Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 542 I have three personalities! Hey, I'm pretending (87)

Fu Qiran raised the corner of his mouth. He slowly wiped the blood on his hands with the hem of his clothes, then carefully hugged her and embraced her with a smile.

"Jiaoyang, remember, as long as I do it for you, even if it is wrong, it is still right."

We only have each other.

But, luckily.

we still have each other

She was stunned for half a second, looked up at him, and finally a smile appeared on her face.

That afternoon, Jiaoyang went to the cemetery to pay homage to her mother.

Pay homage to the great mother who everyone thought loved her dearly.

Jiaoyang smiled, came to the tomb, and gently touched the stone with her cold fingers.

"Mom, your daughter is not useless."

This was the first thing she said when she came here.

"Soon, the daughter you once thought was useless will take away everything that belongs to her. There is only one last step left. This step will be completed by me personally.

That man who hurt you so deeply, caused you to leave early, and caused us to be separated from each other will be punished soon. Your revenge will be avenged by your daughter in person. I think you must be extremely happy under Jiuquan. "

Jiaoyang raised the corners of her mouth and twisted her face.

"Soon. Soon I will ask him to accompany you. Don't be angry if I let you wait alone underground for a few more days."

After doing all this, she put the beret on her head and left in a special car.

Not long after Jiaoyang left, a man appeared from not far away. Looking at the overturned fruit plate and trampled flowers in front of the tombstone, he sighed helplessly.

He squatted down, picked up the fruits in the fruit plate one by one, and arranged them.

He lifted the flower up again and tried to straighten out the branches inside.

"The deceased is the elder. Children are willful. Don't argue with her."

"This is the company's transfer of rights. If Dad sees no problems, just sign it."

Jiaoyang turned the pen in her hand, her legs resting on the glass table, her brows full of carelessness.

Sheng Xianglin lowered his head and saw the share points between the two displayed above. He looked up in disbelief: "This is impossible!"

He knows the old stubbornness in his company very well, and there is no way he can delegate power no matter what!

"Nothing is impossible," Jiaoyang shrugged, put an elbow on the back of the chair, with a mocking look on his face, and slowly uttered a few words: "Dad, it's you who are getting old."

Sheng Xianglin still started to call in disbelief, but no one answered the call.

Jiaoyang didn't pay attention to his actions, Gu Zi said.

"The future of the Sheng family has been injected with fresh blood. The Sheng family will be handed over to me sooner or later anyway, so why are you so resistant now? If you sign it obediently, you can still be the Supreme Emperor in name only, which is better than being exiled."

"What did you do? What did you do?" Sheng Xianglin stared at her suddenly, "All of this was the result of my hard work and life fighting with them back then! No matter what benefits you promised, they would never Maybe I’ll give you my shares!”

"Dad, you are so naive again." Jiaoyang curled her lips. Compared to the emotional Sheng Xianglin, she was calm and almost abnormally calm.

"The country we fought for with our lives may be more important than our lives. What if they die?"

Her eyes were deep, and when she said these words, she was so calm that she had no emotion, and she was so indifferent that she was numb and cruel.


Sheng Xianglin was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes widened in shock.

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