Rampant Online Games

Chapter 2861: Cruel Blood Skeleton

Chapter 2861




Today, Chu Jing's output has reached a very strong and stable level.

Almost every arrow can cause millions of damages to Nier.

And with Chu Jing's attack speed, just a few seconds is enough to shoot a dozen arrows, and there are tens of millions of life points here!

Although Neil's blood bar is thick, he can't stand such a pretense.

"Let go of me! Let go of me!!!"

Neil kept twisting his body, trying to escape from Congcong's prosthetic limb, but after a lot of futility, his skin turned a strange blood red, and his tendons were beating like a loach.

A huge force erupted from the body.

With a low growl, Neil broke free from the two mechanical prosthetic limbs on his body.

"Yeah!" Congcong's voice was very surprised, obviously he didn't expect Neil to be so powerful.

"Be careful Congcong, this guy has transformed and his attributes have become stronger."

Chu Jing, who was in the corner, gave instructions to Cong Cong, and also saw that Neil had the ability to activate alienation and bloodlust.


The berserk Neil roared, turned into a strange shadow, and rushed towards Congcong.

"Da da da! Da da da!"

His fist speed is even more amazing than before.

Almost every second, more than twenty fist shadows fell on Cong Cong.

"Bang bang bang! bang bang bang!"

Amidst the dull and continuous impact, Congcong's feet kept retreating, and the blood bar above his head also decreased at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing that the blood bar is about to enter the bottom of the valley.

"Huh huh..."

The light representing healing and holiness washed over Cong Cong's back like running water.

The little girl's blood line stopped falling, instead of falling, it increased.

On the other side of the corner, the elf of light folded his hands, his forehead and the tip of his nose were covered with fine beads of sweat, and his small face was full of seriousness.

Beside, the rope on the blood skull has been untied.

After simple treatment, the wounds on his body had scabbed over, and the bruises on his face had also faded a lot.

"Thank you elf, I will treat you to some cheese when I have time."

The domineering strong female blood skeleton rarely showed a soft look, and her gaze was more like a mother looking at her daughter.

She knew that the Spirit of Light, Congcong, and Transformers were all Chu Jing's pets, that is, Chu Jing's son and daughter.

So in Blood Skull's heart, the two big and one small ones naturally became her children.

"Now, let me settle accounts with this idiot."

When the Blood Skull's eyes fell on Neil, the soft color on his face turned into indifference.


She took out a revolver made of red metal with a picture of a skull holding a rose on it, and aimed it at Neal's eyes.


There was a powerful gunshot.

The large-caliber revolver bullet hit Neil directly in the eye.


Neil yelled, and the eyeball of one eye burst open, and blood flowed out. This eye seemed hollow and terrifying as if it had been gouged out.

Neil's health also dropped by tens of millions.


Chu Jing was quite surprised, he didn't expect that he shot so many arrows without destroying Neil's eyes.

Blood Skull is fine.

One shot into the soul directly crippled Neil's eyes, and also knocked out a large part of his blood.

But what Chu Jing didn't know was.

Today's picture is just the beginning.

Next, the blood skull turned into a cold-eyed goddess gun.

She squinted one eye and stared carefully at Neil's face with one eye.

"Bang bang bang! bang! bang! bang!"

Neil then became the target of Blood Skull.

Her fingers pulled the trigger rhythmically.

Every time it is buckled, a bullet will hit Neil's face accurately, and a cloud of blood will burst out on it.

"O crazy woman! I'll kill you! I'll kill you!"

Neil roared wildly and rushed towards the blood skull.

However, every time he was hit by a revolver bullet, his face would burst into blood, and he stepped back a few steps. After several shots, Neil's head was covered in blood, and the features of his face could no longer be distinguished. Some pieces of meat mixed with blood fell to the ground. The bleakness of the picture makes people's hearts locked.

At the beginning of the battle, Chu Jing was still stealing damage from the side, but at the end of the fight, he found that he didn't need to output himself at all, so he had to give up and just watched the bloody skeleton shoot Neil frantically. The bloody scene made the light elf close his eyes, Can not bear to look.

Chu Jing watched with relish, and even showed some appreciation for the blood skull.

Wild in bed.

Rampage under the bed.

Dare to love and hate, she is a fierce girl!

that's all.

Under the output of the martyrdom blood skeleton.

Cooperate with the harassment of Congcong and Transformers.

Neil didn't survive for too long, his head was completely blasted by bullets, and the blood line also bottomed out. The heavy corpse fell to the ground, and the inanimate domain just quietly dispersed.

When everything returns to reality.

In a messy office.

Only Neil's corpse remained conspicuous.

Chu Jing glanced around and listened to the voice outside the door.

After making sure no thugs were approaching, he nodded, saving himself the trouble of dealing with the shrimp soldiers and crab generals.

"Pong! Pong! Pong! Pong!"

Unexpectedly, the short silence was broken.

Chu Jing stared at the blood skull in a daze.

The latter was not happy with Neal's death.

She still picked up the revolver and aimed at Neal's face and kept shooting.

Bullets go down one by one.

Neil's head was terrifying like a deformed flesh and blood thing.

His body was riddled with holes.

"Ka Ka Ka..."

The revolver suddenly made a jamming sound, obviously out of bullets.

"Hey, do you have any bullets, give me some."

Blood Skull waved to Chu Jing.

"..." Chu Jing was completely speechless, sister, is it still like this after everyone is dead? Is it too harsh?


Chu Jing is not a gun expert, where did he get the bullets? I can only shake my head.


The Blood Skull responded, opened the drawer of the desk, and took out a handful of strange-shaped daggers from it.

"Chick! Chick! Chick!"

Then the Blood Skull turned on the brutal mode, constantly using the dagger to warm Neil's body. Even in the end, she stabbed the dagger hard into Neil's key part!

This scene made Chu Jing inexplicably chill, with countless resentments in his heart.

Bloody Skull, they didn't insult you, did they? As for this?

Even if there is a grudge, can't you tell me before doing it?

As a male compatriot, I can't bear to look directly at this picture!

After some venting, Bloody Skull finally felt better, and found that Chu Jing's face was full of fear, which was different from usual, so he said angrily, "Chu, when we met for the first time, I didn't see you so afraid of me?"

Chu Jing couldn't help taking two steps back, and said with a smile: "Blood Skeleton, I didn't realize you were so cruel at the time?"

"Cruel, haven't you already realized it?"

The blood skull showed an ambiguous expression.

"Chi Chi Chi?"


Both Cong Cong and the Spirit of Light came over, yelling loudly, wondering how the Blood Skull treated Chu Jing cruelly.

After all, doesn't this sister look like a good person?

Why did you treat your brother so cruelly?

"Ahem, cough, two girls, don't care about such things."

Chu Jing rubbed the foreheads of the Spirit of Light and Congcong, and took the two little ones and Gangzi into the pet space, and suddenly found that some kind of equipment flickered on Neil's body.

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