Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 633 Psychiatric Prison Murderer No. 036 (67)

"I'm telling you, don't even think about leaving this house until your marriage is settled!"

Looking at his father's leaving figure, Xilin suddenly felt panic in his heart, his whole body began to tremble, and cold sweat gradually broke out on his forehead.

"No I can't be stuck here, she's still waiting for me to come home, she."

The head of the Sichaer family did not look back. Hearing what he said, he became even more angry: "You will never see her again in your life! Isn't she waiting? If you want to wait, then let her wait for the rest of her life!"

"She will die." Xilin opened his eyes wide in fear, and the cold sweat on his forehead became more and more.

"She had nowhere to go. She just had me."

The head of Sichaer family sneered: "Okay, let's see if she will die. If she really dies, I will let Yunma tell you the news of her death. But even if she dies, you don't I want to see her one last time.”

"Say less, say less."

Seeing her son's pale face, Mrs. Sichar's heart almost broke. She pulled her husband's clothes and begged.

The head of Sichaer family snorted coldly and strode away.

Later, his mother came back, crying and said something in his ear, but Xilin didn't listen to a word.

As if his mind did not belong to him, he hugged his knees and sat on the sofa, his face turned pale, and he missed her crazily.

"No. No"

It can't go on like this.

Xilin stayed in the dark place and talked unconsciously, standing up, sitting down again, standing up again, and sitting down again.

"She will die. Even if she is fine, if this continues, I will really die."

He clutched his hair in pain, his delicately tended hair being messed up by him, unconsciously repeating what he said over and over again.

"I have to find a way. I have to find a way."

Xilin took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down. At this moment, he discovered a hammer in the fruit plate.

That's for cracking walnuts.

He was stunned for a moment, then stretched out his fingers, tentatively held the hammer, and weighed it.

Afterwards, a strange expression of ecstasy overflowed from his eyes.

Of course, Xilin would not be so stupid as to use it to smash the windows or doors. There are people patrolling everywhere. If he makes a lot of noise, he will quickly attract those people.

So what he has to do.

"I'm the only young master of the Schar family, right?"

Xilin faced the hammer, his face was pale and his hair was messy, and he just murmured.

He lowered his eyelashes: "So if the only young master of the Schar family will die if he leaves the woman he loves, I think they will not be able to bear such an ending."

After saying these words, Xilin was silent for a while, lowering his head and staring at his fingers. His eyes were a little red, and then gradually became moist.

"I'm sorry that I may never be able to hold a sword again, or ride a horse freely under the blue sky."

The man raised his hand, took off his gloves, and looked at his fingers.

"Thank you for staying with me for so long. But compared to fencing, horse riding, and my golf, what I want most is to hold her."

After the words fell, Xilin raised the hammer in his hand, his eyes were bloodshot, and he hit his little finger with a fierce look!

In the evening, Jiaoyang, who was preparing to go to bed early today, received a call from Xilin, his voice was trembling.

Jiaoyang was stunned. After all, she had thought that Xilin might not be able to come back these days.

She put on a thick coat, let her long hair loose, turned on the lights in the villa, and quickly ran out the door on the first floor.

It was snowing outside, and she stood outside, leaving two deep footprints on the snow.

"What?" Jiaoyang muttered, blowing the cold wind and puffing up her face.

"Obviously he asked me to come pick him up, but he was nowhere to be seen."

She waited for a while, and soon lost her patience. After feeling bored, she was about to turn around and return to her warm nest.

At this time, the sound of a car grinding on the snow was heard not far away, and she stopped abruptly.

"Huh?" Jiaoyang tilted her head and looked up.

The car stopped at the door of the villa. First there was a man who looked like a butler. He looked at Jiaoyang for a while, then reluctantly walked to the back door and opened the car door for the people behind.


Jiaoyang blinked and held an umbrella in her hand.

He was still the same man she remembered, noble and arrogant, with a wicked smile on his lips, and even every gem button on his clothes exuded nobility.

It's just that his face is a little pale, as if he is recovering from a serious illness, but also as if he has been injured and lost too much blood.

Jiaoyang raised her eyebrows and moved the tip of her nose slightly.

Although the cold weather inevitably affected her sense of smell, she could still smell the smell of blood in the air as he moved.

Jiaoyang stepped forward to meet him, walking one foot deep in the snow and the other shallow, holding Xilin's arm and looking at him with a pair of watery eyes, without saying anything.

Xilin's body stiffened, and then he smiled at her.

She always had a way, just a casual move, to make him feel that all the crazy and desperate actions he did for her were worth it.

He couldn't find any way or reason to give up on her.

Xilin held her with his leather-gloved hand and said softly: "Let's go in."

Jiaoyang nodded obediently.

Butler Liu stared hard at the woman with an innocent look on her face, wishing he could poke two holes in her face on the spot!

She looks cute and harmless on the outside, but you can't tell what kind of snake-hearted person she is underneath. She coaxed the young master to do this for her!

Seeing the scene of blood flowing everywhere, the wife was so frightened that she fainted on the spot, but the head of the family calmly directed everyone to send the young master to the hospital.

Just when he was being dragged into the operating room, the master was waiting outside, as if he had aged ten years in an instant.

But when the young master woke up weakly and saw his mother in constant pain and his father in tears, the first thing he did was to say that he wanted to go back to see that woman.

Could it be that the kindness that the master and his wife had given him in raising him for more than twenty years could not be compared to the fact that he had known that woman for less than a month!

The body, hair, and skin are all shaped by his parents. If he hadn't been bewitched by this woman, why would the young master threaten his biological parents with his own body? !

"Steward Liu."

Xilin had a white face and spoke expressionlessly.

Butler Liu then came back to his senses: "Young Master."

"Go back, you can keep the car, I'm still useful." Xilin only realized today that none of the bad friends around him can be trusted. He would never ask Ai Xilu to borrow his car again.

"Master, this is your hand." Butler Liu frowned.

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