Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 1105: Women disguised as men: the favor of powerful ministers (106)

Fortunately, she could not live for him in this life, but she could die for him.

Sheng Jiaoyang, who told you not to want me in this life? If you can't be yours, I have no choice but to go to the underworld and be your ghost.

Cao Qingqing was gradually forced to the cliff, and the people on the opposite side were attacking more and more fiercely, and they were furious: "Miss Cao, you have betrayed the cultivation and trust that the Lord has given you, and you actually ran to save that woman. Sooner or later, she will destroy the Lord!"

Cao Qingqing smiled nonchalantly: "It's you who have failed the Lord. If she dies, the Lord will go crazy." Look, how proud she is. At this point, she still refuses to admit that she is doing it for him.

"Even now, we won't say anything more to you. If you ruined our plan, you must pay the price!"

The fierce palm wind hit her, and Cao Qingqing could no longer resist, and fell vertically to the bottom of the cliff.

She closed her eyes and felt the weightlessness of her body. Her blood seemed to be cooling down a little, but her heart was still beating and was warm.

Cao Qingqing smiled.

Sheng Jiaoyang, if you are a flower, then I am willing to stay by your side and be a weed that no one cares about, blocking the sun for you and catching the nectar for you. Don’t worry about me, because I am just an insignificant weed. When the spring breeze blows over in the coming year, more of me will emerge and grow wantonly.

From this moment on, the life she didn't want to have was far away from her. For the rest of the days, just be his person.

Sheng Yuzhi hurried into the palace, trembling with fear. This was the first time that the people in the palace saw the prime minister looking so panicked.

When he met the emperor, knelt on the ground and told him that Jiaoyang was missing and her life or death was unknown, the emperor's eyes instantly went dark.

The emperor abandoned all his affairs to look for her. He had dismissed her early and left the country alone. He searched for her for three days and three nights without eating, drinking or sleeping, almost using his willpower to keep himself from falling.

Those ministers who thought that as long as Sheng Jiaoyang died, everything would return to the way it was before they realized that the death of that man might be the beginning of the real disaster.

At the same time, Xiao Beiheng and Sheng Yuzhi were also looking for her like crazy. Xiao Guo has been in chaos these past few days, and people are in panic.

However, the former received information that those who touched her were actually his people! How ridiculous, he is actually his! He was the one who trained and cultivated her carefully, but in the end, he lost her. He is the most ridiculous and ridiculous joke in the world!

Is this God's retribution for him, as retribution for his unscrupulous methods! But if it's retribution, why not come all at him!

Xiao Beiheng laughed wildly while holding the paper in his hand. He smiled and shed tears from the corners of his eyes.

die! Everyone must die! If she dies, no one can live!

Since he killed her for the sake of the world, then he wanted everyone to watch the world bury her with her!

Then he comes to accompany her again, so that he has the nerve to go underground to find her.

Xiao Beiheng wiped the blood from the corner of his eyes and executed all relevant persons, whether they were involved, not involved, or suspected of being involved!

Xiao Beiheng rebelled, and of course he didn't give up looking for her. Although Xuan Mo insisted that the woman had been killed by him before he was crushed to ashes, and he knew Xuan Mo's martial arts very well, he still had a glimmer of humble hope before he found the body.

Everyone in the palace stood firm and retreated steadily in the face of King Rui's brutal killing, and it was like a hell on earth. Xiao Jingchen didn't care about this at all. He seemed to be in a daze. After running to death seven horses, he knew how to walk on foot until he found her.

Sheng Yuzhi was also searching, shouting while searching, and crying at the same time, until his voice became hoarse. In the end, he could no longer make a sound, his tears had dried up, and all that was left was blood and tears.

Finally, Xiao Jingchen rushed to the edge of a cliff and saw large pools of blood on the ground. There were already traces of the fight.

There was a trace until he fell down the cliff. Xiao Jingchen had a bad premonition in his heart and felt dizzy again.

His voice, which had not been watered for days and nights, was full of hoarseness, and his eyes were full of bloodshot eyes: "Look for me! If you are alive, you want to see the person, if you are dead, you want to see the body!"

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