Queen of Doomsday Games

Chapter 199: . Life and death

When the battery of the mobile phone is completely exhausted, it will be very troublesome to charge it.

Just like she is now.

She is a mobile phone at the moment. It didn't really matter when the battery was 80 or 90, but it didn't really matter when the battery was 50 or 60.

When it was 20, I started to feel flustered. Before I could react, I jumped to 10%.

That power-consuming state took a turn for the worse...

In the end, the power was directly exhausted.

Xi Nuan lay there and didn't want to say a word, she now needs to quickly replenish her strength, waiting for the fight at any time.

"Boss, are you okay? How do you feel?"

Xi Nuan really didn't want to care about Meng Qihui. She had no strength all over her body and her head was dizzy.

But it seemed that it would not work to ignore Meng Qihui, she had to use the last bit of strength to say:

"Hurry up and search for supplies, and we will go back when we are full. I am afraid that something will happen to them, so we will move quickly. We will go back in ten minutes."

Meng Qihui got the order and hurried to take people to search for supplies.

After Xi Nuan lay on the roof of the car and watched everyone go, she took out the compressed biscuits and stuffed them into her mouth, and then delivered them with energy drinks.

She needs to recover quickly.

After eating everything, Xi Nuan could feel her body begin to recover.

She lay there and waited until everyone came back. After starting the engine, she was completely relieved, anyway she brought them out and brought them back.

This is her conviction, anyhow it is done.

The three-hour drive made her health much better. Xiao Xiaokui had been accompanying Xiaokui on the roof of the car and her body was bruised, and after being bandaged, Xi Nuan held Xiao Xiaokui for a while. Let the bandage work.

This is enough for Xiao Xiaokui to recover almost.

With Xiao Xiaokui accompanied by Xi Nuan, she relaxed a little as she closed her eyes in a daze.

A lot of pictures flashed in my mind. I used to have a happy time with my best friend, the time I ate with my second master, and the time when I didn't sleep and make cakes with my sissy midnight. The feeling of being filled with sweet and happy memories is very good.

All the pain is gone, hunger, pain, unwillingness, all gone.

Only happy memories.

The breeze blew her sweaty cheeks, her back was slightly burning, and the whole person was dizzy. Xi Nuan didn't open her eyes until the car stopped.

Her first reaction was to fight.

Sure enough, when they returned to the vicinity of Maimang City, they saw a large number of zombies.

Those zombies are basically still in a state of no evolution. They walk stiffly, have injuries in many parts of their bodies, and the wounds are filled with a lot of brown blood.

It's neither a black-haired zombie, nor the kind of zombies with clear eyes, let alone the kind of advanced mutant zombies.

But this amount is not a joke.

It's like a mayfly can't defend a big tree, but what about 10,000 mayfly? How about a hundred thousand mayfly?

What about a million mayfly?

Xi Nuan opened the communication, but no one answered, Zhang Zhongchen was puzzled, and Dan did not answer either.

She sighed, it looked like they were either dead or killed the zombies and couldn't answer the communication.

She really had no other thoughts at this time.

If Qingyan and the others died today, she would actually not be able to live by herself.

If everyone died together, it was not so scary.

She turned on her radar and found that the radar light screen was shaking. It seemed that the radar station was also robbed.

"You just stay here. I'll take a look."

Xi Nuan stuffed a mouthful of painkillers in her mouth, followed by drinks and compressed biscuits.

Finally, he put a piece of candy in his mouth.

This kind of supplement, it is estimated that her physical condition should last for two hours.

Xi Nuan did not rush to spread her wings, she glanced at Xiao Xiaokui and said:

"I remember you all can fly, right."

Xiao Xiaokui nodded and fluttered her wings and flew, Xi Nuan smiled and took out a Molotov cocktail and said:

"Fly forward, throw it down in five seconds, and then fly back, can you do it?"

Xiao Kui picked up the bottle with her mouth and flew into the sky, then flicked it vigorously for about five seconds and threw the Molotov cocktail out.

It can be about 100 meters away from these cars.

Xi Nuan pursed her mouth in satisfaction.

She glanced at Meng Qihui and said:

"I will leave you a batch of supplies, remember, these things must be thrown out in ten seconds as long as they reach your hand, otherwise the energy will be insufficient. Remember?"

Although Meng Qihui didn't quite understand why Xi Nuan said within ten seconds, there must be nothing wrong with Xi Nuan's words.

Xi Nuan left ten bombs and ten Molotov cocktails.

Only at this moment did Meng Qihui understand what an almighty man is.

Almighty people do omnipotent things, but he doesn't ask Xi Nuan why there are so many bombs. If he knows more, he will die quickly. He understands this truth.

After Xi Nuan put the things down, she left the roof of the car. At this time, she was going to look for Qingyan.

She didn't use wings, but went inside on foot.

As soon as I entered Maimang City, I saw that the zombies were all in the city. Xi Nuan did not take out the Molotov cocktail. If the Molotov cocktail was lit in the city, it might hurt the innocent. She took out her submachine gun and started shooting.

Such fighting will not bring down her body, nor will it deplete her energy.

Shuttle by shuttle, until the fifth and sixth shuttles were all cleaned up, Xi Nuan saw the little soldier who had searched her before.

It's just that the little soldier has turned into a zombie, and tan mucus is dripping out of his mouth.

The muddy eyes didn't know where they were looking. When they felt Xi Nuan, their head moved, as if listening to Xi Nuan's footsteps.

"I'm sorry. I will relieve you."

After Xi Nuan finished speaking, he directly penetrated the zombie's head with a bullet. This is the real warrior, who dedicated himself to defending the peace here.

There are simple thoughts, but there are not so many complicated feelings in my heart.

How do you say that sentence, there is no time to be quiet, but someone is carrying your weight forward.

Xiang she always has some reasons to do these things, such as experience points, or people who are involved.

If none of these were present, she might leave here directly and flew to a safe place for refuge.

Who would run over and fight the zombies?

Although Xi Nuan felt a little pity in her heart, there weren't too many waves. In this last days, there was no way to control life and death.

In addition, the two have only met a few times, so naturally there is nothing to say.

When she came to the exchange building, she was relieved to see the severed fingers still resisting outside.

"What's the situation now."

The severed finger originally thought it would be saved this time, but when he saw Xi Nuan's body wrapped in a bandage and his face was also ugly, he became nervous again.

"Boss, we haven't fallen here yet, but Captain Liu has been completely messed up, and I don't know how long we can last here. Boss, you are also injured? Are you okay? Your bandage..."

Xi Nuan nodded, and answered the severed finger, what is good or not, it would be nice to be alive.

"What is the situation with the refugees now? How about the casualties?"

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