Proof of the Sun King

Chapter 791: , on the way home

PS: It has been updated. Today, I am asking for a guaranteed monthly pass. The emperor is here to wish everyone a happy holiday! happy New Year!

"Lane, when do you plan to withdraw your troops and return to the country?" The opinions of the three guards in the bad land are relatively mature, so Francois did not object too much. The old man reserved his own opinions, but emphasized that Ryan should do what he can: " This great expedition has been long enough, more than a year."

"You can leave in a week or two." Ryan sat on the main seat, and the King of Knights nodded slowly: "Let the army rest for a while."

"Everyone is tired, but everyone hopes to start rewarding as soon as possible." Francois touched his goatee, and the old man said with some emotion: "I really didn't expect it, Ryan, you did it, you did it ten times. Conquer the badlands, bring war to the Greenskins, bring wealth back to Britannia, what generations of knights have not done."

"The reward will not be too small, but we always have to give the dwarves enough time to count the wealth." Ryan nodded again and again with a smile. This battle has established Ryan's absolute prestige and made enough money. The king's mood is indeed very good.

There is no need to procrastinate any more, prepare to return to China as soon as possible!

In the next few days, Ryan, Veronica and Orika lived a very pleasant life together, waiting for Bellega's notification, and the Knights Road army also began to pack up and prepare to return.

2512 in the imperial calendar, late December.

After more than a year of great expedition, the Brittany Knights Road army regrouped in the Eight Peaks Mountain. Except for Durant and his less than 300 soldiers who stayed and lived in River Valley, the rest The army regrouped and began to return.

In the midst of the heavy snow, the remaining 12,000 people of the Knights Road army lined up on the plateau of the Eight Peaks, and opposite them were all the dwarves of the Angronde clan.

Everyone is here.

The horn of the ancestors of Bafeng Mountain, after more than 3,000 years, sounded again on the Bafeng Mountain plateau.


"Dang dong ~ ping dong ~ ping dong dong dong ~"

Last night, a grand banquet was held in the ancestral hall of the Eight Peaks, singing praises and singing, and the epic story of Bellegar-Hammer and Ryan Malcador working together to recover the Eight Peaks will be destined to become the old world. legend.

And now, it's time to part.

Belgar and his people will work on the great revival of Eight Peaks, and news of their recovery has spread throughout the Old World, and now many dwarves from the Angrond clan and some dwarves who have emigrated to the empire are in Belgar. Under the call and call of , to pack up and prepare to return to Bafeng Mountain to build a great cause of rejuvenation, and Ryan is also preparing to return to Britannia after receiving such a huge gift of wealth.

The army of knights escorted a staggering amount of wealth and five thousand dwarven fine-worked vibranium rune plates, as well as twenty chests of rare treasures and countless ancient books and lost technologies.

The army of dwarves lined up in several rows and assembled in front of the Gate of Titan. Now it is the real King of the Eight Peaks, Bellegar-Hammer personally sent Ryan and others to the gate of the Gate of Titan. The king of knights and the king of dwarves held hands tightly. , Bellegar looked at Ryan's half-smile, opened his mouth, but couldn't say a word.

"Brother Bellegar." Ryan also smiled: "It's time to part. Here, I have something to say to you."

"Go ahead." Bellegar nodded slightly, and he and his dwarf guards were covered in snow.

"If in the future, you and your clan have the opportunity to come to Britannia and come to my castle, remember, Surya's afternoon tea party starts at four o'clock." Lane raised his mouth and smiled: "Don't worry, Enough beer."

"Hahahaha~" There were bursts of laughter from among the dwarves' guards.

At the same time, there were some sobbing sounds. The Angland clan took root in Brittany for nearly ten years, and finally relied on the knights to realize the dream of recovering the Eight Peaks. The battle of Nell Monastery, the battle of the plague of Hemgat, the rebellion of Mathewbad, and the battle to restore Musilon all had the participation of the dwarves.

In the Bafengshan Great Crusade, from the first battle of the Giant Tower, to the Battle of the Armory Fort, the Iron and Steel Raid, the Battle of Valaya's Gate, the Battle of the Titan's Gate and the final battle of Bafengshan, the dwarves Forged a deep friendship with the knights, and now that they are going to part, many dwarves are very reluctant to part.

"We will remember your names, Ryan Macado, Callard de Garamente, Federmond de Poldro, François de Winfort, and Vero Ms. Nika Bernadotte, and... Ms. Olika, we will all remember your name, trust the dwarves." Bellegar's eyes dripped with hot tears, and he reached out and clasped Ryan's hand: "Also, we will remember those soldiers who sacrificed in order to restore the Eight Peaks, we will all remember."

"Yeah, it's time to leave." Ryan sighed softly. He stretched out his other hand and patted Bellegar's iron glove lightly. He was about to turn around when he suddenly remembered something: "By the way, Brother Bellegar, I have one last thing to tell you."

"Next time, don't dig so deep." Ryan said this with a smile.


Just as the dwarves laughed, the Great Expedition of Eight Peaks officially ended, and the army set foot on the return journey.

Bellegar also said that when things are almost done on the Eight Peaks Mountain, he will send a team of "mustaches" to Brittany to find Ryan, and they will go to Marienburg to find trouble with those business princes, while the Empire The dwarves will respond, as will the dwarves of the Mountain Kingdom to press Marienburg.

The Knights Road army left the Eight Peaks in late December and set out on their return journey, which took them two weeks, first to Valaya Hearth, and then to Iron Rock on the edge of the Roof of the World.

At this time, the entire fortress of Iron and Steel has been abandoned for several months, and the powerful Iron Claw tribe has almost been wiped out. After Lane led the army to inspect the place, he immediately fell in love with the unique geographical location of Iron and Steel. Here Backed by mountains, water, and a whole forest, it is relatively comfortable for human beings to station here. It is also a famous pig iron producing area. The reserves of pig iron are unfathomable.

And more importantly, there is a large magma lake under the steel rock, which is rich in obsidian minerals. As long as it can be occupied, there will be a steady stream of obsidian, which is another amazing financial income. Obsidian can be used for Craft weaponry, war machines and even fortress cornerstones.

The location of the steel rock is also an important node between the Eight Peaks Mountain and the Arsenal Fort. After careful consideration, Ryan decided to set up the third guardhouse here.

Since then, the construction of the three guards in the badlands has been completed, namely the armory guard, the steel guard and the eight peak guard. Ryan plans to set up a frontier marquis here, but whoever stays will have to wait to return to the country to discuss, but the Baron of the Spire Palace, Lucian seems to be right This position is very interesting, and Lane is still weighing it up. After all, this position is very important. It is stationed in badlands, far away from the country, and has to face green attacks frequently, which means that this position will enjoy great autonomy. Including financial rights and appointment rights.

Like the empire, Brittany also has the position of border nobility. The empire is called border count. The emperor or the elector allows border counts to organize their own troops to defend against possible invasions, and they can conduct military operations without the permission of their superiors. You can leave a part of the taxes for your own use without turning it over, and at the same time have relatively independent rights to subordinate lords.

However, the premise of everything is that the frontier earl must keep his territory and manage his territory well, otherwise the emperor can deprive him of the title of nobility at any time.

This title in Britannia is called the Marquis of the Frontier. The most typical one is the Marquis of Anchy who was killed in the Battle of Arden Forest. He is the Marquis of Glasgow Border. The fief is the Glasgow Castle area near Arden Forest. The Beastmen who are specially responsible for defending against the Arden Forest, the Marquis of Brittany can also assemble troops and build fortifications without the permission of the superiors, and take the initiative to launch wars.

Ryan originally wanted to refer to the three guards of the badlands as "the Protectorate of the Badlands" or "The Dusi of the Badlands", but he could only give up. Can withstand the attacks of the Greenskins and Skaven, and when the population of the dwarves recovers and can protect themselves, the Badlands Three Guards should be abolished and cancelled.

Well, one day, not now and in the next few decades anyway, Ryan thought that it would be good to have such a place. In the next few years, the Knights Kingdom can live and work in peace and recuperate, and those knights who are full of expeditions and battles also have a place to go. , will not start doing things because the energy has nowhere to use.

After watching the Iron Rock, Ryan continued to lead the army to retreat along the Badwater River towards the west. Here, Jerrod led the reinforcements of Francois and the army left behind in the Armoury Fort, and the army of the Knights Road Expedition was in the dark. The rendezvous was completed on the banks of the Shuihe River.

After the Great Crusade, the old guard with tattered burqas and weathered faces encountered the ranger knight sent by Gerald to patrol on the banks of the Badwater River. .com~ Reach out and hold the Old Guard soldiers firmly, the afterglow of the Great Crusade is so dazzling, the first two armies to come into contact circle around fried eggs, bread, sardines and macaroni, people Sing, dance, and celebrate the victory of the Bafengshan Great Expedition.

This scene was painted on the spot by the knights and nobles who were good at painting with the army. It was called "Badshui River Meeting", which later became a first-class national treasure of the Kingdom of Brittany and was collected in the Holy Grail Cathedral in Curona.

Afterwards, the army of knights that joined forces, led by Ryan, Francois and Callard, took the Goblin warlord Grabanaz-Sour stomach, who had heard the news, and brought it with him to loot the tribal army of the expeditionary army. Complete destruction, adding another fortune to the wealth that the expedition brought back.

In this way, when the time came to mid-January, the expedition finally arrived at the Barak-Haimen Pass.

The army burst into a roar of victory, and even Ryan himself couldn't help laughing. The knights were all flushed, praising the wise leadership of the king of knights, the blessing of the fairies in the lake, and even the serf soldiers. They couldn't help but shed the tears of the rest of their lives. The great victory and numerous meritorious deeds, under the rich capture, were huge sacrifices.

But what the knight master and the serf soldiers did not expect was that when they gradually approached the Haimen Pass, they were shocked by the scene in front of them.

The gate of the fortress opened slowly, accompanied by the sound of the loud horn, thousands of Eternal Peak "Eternal Guards" equipped with dwarf Seiko rune plate armor and holding a giant hammer, several iron hammer warrior battalions, several iron breaking warriors and several The unclear army of dwarves slowly drove out from the inside, and the knights could clearly see the dazzling light emanating from the throne of the High King in the center of the front line of the dwarf army. .

"The High King! Thorgreen?!"

"Why, he is here?"

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