Protect Our Patriarch

Vol 8 Chapter 98: Big win! The power of the 3 formation Taoist masters

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Who is this guy?

His aura was even comparable to that of the pseudo-divine dragon!

Emperor Atana was so frightened that he hurriedly directed the flagship to turn around and gallop in another direction, hoping to get rid of that terrible guy.

But before it could get far, another fleet surrounded it in the dark void sea.

The weirdest thing is that the flagship of this fleet is actually a weird pink color, with invincible beautiful girls and other shameful graffiti spray-painted on it.

Before Emperor Atana could react, the fleet fired a covering salvo at Atana's flagship without saying a word.

A large number of crystal source cannon beams tore through the dark void sea.

Violent rays of light instantly bloomed on the shield of Atana's flagship, illuminating the nearby airspace like daylight.

Within a moment, the shield of Atana's flagship began to vibrate violently and was on the verge of collapsing. The huge hull even slowed down under the impact. The protective layer on the surface of the flagship continued to tremble, making bursts of overwhelmed "creeping" sounds. !

Two living people actually disappeared out of thin air behind it!

However, seeing the two teams joining in, Wang Yingxuan did it.

As the Pseudo Dragon Immortal Emperor's Cage was trapped, it was also isolated from the remaining fleet of Dong Jie's entire clan.

At this time, the False Divine Dragon seemed to have reacted.

"Dragon God, you feel that each of your eight formations has lost some charm of transcending the abnormal laws of heaven." Wang Lici admired it, "There is still a faint sign of the fusion of the eight formations."

I thought that as soon as Aunt Li Ci came back, there would be no more fighting.

But the Eight Formation Taoist Master was either flustered or busy, and just spoke calmly again.

This Wang Anye flagship is of extremely low quality. It is a rare treasure ship. It would be a pity to blow it up.

In just a short moment, it was cut by many sharp blades in space. Scales and flesh flew everywhere, and the entire body of the dragon was dripping with blood, as if it had been stabbed.

The Taoist Master of the Eighth Formation smiled even more freely: "It's wrong. Ever since I took you in as my disciple, I feel that my luck has been a little bad. Every time I explain the basic formations to him, I always get some unintentional insights. Maybe, as a teacher, I can really find a way to unite the eight formations in my life."

This is a huge crystal stone that is no more than ten feet high and is bright and crystal clear, emitting a mysterious and mysterious light.

But now, nothing seems to have changed.

Although the False Divine Dragon succeeded with one strike, he was not sure of eradicating those annoying fly coefficients.


Squinting at the big but weird pink flagship, you said in a calm voice, but your tone was very harsh: "If you can let this crazy girl like Yingxuan eat alone, we will also get a share of the pie. Invade Wang Anye's flagship and capture Emperor Wang Anye alive! "

But the false dragon was frightened a little.

Everything happened with no sound, and almost no energy fluctuations were released. It can be seen that the space laws contained in the movement method are by no means easy.

The False Divine Dragon was sure that he could do it before he was promoted to the Divine Dragon, but at least now he dared to even think about it.

As soon as it was torn apart, it immediately felt that it was right.

same time period.

The so-called [Dao Year] refers to the distance that a regular Dao boat-level ferry can sail for one year.

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