Questions and Answers To the Heavens, Starting From Marvel

Chapter 99: The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility

The last video introduced love, and the theme of this video is friendship.

Peter Parker is a little transparent in school, but Harry Osborne is an excellent rich second-generation. Logically speaking, they shouldn't have any communication between them, but they accidentally fell in love and became friends.

When Peter Parker was bullied, Harry Osborne helped him a lot, and he was also Peter's rare friend in school.

Of course, Harry is also the ex-boyfriend of Mary Jane, the goddess of Peter, so after all, the relationship between the three of them is quite messy...

Compared with the previous two videos, this video can be said to be lackluster. If the light curtain is not from a quiz game and lay in the sky, it is estimated that few people would be interested in this kind of video.

However, after watching these two videos, some female viewers said with emotion: "I really envy that Mary Jane, whether she is rich, handsome or superhero, is her suitor."

In the eternal space, Tony yawned. He was not interested in this video. He put his thoughts on Pepper. I don’t know if his previous reminder made Pepper and Nick Fury pay attention to it?

He said casually: "It's still the last video, let's finish it quickly, the answer to this question is no longer suspenseful, it must be A!"

In the video, I take so much care of Peter Parker, and I treat him as a biological child and train him as his successor. Isn’t that enough?

There is no doubt that I, Tony Stark, is the person who has the most influence on Spider-Man!

Tony was confident, and Peter Parker introduced him: "Uncle Ben is very good to me. He is a good person and taught me how to live."

The light curtain begins to play the last option video.

Ben Parker, a kind and ordinary middle-aged man, after Peter Parker's parents passed away because of a plane crash, he became Peter's guardian.

Ben and his wife were very kind and raised Peter Parker as their own child. Peter Parker was also very obedient and sensible at home when he was a child, helping them with housework, but from a certain day, Peter Parker changed. .

Perhaps it was the arrival of the youth rebellious period, Ben Parker wanted to talk to Peter, but Peter seemed impatient, "What are we going to talk about, must we talk about it now?"

Uncle Ben shook his head: "We haven't talked about it for a long time, Peter, we don't understand you now, you refuse to do housework, you lock yourself in the room and do some strange experiments, you are still in school with People fighting."

"I said, they picked things up first!"

"But you won and beat him hard..."

"You mean, I should run if I am bullied?"

"No, I didn't mean that." Uncle Ben had a headache, and said earnestly: "You are changing. At your age, I have actually experienced it. Your changes in the past few years will determine how you will be in the future. People, so be careful and don’t go astray!"

"The person who fought with you, he may be wrong and deserves it, but if you hit him, it doesn't mean that you are right and have the power to hit others. Remember-the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility! "

Peter Parker in the video still failed to understand his uncle's warning, "Are you worried that I will become a gangster? Don't worry about it! Things are not what you said, I will solve all this by myself, don't preach to me!"

Uncle Ben sighed: "I don't want to preach to you, and I'm not your father..."

Peter Parker choked: "Then don't preach like my father!"

His remarks made Uncle Ben look a little lonely and uncomfortable, and finally he nodded and got out of the car.

Tony Stark frowned and said: "Child, you hurt him too much by saying that. I understand you. Boys must go through such a transformation when they become men, but you shouldn't do this to your uncle."

Peter Parker looked at the light curtain blankly. The scene shown in the video hadn't happened in his world yet, but he remembered that if there weren't this weird quiz game, maybe this would be tomorrow!

He plans to go to the library tomorrow.

Of course, going to the library is just a cover. Peter's real purpose is to go to the underground black boxing ring to make money. The scene in the video should happen when Uncle Ben sent him to the library.

At this time, because he was bitten by a spider, he gained extraordinary power, and his mentality did change. In layman's terms, he was floating.

Especially when he saw the goddess he was thinking about sitting on a date with a tall, rich and handsome sports car, he was even more excited and decided to use his abilities to make money.

With this mentality, Peter Parker will of course be impatient with Uncle Ben’s preaching, but now, this future video will be broadcast live and everyone can see it.

Peter Parker looked at it from the perspective of an onlooker, and he felt ashamed and guilty in his heart.

"Yes, although this video is a future scene, I should still apologize to Uncle Ben..." Peter Parker said blushing.

Tony nodded, "Yes, you should correct it if you know it is wrong, I am optimistic about you!"

During their discussion, the light curtain video continued, and Peter Parker, who got out of the car, did not go to the library, and went directly to the underground ring.

He changed into a funny red dress with a spider logo and a hat that looked like a robber's headgear, like a funny character.

But after Peter Parker entered the ring, he defeated his opponent very easily. As long as he wins this black punch, he can get three thousand dollars!

But when Peter rushed to collect the money, he was told that the game ended too fast, it only lasted less than three minutes, so three thousand yuan was in the It seems that your kid is pretty sensible. For his sake, he gave 100 yuan at hand.

Tony took the opportunity to smile and said, "Look, boy, you are well protected by your uncle and aunt. You don't know how complicated the world is. It's not wrong to listen to them more."

Peter Parker flushed, "They don't say that in the advertisement, it's shameless!"

He in the video is also very angry, but he can do nothing.

When he left, he found that a robber had robbed the shameless financial money. Peter Parker was fully capable of stopping him, but thinking that he had been scammed by the financial man not long ago, he chose to sit on the sidelines and let the robber escape.

The robber took the time to thank him.

The police and finance chased him up and asked him very angrily, why let the robbers escape?

Peter replied with the original financial ridicule: "This is not my trouble, it has nothing to do with me."

Finance stared at him for a while, and could only leave by touching his head. Peter Parker smiled and felt sick, but he couldn't laugh after he left.

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