Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 373 Jianghu: Demon Cult Witch (61)

What's more, if she really did something, he really wasn't sure he could stop her.

"Jiaoyang, your idea is too stubborn and dangerous. How can one person's life and death, honor and disgrace be compared with the rest of the world? If you really do that, you will become a sinner throughout the ages."

"I only do things according to my heart. If the world can't accept it, then I will be a sinner for the ages. No matter how much I am criticized, I am still me."

Jiaoyang didn't care, facing the scorching sun, facing the sun, but her eyes were full of indifference.

She glanced at him from the corner of her eye: "I originally thought that Uncle Lu was cold-blooded and devoted to self-interest, but now it seems that he is also a man with great love. Forgive me for being blind."

Lu Ke frowned. He didn't know why, but now he clearly felt that Jiaoyang seemed angry.

He was about to explain that it wasn't so, but that it wasn't worth it for him. What's more, at this age, Jiaoyang is too eager for quick success. He was afraid that she would become like his apprentice.

But when the words came to his mouth, he took them back.

He shouldn't have said it.

He shouldn't even be alone with her now. She should learn to let go of him. She is still so young, and she will meet many better men than him on the road. It was because he knew how evil the world was, but he still kept this child for his own selfish reasons, because he really couldn't let it go. Now it might be his retribution.

He couldn't be so selfish and let her spend the rest of her life guarding a useless person. Even if she refuses to leave, he must be ruthless to drive her away. Because he is an adult.

Lu Ke curled his fingers slightly, then retracted them and gradually tightened them. He hardened his face and his eyes became cold, just like the stern look of an elder when he taught an unreasonable junior, and his heart was trembling painfully.

"Did you just find out today?" He said calmly.

"Huh?" Jiaoyang looked at him in surprise because of his useless change of attitude.

Lu Ke didn't meet her eyes and turned his head, as if he didn't want to look at her, and acted like he was angry and uncertain when facing others.

"I was nice to you in the beginning, just because you are the orphan of the former alliance leader and the sister of that boy A Yan. I was nice to you because of your poor background. Do you think you are special? There is a huge age difference between you and me. I have never regarded you as a woman, I have always regarded you as a child. In my heart, you are the same as Ah Yan and Ah Jue.

Who knows, maybe it was because you lacked the care of your family since you were a child, so you couldn't distinguish between affection and love for your elders, which led to all the subsequent mistakes. "

"Wrong, wrong?" Jiaoyang twitched the corner of her mouth.

"Yes, it was indeed a mistake. If it hadn't been for the accident that happened after I was poisoned that day, I don't think we would be here today."

Under the hem of his sleeves, Lu Ke grasped the armrest of the wheelchair tightly, his nails dug in and blood dripped from his face. His face was calm.

"Now that I think about it, if I had never met you from the beginning, I wouldn't have met that man from the Demon Cult, and I wouldn't have been poisoned by him, let alone what happened now."

"So, do you regret meeting me?" Jiaoyang lowered her eyelashes and her voice was calmer than his.


When he said this word, Lu Ke's heart seemed to be drained out in an instant. It's like losing everything in life.

He froze for a while before finding his voice: "But I don't blame you. Your cousin likes you very much. Even if he finds out what happened between you and me in the future, I believe he won't."

"Bang!" There was a loud noise.

Jiaoyang left.

The estimate was wrong, Baiye Liufeng will not come out until tomorrow, woo woo woo

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