Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 417 Jianghu: Demonic Witch (105)

Watching the exciting fight in the arena, Jiaoyang, who already knew the inside story, sat in the two rows, feeling drowsy.

This feeling is probably the same as watching a high-energy TV show and suddenly being spoiled.

The Shenyue Sect's routine is actually very simple. It's nothing more than a formality, and at the end, another expert from the sect will be sent to defeat the person standing on top.

As for now, of course, the more exciting and realistic the game is, the better. This approach is nothing more than to improve the reputation of Tea Guest Villa in the world.

"How was the beating?" Jiaoyang yawned and leaned towards Yun Tangzhi beside her. She held her head in her hands and barely opened one eye.

"The winner has not yet been decided." He said calmly.

"Nonsense," Jiaoyang twitched the corner of her mouth in a speechless tone, "Xiao Yunzi, I'm asking you, what is the level of strength of the person on the stage now in your Tea Guest Villa, and how long will it take for it to end?"

On such an occasion, she felt very comfortable without Baiye Liufeng, who was well known for her high-profile style.

"This person is already considered a master among ordinary people. It is estimated that the outcome will be determined soon. If Cheng Yaojin is not killed halfway." Yun Tangzhi glanced at the stage, and then he also got closer to meet him. She spoke with the folding fan covering the lower half of her face. From some people's perspective, the distance between the two was too close.

"Who is that young girl sitting next to the village owner?" someone asked.

"It seems to be the little girl who was pointed at the neck by Lu Ke with a sword that day?"

"No wonder the young master was so worried at that time. Let me tell you, I was at the scene at that time. The young master's expression at that time made me want to rush over and take the sword for her! And after the little girl was injured, the young master's expression, I wish I could skin that Lu Ke on the spot!"

Several people gathered together to discuss.

"Lu Ke deserves to die. How can he be the best swordsman in the world if he attacks a little girl?"

"This little girl is pretty. She is a good match for the young master."

Jiaoyang's ears twitched, hearing those words, her mouth deepened, she leaned over, her eyes were teasing: "Xiao Yunzi, what should I do? It seems that someone is spreading rumors about the two of us here, aren't you worried that your leader will be jealous? ?”

"Don't worry," Yun Tangzhi smiled back, his expression unchanged, "Anyway, Mingqi is not here right now."

"whispering sound."

Jiaoyang was so bored that she looked away.

Just because Yuan Mingqi was away didn't mean that he wouldn't know. That man's eyes and ears were everywhere, and it was impossible for Yun Tangzhi not to know this.

He's not afraid, which means he's not worried and doesn't care. One reason is that the relationship between the two of them is so good that it is better than hers, so they trust each other; the other reason is that Yun Tangzhi doesn't call her at all, so there is no need to worry.

No matter which one it is, it seems to be something that makes Jiaoyang feel depressed.

So for the next time, she stopped talking and looked at the ring silently. I don't know how long it took, but she felt a little itchy: "Yun Tangzhi, I suddenly feel like I'm tired of playing weak tricks."

"Huh?" He tilted his head.

"The candidate who will finally compete in the ring is not fixed, right?" The corners of her mouth raised, and her eyes exuded eagerness to try. "In this case, then it is my turn."

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