Ranger Legend of Azeroth

Chapter 453: Silence from the world of the dead

Elven rangers also have limited lethality against dead soldiers, and only those middle and high-level rangers can quickly kill those dead soldiers. A large number of low-level rangers face these dead soldiers who don't care about body damage, and feel like dire wolves. There is no way to start.

Especially those death soldiers with heavy plate armor, like a humanoid turtle, their bows and arrows have almost no chance to nail into the death soldier's body.

Even those undead soldiers in mail and chain armor can make these low-level rangers feel depressed. Even though the dead soldiers were nailed into hedgehogs by the ranger's bow and arrow, they ignored them as if they were unconscious and continued their attack.

Mid-level and high-level elf rangers can quickly kill dead soldiers, but unfortunately their number is too small, but fortunately, the elves have the son of Blizzard, the mage. Although the number is smaller than that of mid-level and high-level elf rangers, they have powerful group damage magic , Blizzard, Fire Rain, and Arcane Storm surged out one after another, causing immeasurable damage to the soldiers of death.

Habayashi Blood Eagle discovered that ice spells such as blizzards, which have been very eye-catching since the start of the war, greatly reduced the damage to dead soldiers. However, the fire and arcane magics, which had always seemed to be slightly inferior, were extremely eye-catching when dealing with the undead.

For living creatures, the freezing effect that often occurs with ice spells rarely occurs when dealing with undead. It seems that undead have excellent resistance to frost magic, but against fire magic and arcane magic, death soldiers They appear to be much more fragile than other creatures.

Habayashi Bloodhawk turned his head and glanced at Cirvanas, seeing that Cirvanas was fighting the death knight, no! It should be Cirvanas fighting the death knight.

Because the death knight was wearing heavy armor, and the nearby buildings didn't have any protrusions for him to climb to the roof to fight Sylvanas, so he was always passively beaten on the street.

Habayashi Blood Eagle thought to himself that the death knight's death grip did not have such a long release distance, so he was passively beaten. Although the succubus also has a pair of small wings, the pair of small wings on her back are more decorative than practical, and it is impossible for her body to take off.

Seeing that Sylvanas needed no help at all, he raised his bow and joined the ranks of killing the dead soldiers.

How can I say that Habayashi Blood Eagle is now an elite existence, and after a few bosses carefully taught him, if he still can't become an elite, then he is really useless, let alone he has also comprehended mind shooting?

So he shoots almost one arrow at a time. Occasionally, one or two death shield warriors can block his attack with a heavy shield, and most of the rest of the death warriors are under his normal shooting, with a fragile egg There is no difference.

He didn't shoot a magic arrow, all of them were ordinary shots, but his killing speed was much faster than most elf rangers.

As the killing progressed, he discovered a new phenomenon. When those dead soldiers who were nailed to the head or heart by him with arrows died, a faint black energy seemed to dissipate from their bodies.

He carefully observed the death soldiers killed by other elves, and they also had the same phenomenon. Once the dead soldiers were stabbed in the heart or in the head, apart from a strange howl before death, a faint black air would emanate from their bodies.

For Habayashi Xueying, who is known as a magic idiot, this is something he can't figure out. He can't explain this phenomenon. He just quietly remembers it in his heart and waits for this battle to end before finding someone else. ask.

The group of death warriors summoned by the death knights was about 400 people. It's not that the death knight can't summon more, but that there are only about four hundred corpses nearby. Without enough corpses, the death knight is also a clever woman who can't cook without rice.

There are four hundred or so death fighters, neither too many nor too few. Even 400 or so pigs are enough for the elves to kill for a while. Fortunately, more than half of the time has passed, and less than one-third of the death fighters are left.

If it was a living army, the army with such a casualty rate would have collapsed long ago, but these dead soldiers are not living people, they are undead. They have a more tenacious fighting will than living people, and they also have a bloodthirsty crazier than living people Yu Wang.

Habayashi Xueying discovered that this group of undead was very different from the undead in the future Undercity. The undead from the Undercity have their own minds, and they are also afraid of death, even though they are dead.

In fact, the undead in the future Undercity are almost the same as the living except for their physical differences. But this group of undead soldiers summoned by the death knights didn't seem to have any independent thinking, or their thinking and will were controlled by something.

In their pair of eyes shining with icy cold light, there are only ruthless indifference and crazy bloodthirsty desire, apart from this, you can't see any other emotions.

fear! This kind of psychology that living people will have, UU reading www.uukanshu. You will never see a single trace of them, even if the corpses of the dead soldiers in front are piled up like a mountain, they still keep sending them to death.

Some dead soldiers march forward without saying a word even though their arms and legs are severed, attacking like a wooden man without any feeling until they are truly dead. They are like a group of wooden puppets, but they are much more flexible than wooden puppets, and they are also much more terrifying than wooden puppets.

The attacks of the death warriors are always silent, fearless and silent, this is the silence from the world of the dead. They don't march forward with shouts like living people, and fight with shouts, they just attack silently or die. But it was this silent silence that brought unspeakable pressure to the enemies who were fighting them head-on.

Fortunately, the elves have now transferred the pressure to the pets. Habayashi Xueying doesn't know if the pets will feel the pressure, but he feels that if the pets can really feel this pressure, then death Soldiers are bound to suffer worse. Because the injured beast will attack the enemy more fiercely, the same threatened beast will attack the enemy more frantically.

The elves are also very silent, because they have almost no frontal pressure, they just keep shooting arrows behind them! Let the arrows go! The elven arcane mages had a little voice, but it wasn't the sound of shouting and killing, but because they needed to release magic.

To release the magic, you must read a spell, no matter whether the sound is loud or small, it is a sound. It's just that not many people can hear this sound, because the huge roars of the pets who are fighting head-on with the death warriors have completely covered the voices of the elven arcane mages chanting.

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