Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 469 I have three personalities! Hey, I pretended (14)

"What's wrong?" He stretched out his hands.

"It does surprise me. After all, I thought that at least in terms of pleasing men, the guy No. 2 should be better." She twitched the corner of her mouth.

"All kinds of women are all kinds of different dishes. Every man has his own favorite taste, and I" Fu Qiran's smile started to become unclear again, "I always have a strong taste."

"Your understanding is really interesting." She also laughed inexplicably.

"But No. 2, I don't know much about her. The only time I saw her was that day, after your stupid troll personality made a small confession to me, she appeared for a few seconds. Indeed. Very enthusiastic, I also like it very much." Fu Qiran put his fingers on his chin, lost in thought, as if he was really comparing the two seriously.

Jiaoyang glared at him, and he quickly begged for mercy with a smile, pulling her over and getting very close to her.

Jiaoyang's pajamas also slid down to her shoulders, revealing part of her white skin. She looked at him with a half-smile but did not reach out to pull it.

Fu Qiran glanced at her bare shoulders, and the emotions in his eyes were about to burn: "However, even if she is more interesting in the future, I will only recognize you as Sheng Jiaoyang. Others are all fakes."

After hearing this, Jiaoyang crossed her arms and nodded with some satisfaction.

At this time, footsteps were heard outside the door, and Fu Qiran reluctantly walked out of the window.

"You said you would help me, and I remember it." Before he left, Jiaoyang waved to him from behind, her eyes cold and evil, "Don't go back on your word."

"What can you do if you regret it?" Fu Qiran hung on the window sill, hugging his chest and asking with a smile.

"Then I'll kill you."

Jiaoyang's eyes became darker and darker, and the corner of her mouth curled up slightly, "After all, you know, I am a mental patient now. I can kill whoever I want. If I have done something illegal, as long as I don't have to be punished and go to the court, the rest It can be settled with a little money. You know, crazy people can do anything if they go crazy."

The surprise in Fu Qiran's eyes became even hotter.

He knew what her words meant and the amount of information contained in them.

"Mental illness can kill people at will", "A madman can do anything if he goes crazy." She admitted to herself that she killed her mother, her biological mother.

The moment he met her eyes again, the blood all over his body boiled and burned when he met Fu Qiran.

From the first moment he saw her again, he had a strong intuition and desire.

——That's the same kind.

Sheng Jiaoyang. To be precise, this girl is only about one-third of Sheng Jiaoyang. She will be the only person in this world who understands him and has a common language with him. And relatively speaking, he prefers to regard her as an independent individual.

Because they are worse than anyone else, and their hearts are dark, paranoid, cold-blooded, and intolerant of others.

Fu Qiran jumped from the window sill.

After her last fainting spell, Jiaoyang stayed in the hospital for less than three days and was hurriedly discharged.

You really can't stay any longer. If you stay a little longer, people outside will notice that something is wrong. The same goes for recuperating at home.

"Jiaoyang, you have learned your lesson this time. From now on, you must take medicine every day, three times a day, eight pills at a time. This can control your disease."

Sheng Xianglin called Jiaoyang to his study and sternly placed several bottles of psychotropic drugs in front of her.

He is also miserable in this life. After marrying a crazy woman, the daughter he gave birth to was still a lunatic.

Isn’t it said that the chance of inheriting this acquired disease is very small?

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