Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 731 The little princess and her vampire empire (39)

The ground was full of corpses and bloodstains. Rusfan stood alone among them. The corners of his lips were curled up, and he wiped the bloodstains from the corners of his mouth elegantly and casually.

On the other side, almost as soon as Jiaoyang brought the soup, Lester, who noticed something was wrong, immediately waved his hand and dropped the bowl of freshly brewed soup to the ground.

There was a "bang" sound, and the porcelain bowl fell to pieces on the ground. Jiaoyang was startled and could not react for a moment. She saw that the hot soup was about to splash and fall on her delicate skin.

Lester suddenly activated his superpower, and the soup medicine floated out of thin air, and then landed lightly on the ground on the other side.

When the crisis was over, the first thing Jiaoyang did was to rush in front of Lester and anxiously grasp his cold hand. His lips became even weaker and paler.

Jiaoyang didn't feel any embarrassment or embarrassment after being exposed: "Are you crazy? You know your physical condition, why do you still use your powers indiscriminately?"

This time, Lester was no longer as gentle and tolerant as usual. His eyes overflowed with anger, and the temperature dropped to freezing point.

He would rather hurt his heart, violently threw away Jiaoyang's hand, and then began to cough violently, his face weak and purple.

"So what if you harm your own body."

Lester twitched his lips, then looked at her and asked straight to the point: "Where did the medicine come from?"


Jiaoyang lowered her eyes and hesitated for a moment. At this moment, Lester grabbed her arm and asked with cold eyes: "Say."

How could Jiaoyang know these things? He must have been taken advantage of. This time, it was probably Rusifan who was behind the scenes. It is understandable that he wants to make a mistake and then replace it, but he should never set his mind on Jiaoyang and try to lure Jiaoyang into the water.

The thing Louis hates most is betrayal, and he hates unclean food even more. If he were allowed to witness Jiaoyang's betrayal, her life would definitely be in jeopardy.

Thinking of this, Lester's eyes became colder and full of danger.

Jiaoyang didn't seem to realize this. Seeing that the matter was exposed and she was exposed, she simply broke the jar and even kicked the broken porcelain bowl on the ground in anger, making a "bang" sound. A sound.

Lester was stunned.

"That's right, I just drugged you." Jiaoyang raised her head to look at him, her eyes were red. She was extremely sad, but she didn't let herself shed a single tear. "I just want you to touch me." , I want you to love me well again. These days you have been treating me coldly, and you have treated me with indifference. Do you know how I survived? Do you know how sad and tormented I feel?

Yes. I said that as long as you touch me, I will try to let you go, but before I try, you have already started to avoid me, avoiding me like a snake and a scorpion. Do you think you will have trouble with me if you do this? Helped? "

Jiaoyang raised her head, twitched the corners of her mouth, and showed a sarcastic smile. She has had this ability since she was a child. When things that she doesn't understand are put into her mouth, she can turn around and make sense of them.

"Every time you look at me coldly, it pierces my heart like a sharp knife, causing me unbearable pain. How do you ask me to let you go in this situation?"

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