Quick Wear System: Don’t Worry, the Hero!

Chapter 597: My "ability" always wants to drown me [21]

"Ding... the blackening value drops to seventy-eight."

As soon as Bai Yu's eyes lit up, she guessed it right. This obedient character is really useful, so she will use it more in the future.

When Bai Yu walked all the way down, there were more and more zombies at this time.

When she came down, she saw two security gates, and she smiled. This is the entrance to the supermarket.

It's just that she watched a group of zombies run out of the security gate, but she could not change her face all the time, and it was a bit ugly at this time.

The zombies who walked to her in front of him, with one hand still facing her, were wearing clothes that looked like cashiers, and their nails were all black. They were stronger than the zombies behind them before they were alive. Tough.

It is possible that these cashiers were the first to be infected, and then the people who were shopping in the supermarket were the ones who suffered.

She saw at the very end again, a batch of zombies wearing military clothes began to appear.

Now Bai Yu knew why there were so many.

Among them, there were also people who had thoughts like her later, but they were still attacked by zombies and now became zombies.

"Heishui, this can only be handed to you." Bai Yu panted.

She has no extra physical strength in her body now, and she is currently struggling to walk.

Heishui's usual tricks are not useful for zombies, but can be transformed into humans. That water sword is very useful, but this trick Heishui is not very useful, unless it appears when it is really dangerous.

Now Bai Yu's order for Heishui is not as reluctant as in the past, he quickly took shape after leaving Bai Yu's body.

This time, the body is different from the blackness of the past, especially the pair of wings. The outer periphery is already light gray, and the outermost color is still a little transparent white.

This is the effect that the blackening value has faded.

When the blackening value was zero, Bai Yu felt that his body should be completely white and transparent.

As soon as Hei Shui turned into a human form, he didn't need Bai Yu to say anything, he took a long sword and hacked at the zombies.

When all the heads of such a large group of zombies fell to the ground, half an hour had passed.

Bai Yu saw that Heishui's body began to be unable to hold on to the human form.

She saw the last zombie's head fall, "Come back."

This sentence came back not to let Black Water enter the ring, but to let him possess.

This possession is no longer a water polo package for her.

The two people's minds were originally connected, and Bai Yu's thoughts were passed on to him without any concealment.

Hei Shui heard these words, his body shape instantly turned into a puddle of water, and then spiraled around Bai Yu's body two or three times, letting her be completely contaminated.

Bai Yu immediately felt cold.

She also didn't want her body to be soaked, but when she discovered that black water was possessed on her body, its physical strength would increase rapidly, especially when...

"Ding... the hero is mating with you." Mao Mao's words fell off.

Bai Yu's body began to tremble.

This time when she was awake, she could clearly feel what was happening on her body.

The water drops on the upper body did not change in any way, but the water drops on the lower body gathered in one place, an unspeakable part.

Waiting for a few minutes to finish, she exhaled and held her aside.

"Ding... Power enhancement plus ten."

I am a little satisfied to hear this Bai Yu.

Although she still feels a bit cold about this kind of thing, it has many benefits, and the process does not take too long. She also acquiesced to what Hei Shui had done to her.


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