Quickly Pass Through My Shop

Chapter 14 Ruin (full-time sorrow 14)

The fifteen-minute journey, the master arrived quickly in half the time, driving fast all the way.

Qiao Shi took out 500 yuan from his bag and handed it to the master, and then quickly ran to the school. From a distance, he saw a group of people arguing together.

"I want to sue your school, what kind of rubbish school, you are detaining children, why don't you let me take my children away, you are breaking the law!"

"Father An An, it's not too late to talk about it when Mother An An comes over. You will hurt An An in this way."

"Mom, mom, I want mom..."

The noisy voice was accompanied by the immature cries of rice cakes.

Qiao Shi quickly pushed away the crowd, and saw Cheng Qing tightly holding the rice cake in his arms, and the rice cake was out of breath from crying.

Qiao Shi found two hair pins to fix his hair from his bag, and pierced Cheng Qing's arm fiercely.

Cheng Qing let go of the rice cake in pain, Qiao Shi hurriedly pulled the rice cake over, and then pushed it to their homeroom teacher.

"Mr. Xu, please help me bring the rice cakes to the classroom."


Teacher Xu was also afraid that Nian Gao's father would do something radical, so he quickly comforted Nian Gao and took Nian Gao to the classroom.

"Shen Xia! What are you doing, why don't you let me take the rice cake away, I am the rice cake's father!"

Cheng Qing shouted angrily, and Qiao Shi squeezed his hands expressionlessly. Cheng Qing glanced at Qiao Shi's hand and took a step back involuntarily, with a trace of fear in his eyes.

Pointing at Qiao Shi's hand, he swallowed his saliva and tried to remain calm.

"What do you want to do, this is a school!"

"You also know that this is a school."

As soon as the words fell, Qiao Shi rushed forward with a stride, and threw Cheng Qing directly to the ground with an over-the-shoulder fall. Cheng Qing screamed and rolled on the ground in pain.

"Don't you like domestic violence, don't you like making rice cakes, why can't you get up now?"

Qiao Shi spat at Cheng Qing, then kicked him hard in the stomach.

"A person like you can be said to be a father, I am!"

Just about to kick again, the phone rang at this moment.

"Found it, come here now."


Qiao Shi hung up the phone, turned around and looked at the teachers and security guards around him, with a bad expression on his face, he picked up Cheng Qing's collar with his bare hands, and picked him up.

"I'm sorry, teachers, the family's troubles have reached the school, and it won't happen in the future."

Dragging Cheng Qing to the school gate and throwing him out like a dead dog, he kicked him hard before leaving. Qiao Shi clapped his hands and turned to go to the class to pick up the rice cake.

After comforting him with rice cakes, Qiao Shi rushed to the detective agency without stopping.

The detective agency's investigation is very fast this time, how long has it been?


"Boss Zhu is so fast this time?"

Qiao Shi really didn't expect it, but Boss Zhu gave Qiao Shi a complicated look, and then put the information he had found in front of Qiao Shi.

"I checked the two of them last time, and the content on the phone will be called out faster. Take a look and be mentally prepared at the end."

Qiao Shi quickly browsed through the information, and some voices were also translated by Boss Zhu. When the time comes, just take the original voices.

But as he watched, Qiao Shi's face gradually turned black.

She didn't expect that Cheng Qing agreed, anyway, Nian Gao is also his own son, and the tiger's poison is not a child!

"Thank you, I took the things, how much is it?"

"Last time, I made a lot of money following that guy Jiang Luan, and it can be regarded as being in your favor. This time, I don't need your money."

Boss Zhu chuckled.

Qiao Shi didn't insist anymore, he took his things and went back with rice cakes.

In the evening, Yu Xia called.

"Shen Xia, it's really as you said, but it's not Chu Tingkang, it's Chu Qinrong. I don't know the reason yet. Jiang Luan is investigating now, but Chu Tingkang probably doesn't know about it for the time being. He has been concealed. It must be revealed tomorrow."

"Okay, I'll wait for your news."

Qiao Shi hung up the phone, his eyes downcast.

This mission is also coming soon, she will get the mission point soon, but she doesn't know if this mission point can help Shui Bao.


The next day, Qiao Shi didn't send rice cakes to school, and kept watching the news about Chu's family.

At ten o'clock in the morning, the problem of that land was exposed.

The ruins were dug up in that piece of ground, which is very precious, and there is no possibility of recovery. The archaeological team has rushed to the scene.

The stock of Chujia had just picked up before, but it has been falling in recent days because of the wind, but the senior management inside the company didn't believe it, and didn't think there was any big problem with this land, so they kept pulling up the stock.

Now as soon as the problem broke out, the stock plummeted as a result, and it couldn't hold it back, and soon it fell to the limit, and a large number of sell orders were pressed hard on the top.

At this moment, it was revealed that Chu Qinrong planned to run away with money, and the whole company was completely in chaos.

Chu Qinrong is a member of the Chu family, so he must have gotten some rumors about it, and Chu Qinrong is also the manager of the finance department, so he must have known the news in advance.

Chu Tingkang was furious. He didn't know that Chu Qinrong wanted to run away at all. He only knew now that the matter was exposed.

However, before everyone could react, Chu Qinrong was arrested in the name of tax evasion and awaiting investigation.

The results of the investigation are likely to be true, otherwise those people would not come here and arrest people. The so-called investigation is just going through the motions.

In the past, the depositors bought land, bought back stocks, and invested funds to buy stocks. Now the depositor's capital chain must have been broken, otherwise those high-level officials would not sit idly by.

In this case, it is no longer possible for banks to lend money to depositors. Unless foreign capital is injected, depositors will inevitably go bankrupt.

It's just that at this time, I'm afraid that no foreign capital dares to rush in without hesitation, it's purely courting death.

Things continued to ferment, but Qiao Shi walked into the police station with a series of evidence.


"...He conspired with Chu Qinrong, planning to hide the rice cakes first, and then throw the rice cakes into the water after I gave up all my property, and made the rice cakes die unexpectedly to take revenge on me. The reason for his derailment before, I brought the reporter to find Chu Qinrong..."

In the last life, the rice cake did fall into the water accidentally, but it is also possible that the two of them deliberately starved the rice cake to death, otherwise how could they not send any food to the rice cake for so many days.

In this life, because she brought a reporter and beat her in front of everyone, and later intervened in the Chu family's stocks, Chu Qinrong held grudges.

Originally, she didn't expect Chu Qinrong to have the courage to kill rice cakes, at most she planned to kidnap her.

The reason for kidnapping is enough to ruin Cheng Qing and Chu Qinrong's reputation.

I just didn't expect the two of them to be so cruel.

Not to mention that this is a legal society, even Cheng Qing is Nian Gao's own father...

Qiao Shi frowned, and finally could only sigh for humanity.

He handed over some chat records and call records of Cheng Qing and Chu Qinrong to the police officer, and finally Qiao Shi handed over some videos of the original owner of Cheng Qing's domestic violence to the police.

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