On the day of the fall, everything was sad. Centered on the place where the person fell, the vegetation withered and thousands of flowers withered, and the entire God Realm was shrouded in the shadow of decay.

It was the new main god who used his own divine power to prevent the spread of this dead silence.

As a result, the withered place was set up with a barrier and became a forbidden area of ​​God's Domain.

There is no grass growing there, and it is desolate.

But on a certain day, the forbidden area changed.

The land that has been dead for thousands of years has drawn out the first touch of new green, and then, the dead trees are in spring, the vegetation is flourishing, and the flowers are in full bloom.

The forbidden land is full of glamorous vitality.

The Lord God has been to the forbidden area and found no evil power.

There is a very faint divine power floating in the air, if you don't feel it with your heart, you can't detect it.

The Lord God knew that this force would not pose a threat to God's Domain, so he did not care about the changes in the forbidden area.

Until later, a majestic divine power overflowed from the sky above the forbidden area, shocking the entire Divine Realm.

Mu Yan was the first to arrive at the forbidden area.

Following his divine power, he found the baby born in the forbidden area.

The Lord God also arrived later.

At that time, he held the baby in his arms before the Lord God.

The main god glanced at him, but did not speak, and they returned to the realm of the gods tacitly.

This child is Fengqian.

Like Mu Yan, she was a natural god who brought miracles when she came into the world.

The changes in the forbidden land were caused by the divine power she brought when she came into the world, and the dead land regained its vitality.

And because this is the place where the Fallen Angels fell, the scenery has a somewhat coquettish and dangerous flavor.

Mu Yan brought Feng Qian to a place.

He lowered his eyes, and his thoughts seemed to drift back to the scene when he saw the girl for the first time.

He said: "At the beginning, I found you here."


Feng Qian blinked and moved over.

"Then why am I in the forbidden area?"

Feng Qian thought it was strange, but this place really gave her a very friendly feeling.

"Qianqian is like me, a born god who came to the world with miracles."

Mu Yan paused, and added: "The Lord God once said that our divine power comes from the same source. And the Lord God does not know where this divine power comes from."

"So, the life experiences of me and A Yan are still unsolved mysteries?"

In the past, Feng Qian thought that she was abandoned by her parents, only to be picked up by the merciful Lord God and adopted in God's Domain.

But she didn't think that she didn't have parents at all. According to the description, she seemed to be conceived by heaven and earth.

"The Lord God once said that the Dao of Heaven may know."

"Is it heaven?"

In the small plane, Feng Qian has always been bound by the laws of heaven and earth, and these rules and regulations are all rules formulated by the Dao of Heaven.

The main god has changed several times, but the way of heaven is different. He has existed since the beginning of the world's civilization.

That's why the main god said, maybe Tiandao knows the source of Feng Qian and Mu Yan's divine power.

In the past, Feng Qian was indeed curious about her life experience, but after a long time, she was not as curious as before, because knowing her life experience would not change anything.

She had always positioned herself as a poor little girl who was abandoned by her parents.

Now that she was abandoned, Feng Qian thought clearly, there was no need to find the person who abandoned her.

So her background is not that important to her.

She was too lazy to waste time and energy on the mystery of her life experience.

Since they have no father or mother, there is no need to know their own background.


Feng Qian tilted his head slightly, "So... the first person I saw when I opened my eyes was A Yan?"

This kind of fate is somewhat strange.

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