Biquge, the fastest update and fast wear: Raiders the latest chapter of the black male master!

Tang Qing's words made the Elven King unable to sit still. From the moment he woke up, he felt the majestic power of the Lingzhi clan in Shen Moli's body. He thought he had already integrated the cultivation of the tree of life into it. The guy is so dead! No chaos without fusion!

The anxious elven king no longer calmed down before, but walked around the house, murmured: "What to do, what to do, this is a rare good seedling!"

Just as Tang Qing was very anxious, he heard the cool sound of the system coming out of his mind. "Qing Qing, there is actually another way to delay the power of chaos in his body."


"Do you remember your agreement?"

Tang Qing froze for a moment, "... so do you mean?"

The system was not pissed, thinking of himself to complete the task, so he said: "Hey, continue your high game!"

Tang Qing's face was delicate, "How do you know this game."

The system squinted indifferently, "Well, when I'm so naive and innocent I can't hear your secret code?"

Okay, since the system has said this, Tang Qing simply let go of his restraint, "Hee hee, we have grown up with the baby, and I thought that even holding a small hand was even more nervous than me."


Spicy chicken, let's not be a good friend before!

The elven king still didn't think of a way, but when he glanced at someone who was more nervous than him before, but at the moment it was a leisurely look, and she knew she thought of a way.

"any solution?"

If there is no brain, Tang Qing understands, "Have you ever heard of the association of the wizarding family?"

"Of course I have heard it." Speaking of which, the eyes of the elven king flashed by surprise. He saw that there were several bloodlines in his body, but he always thought that it was a weak human race, a dwarf race. Wizards. Thinking of this, huge curiosity made him continue to ask: "Mu Bei, how much bloodline does he have?"

Tang Qing did not hide the person who was dying. After all, he did not have a bad impression on him, so he said: "He should have everything except the elven and heaven races so far."

The elven king was shocked, and after a long time, he was actually angrily said: "There should be all of them how can he not wake up the elven blood!"

Tang Qing was speechless, but saw the Elven King suddenly burst out laughing, "But it doesn't matter anymore. Such a powerful person is destined to be the king of my elven clan, hahaha."

The laughter became more and more magnificent, but the shadow of the elven king became weaker and weaker until it completely disappeared into the air.

Looking at the other side, Shen Moli suddenly saw two majestic forces in his body. At the moment, his eyes closed tightly, and his smooth forehead was covered with fine sweat.

Tang Qing walked slowly beside him, took out the Sipa he carried with him, knelt beside him and was about to wipe off the sweat for him. How about he suddenly put her in his arms behind him, the hoop In her muscular arms, she felt her bones were about to break.

"Amo, you let go first."

Originally I just wanted to appease him. After hearing the sentence, the arm of the stirrup used a little force. Although he never spoke from beginning to end, the action already explained everything.

Tang Qing was helpless and could only say: "Well, hug if you want to hug."

The words fell, and a sharp gaze swept over, but Shen Moli didn't know when he had opened his eyes. His face remained unchanged, but there was a layer of black gas in the green eyes, just like the moon above the moon With the dark clouds, the dull colors were particularly shocking.

That is……

"Warning, warning, the black value of the male lead has risen!"

Tang Qing has n’t heard this for a long time. At that time, his heart was awkward, "Amo, you can hear me right, you calm down, you see, I ’m still here, I did n’t leave ..."

I do n’t know how long it has been. Shen Moli, who has been silent for a long time, finally opens his mouth. He stares at Tang Qing momentarily. For a long time, he suddenly raises his lips and smiles. The smile is like a child, very innocent. Qing was terrified.

"Tang Qing, you are mine."

The sudden real name shocked Tang Qing as a whole. How did he know his name?

"Unification !!"

Before she finished, the system growled: "Don't ask me, I don't know!"

He also wanted to know how exactly this guy knew her name!

Shen Moli hugged her, and when she saw her, she couldn't help but said quickly: "Tang Qing, why don't you talk?"

Don't look at the simplicity of his laughter now, but the voice is very wrong. After all, under normal circumstances, he can't change her by name and surname.

Tang Qing had mixed feelings, but he could only coax on the face: "Amo, I'm here."

When Shen Moli heard this, he was in a very good mood. However, if he knew of this Amo, it would be another situation. (Note: The initial name of the male host was Shi Mo.)

"Tang Qing, you will always be by my side, isn't it?" Shen Moli is like a coquettish child, not to mention anything else, the smile is enough to dazzle, of course, if you ignore the ray of black gas in his eyes.

I don't know why, he looked like this, inexplicably made her think of the bad memories before, but she always feels the truth.

"Tong, do you think ..."

Although she didn't finish, the system said tacitly: "Yes!"

Tang Qing swallowed. Although he hadn't figured it out yet, he was shocked.

"Tang Qing, you haven't answered me yet." Shen Moli looked at her seriously.

Tang Qing knew that he could not be irritated at the moment, and he could only coax him, "Of course, where can I go besides Amo?" The words fell, and he said to the system: "Quick, check all his values. "

In fact, she does not need to speak, the system has already done so.

"Qing Qing, I checked a very unstable data, because such an example has never appeared before, but I think he may be because of two forces rushing in his body, leading to the appearance of a part of his hidden dark personality, After all, you know how many worlds there are. "

With this system in mind, Tang Qing calmed down, wasn't it just the dark character, the blackened, she had experienced it all! How afraid?

Shen Moli didn't know what she was thinking, and when she got the answer she wanted, she suddenly showed a contented smile.

"Qingqing, you better remember what you say, otherwise ..."

Tang Qing gradually breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the familiar title. It seemed that she had coaxed him to have a little effect.


Shen Mo smiled from the lips, the beautiful smile, the beautiful thrilling, "You better not know." When the words fell, he turned up, put her on the wall, stroked her delicate face with one hand, eyes almost Sick obsession.

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