe as long as Naruto appears on the battlefield, An Qi will rush away?

"Eh!" The Phosphorus who was trying to block the team Chakra suddenly made a strange cry.

"What's wrong?" Silent asked quickly.

"I was discovered, the clone of that monster... is here! So fast, I can't escape!" Xianglin hurriedly said, she was not a combat type originally.

"Do you have a clone? That can only be met." Sakura stood up and put on her special combat gloves-even if the steel bars of the building were blasted with a heavy fist, there would be no broken gloves. At the same time, the yin on her head was sealed. The lines spread to the whole body.

"Sakura, this will use the [Hundred Grand Technique], and the difficulty of rescuing the patient will be much higher afterwards." Mute reminded.

"I know, let the others step back and take refuge first." Kozakura replied, her voice trembling a little.

Otherwise, I really can't afford the courage to fight An Qi.

Silence is just a reminder. She knew this and said: "I know, give me the first battle."

An Qi is so terrifying. They only understand the intelligence shared by the coalition forces. They also understand that they are no opponents. But now they are facing a clone, and they can fight. An Qi is powerful, except for the output brought by the terrible Chakra volume. The defense and resilience are said to be almost comparable to those of the ninja gods back then, but it can't change the fact that the clone cannot be transformed into a beast, and will disappear as long as it causes a slight damage.

Hearing Sakura’s words, Suigetsu slapped and followed the brigade’s steps and moved back: "I know, then I will also..."

"Bang!" Suddenly he was knocked down by Xianglin, and he was pressed to the ground.

Xiang Pho was out of control and shouted: "Why! I obviously saw Sasuke come to pick me up to get to the village of Konoha, but why do I have to go to the funeral with my rival here!"

The one who could perceive An Qi's horror the most, she really didn't even have the confidence to escape.

Shuiyue: "I know the truth, why hit me?"

Sakura: "Now is not the time for you to flirt and scold! She is here!"

Fragrant Phosphorus & Shuiyue: "Who is flirting!"

Mute: "Come on, Angie!"

She yelled to the leaping An Qi, who was once Konoha Ninja, it would be great if she was willing to hesitate.

Actually not. An Qi didn't hesitate to attack these people, but it was cleaning work, enough to deal with things, casually hitting a wave, if they were lucky enough to be alive, and they didn't dare to come and ask for more things.

Silent opened his mouth and spouted a puff of purple poisonous smoke. If the opponent is a clone, this level is usually enough——

"Ha!" An Qi Foxtail avatar laughed, and a gust of wind blew the poisonous smoke back, so Silent had to cancel the ninjutsu so as not to hurt Hahahaha, kill! "

Terrible laughter resounded across the battlefield. This was not An Qi's voice, but Shigeo. The savage An Qi clone had completely inspired his uncontrollable natural curse, and turned into a monster.

Sakura didn't care about that person, as long as he didn't hit her, she lifted Chakra with her fist, and hit the ground in front of her with a punch.

"Boom!" The earthquake hit, causing An Qi's body to shake for a while.

"Take advantage of it now! [Sakura Chong]!" Sakura rushed towards An Qi's avatar in a vigorous step, clenching her fists and hitting her hard.

It doesn’t matter if An Qi’s avatar still has spare energy. With the blessing of the secret technique that Dacheng is proud of during her three years of practicing, Sakura can not only increase her muscle strength, but also recover from fatal injuries. Hit the body that grabbed An Qi's avatar, and the odds of winning would be great.

Compared with this, what needs to be calculated is the possibility of An Qi's body returning after the clone has been destroyed.

(to be continued)

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