Chapter 627: I work in the infinite stream (27)

Following the weird smell, Hua Wu quickly found the source. In the dark corner of the negative second floor, there was an unformed corpse—yes, it was one of the missing members last night.

Wan Wenyan knew the man's clothes.

There are some animal carcasses next to this corpse, and the disgusting smell should be emitted by these animal carcasses.

"Let's get out of here." Wan Wenyan endured nausea, "It must be those things last night."

"Those? A lot?"

"There's more than one anyway." Wan Wenyan recalled last night's experience, and felt that his life was in danger, and the cold and damp environment around him made his limbs shiver.

Hua Wu's inner heroine spirit, who is not afraid of hardships and obstacles, and bravely moves forward begins to play a role, and she has no intention of going out at all, "I want to see what kind of monster it is."

Chuji × Wan Wenyan: "..."

"Be brave." Hua Wu encouraged them again: "Follow me, bad luck."

Chuji × Wan Wenyan: "..."

You don't have to be so brave!

I don't know what it is, and I don't know the weakness of that thing, so rushing up like this, isn't that a gift?

Hua Wu decided to go on an in-depth exploration. Although Shiyou was also a little scared, he firmly believed in the ability of his thighs, so he just held her tighter and had no objection.

The opinions of the other two newly added teammates are obviously only of reference value, not of decisive value.

From the side where they came in, the building was not that big, but it was actually quite large, with three floors above ground and two floors underground.

Most of the place was empty, and some skeletonized animal carcasses were also seen.

There are traces of something dragging and moving on the ground.

From time to time there was a stench in the air.

But when they got to the bottom floor, they found that this place was different.

The passage is no longer a concrete floor, but a spacious metal floor with many strange footprints on the dusty floor.

Those footprints stomped back and forth on the ground, as if they had once gathered here.

Going past this metal floor, there was a metal door in front, the door was broken, and they entered it unimpeded.

There is still a corridor inside, but there are glass rooms on both sides of the corridor.

In those rooms, there are some instruments and beds, not ordinary beds, but hospital-like beds.

Shi You grabbed the hem of Hua Wu's clothes, wishing her whole body would stick to her, "Didn't you say this place is for tourism?"

Why are there so many weird things.

"Isn't this some kind of experiment?"

"Looking at these things, it's very possible..."

Chuji and Wan Wenyan were behind you and I was talking one by one, Hua Wu had already opened a door with Shi Worry and entered inside.

"Can you not get so close to me!" Hua Wu was speechless: "It's really impossible, you let Shi Yan come out."

Shiyou obviously didn't want to stay in such an environment, so he humbly asked, "How to let him out?"

Hua Wu stared: "How do I know? Isn't that your second personality? You can't call him out?"

"I... I don't know." He just took over his body every time he encountered danger. Under normal circumstances, Shi Yan never appeared.

Huawu understands, it is only under strong stimulation - such as when facing life and death, Shiyan will appear.

Hua Wu clenched her fist and was eager to try: "How about I beat you up?"

Shiyou: "…"

Do not!

"Then don't drag me!" Hua Wu said angrily, "I'm not a nanny with children!"

Shiyou: "…"

Shiyou finally loosened up a little, but he didn't dare to get too far, and Hua Wu took a step and he took a step.

The layout of the rooms is similar, with all kinds of machinery and equipment that do not seem to be used, a single hospital bed.

Hua Wu looked at a few rooms, and the one at the end was a little different.

There are some paper documents inside.

"Let's see if there are any clues in it." Hua Wu put the things on the table, and each person sent a bundle.

"English..." Chuji gave up at first glance: "I don't understand."


Wan Wenyan can understand a little...really.

There are not many words that Huawu can understand. There are many professional words in it. Some of them can be understood separately, but when they are connected, they have no idea what they mean.

Several people searched through the information and could not find a page of familiar text.

Hua Wu wisely gave up projects that she was not good at, and was going to find out if there were any other clues.


Several people in the room stopped at the same time, and pricked up their ears to listen to the movement outside.

Chuji clenched his hands, opened his mouth and said silently, "Big ominous, big ominous, big ominous..."

Hua Wu felt that the unlucky and fierce nature of Chuji's Shinto Taoism was probably her skill.

Just why can she use it so many times?

She is a dignified heroine, but her skills can only be used once, only for 60 seconds!

Discrimination against female protagonists!

stab -

Something is coming this way, and it's very fast.


The door was pushed open by something, and a gray-brown head squeezed in. It was the head of a person... but it was covered with strange red tendons.

It was on all fours, crawling in from the outside, and its body was severely deformed, like a thin wolf.

It slowly crawled in from the outside, staring at them with strange red eyes, as if watching some delicious food, which showed greed and excitement.

It didn't act in a hurry, as if it knew that they were blocked here and it was impossible to go out. It wanted to slowly enjoy the process of hunting.

"What to do..." Wan Wenyan panicked: "We don't even have weapons!"

"What are you afraid of?" Hua Wu didn't care much, "Isn't it just one..."

Her next words were blocked by the second one who came in from outside.

Hua Wu smiled awkwardly.


The violent gunshots were especially loud in the enclosed space, and Hatsuji and Wan Wenyan leaned against each other and hid behind a huge machine.

The gunfire gradually ceased.

Chu Ji took a look at the machine and saw that the monsters had fallen to the ground. She swallowed and said to Wan Wenyan, "That Shiyou is so powerful?"

They were still wondering in their hearts why Shu Lu would bring Shiyou, a fuel oil bottle that can't do anything.

Dare to love them, they are the fuel bottles.

"They're all dead, come out." Hua Wu's voice sounded from outside.

Chuji and Wan Wenyan got out from behind the machine, and the stench and **** smell spread on the tip of their noses.

Shi Yan had already put away that special gun. He couldn't hide such a big gun on his body, it could only be an acquired item.

And it's not a one-off prop.

Shi Yan stretched out his hands towards Hua Hua Wu put his hands behind his back, and when he saw his action, he blinked slightly, not knowing why: "What are you doing?"

"give me back."


Hua Wu reluctantly took out another pistol from behind and put it in Shi Yan's hand, but she didn't let go: "Can't you give it to me? I've helped you protect Shiyou for so long."

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