Proof of the Sun King

Chapter 768: , The Eve and the Old Dwarf

The appearance of Ryan finally calmed the entire camp. The king was the only guy in the entire camp who could suppress both wood elves and dwarves at the same time. The wood elves needed Ryan for trade. Hearing that Ryan successfully advanced to the high level of the Sanctuary, Belgar also stopped, and the King of Eight Peaks was making the final preparations.

Ryan is not in a hurry to meet, he must try to master the new ability he has acquired.

His psionic energy touched the cold void, and the psychic energy of the primarch appeared in the entire subspace as extremely bright light spots of order, connected into a mysterious symbol, and Ryan manipulated his psionic energy to his heart's content. He began to unfold, to explore.

Well, the source of dark magic power and the one with my spiritual mark more than ten meters away must be Olika who is guarding the door. Ryan felt it, and he nodded.

Since she can feel Orika, what about Veronica?

Ryan extended his power further, and his psionic energy covered hundreds of meters away from the house. Soon, Ryan found where Veronica was, the witch Garland was hiding in her tent and condensed fire It is a magic element, but even under the gathering of a large number of fire elements, the spiritual mark marked by Ryan on Veronica's lower abdomen is still very clear.

It was also hard for her, Ryan smiled when he heard the words. Veronica has contributed a lot to the great expedition this year. Although the harvest is also very attractive, she can come here because of herself, Jialan, who is strong in the Sanctuary. The witch didn't say anything, but she still put Ryan in the first place. Now the weather is cold and it is not suitable for Veronica to use fire magic. She is still trying to condense some fire magic to reserve. Mobile terminal::

In fact, the cold weather should be Teresa's home field, but the sorceress is not a sanctuary, and secondly, even if she comes, she will not be of much use in the whole war in the badlands or even in the battle of Valaya's gate. , at most, it can only be used at the end of the Eight Peaks. This is really worth the loss. Ryan didn't plan to let her come. As for Aurora, she is useful, but Ryan doesn't fully trust her.

Yes, not total trust, not total distrust, but not total trust.

So why did Ryan let the Aurora mother and daughter form MI7?

The answer is very simple, no one is available. At the same time, Ryan also has to establish a balance. In the process of his rise, he is a little too dependent on Suria and the knights and nobles behind her.

"Okay, let me try my new ability." Ryan closed his eyes and began to try to cast spells with psionic energy.

Bright psionic light illuminated the entire room, and soon, the boundary between the subspace and the mortal world was torn apart, and the pale blue psionic vortex flashed, gradually opening a bright portal.

The figure of Veronica appeared in the portal. Witch Garland screamed and fell from the air, and then was hugged by Ryan. Witch Garland panicked at first, she almost thought she didn't control her mana well, and attracted the Chaos Demon , or was sucked into the warp, and when she saw Ryan, Witch Garland's face became ugly, she was so angry that she patted Ryan's face with the back of her hand: "Dear! What are you doing? Hey! You almost scared me to death! I thought I was sucked into the Chaos Portal!"

What Veronica said is not without reason. More than 100 years ago, the Imperial Academy of Wizards Alchemy Academy was first established, and the management of the alchemy wizards in it was not as perfect as after. An alchemy wizard failed to cast a spell and accidentally summoned After entering the Chaos Portal, a strange demon and Khorne Demon Hound came out, killing all the alchemy wizards in the entire Alchemy Academy. Finally, the Tzeentch Demon and the Khorne Demon Hound fought in the Alchemy Academy. It was not until a day later, when the tide of Chaos receded, the Chaos Demons disappeared, and the witchcraft disguise of the Tzeentch Demons was lifted, the Empire discovered the disaster.

In the history, there have been many incidents in the Jialan Council. Although Veronica has Ryan's spirit pattern to protect her from being corrupted by chaos, she naturally has many spellcasting mistakes and even backlash. She was frightened.

"It's the same way, I understand." Ryan hugged Veronica's delicate body, and the King of Knights pondered: "I understand, how did my father teleport Angron out of the crisis."

"Brother Angron?" Veronica calmed down after a brief panic. Witch Garland sat on Ryan's lap in a rage. She was wearing a starry night elf dazzling black amber and charming hip skirt today. , a pair of slender and straight black silk long legs and black suede high-heeled shoes under the skirt, Witch Garland smiled and said, "How can a person as powerful as Brother Angron encounter a crisis? Don't lie to me."

"No matter how strong he is, he is only a demigod." Ryan said meaningfully, he reached out and gently wiped the beautiful black silk legs of his chief female courtier. Under the thin black stockings, Veronica was delicate With smooth skin, Witch Garland was a little embarrassed and also patted Ryan's hand away: "Okay, my dear, I don't know what new abilities you got, but if you called me here for this I'll talk about it at night, or you can find your Olika, and I'll continue to condense magic during the day to prepare for the next battle."

"I just tested my new ability." Ryan hugged Veronica's waist when he saw this: "I tested the first ability, and now it's the second."

"The second one?" Veronica hadn't reacted to what Ryan was saying. A light blue psychic vortex erupted in the room, and the two disappeared instantly: "Huh"

After a wave of psychic energy, Ryan and Veronica had already appeared two kilometers away from the previous location, on the eastern city wall of the stream outpost, Veronica's black high heels stepped on the thick snow, Jia. Witch Lan looked at the nearby snow scene in disbelief: "Dear, have you learned mass teleportation?!"

"Psionic power, at most thirty to forty people at a time, and the distance is up to three kilometers." Ryan put Veronica down, and he felt his new power: "Damn, this world is suppressed by the great guardian and the maelstrom. Too serious, otherwise I should be able to teleport very far."

"Your new ability?" Veronica looked at the heavy snow falling from the sky, and took the initiative to put her cloak on the shoulders of Ryan, who was wearing a single shirt: "Go back to your room first, don't get drenched in snow outside."

"Psionic Recall, Psionic Folding." Ryan nodded and activated Psionics Folding again. After a second, the two instantly returned to the king's golden tent.

Lane began to deal with various messages and affairs.

According to the information of the dwarf rangers in Bellegar, Skarsnik is concentrating all his troops, and the large-scale army mobilization indicates that the Eight Peaks Mountain Warriors are ready to fight him. At the same time, a whole ogre tribe named Da The ogre army of the Stomach tribe has approached the Eight Peaks under the command of the ogre warlord Braut Big Stomach. Skarsnik not only used the Eight Peaks crown and a large amount of food to trade with the ogre tribe, but also sent the Eight Peaks. Half of the ghouls in the mountain are for the ogre tribe.

Although it is said that greenskins eat farts that other races cannot eat, ogres are different. There is nothing that this race cannot eat. When they are madly hungry, ogres can even eat rocks and dirt. Of course, it is not very useful to satisfy hunger. If you really want to be full, you still need to be sure of food and meat. In the face of tens of thousands of delicious barbecue shit, the ogres agreed to Skarsnick's employment contract. .

Bellegar was very confident that he could hire ogres. It can be seen that Skarsnik has paid such a huge price on the spot. The King of Eight Peaks really has nothing to say, and can only express his old rivalry indignantly. This time it's really going to be hard.

Even though Skarsnick is very cunning and cunning, the green-skinned warlord also has the courage to fight and dare to fight everything at critical moments. Even Bellegar, who hates Skarsnik so much, The Lord of Sufferers approves of this.

As for the Skaven, it was very quiet, and Bellegar judged that there were only two possibilities. One was that Headhunter Quick was planning a more despicable and terrifying plan, and it was ready to come out to clean up the mess.

As for the second possibility... Even Ryan felt a lot of pressure after hearing it, but in any case, if he could solve the problem of Eight Peaks at one time and save so much trouble, it would be acceptable.

As for the field battle proposed by Bellegar and the defense of the city proposed by the wood elves, Ryan finally chose to go out for the field battle. The stream outpost is really dilapidated. This is not a fortress with sufficient defense and a complete city wall structure at all, but a city in Under the destruction of the greenskin, the place has been abandoned for thousands of years. Although the dwarves have repaired part of it, the defense of the city is still too reluctant.

Ryan understood what Alaros meant. The wood elf heroes were fighting with you in front of the line, and we were going to shoot explosions in the back.

However, going out of the city to fight can maximize the impact advantage of the Brittanian heavy cavalry. Lane finally made up his mind to go out to fight in the city. Bellegar naturally clapped his hands and said happily that the Lane brothers know dwarves best, and the sharp ears of the forest are all ears. Sand Sculpture, Alaros was very unconvinced. After many polite suggestions and suggestions, he was forced to accept the opinion of going out of the city to fight in the field, but Ryan could see that the wood elf hero still wanted to defend the city.

He can only temporarily suppress Alaros' dissatisfaction. This is not due to Ryan's own prestige, but Lilith's advice to Alaros. Listen to Ryan's words and don't let him get hurt.

The hero's voice was full of sourness when he said these words, and Ryan laughed.

Now, the entire camp is preparing for war.

In the midst of snow and litter, on a plaza of the ruins of a dwarven house, the true King of the Mountains of Eight Peaks, Belgar Hammer, sits like this on a stone, with a pipe in his hand, swallowing clouds spit.

He was surrounded by hundreds of dwarven soldiers eating sandwiches and drinking beer. The dwarves were eating, fighting and arguing loudly. Not only did Belgar not stop it, but he was happy to see this scene, which represented the vitality of the dwarven clan. .

The decline and decline of dwarves has been a long time, and now the number of older dwarves has outnumbered young dwarves. If it is not for the help and assistance of Ryan, the large group of young dwarves in the clan have obtained enough food and various trainings. The decline will continue, but one day the young dwarves will take the armour and axes and hammers of their elders and go to the front lines, continuing to fight for glory and clan.

What would that look like? Bellegar couldn't help showing a smile when he thought of this. He looked at the Titan Gate of the Eight Peaks in the distance, stretched his legs and admired the scenery. On the top of the mountains, he could see the rolling hills many kilometers away. Hard rocks and sparse vegetation, as well as the faintly visible Eight Peaks Mountain, the Granny and Grimnir megaliths in front of the peaks are watching everything, and they are about to witness this great battle.

"Three thousand years ago, your kingdom fell here, Your Majesty Belgar." At this moment, a voice came from behind Belgar. The King of Eight Peaks turned his head and found a very old man with a The white-bearded dwarf with a simple cord-buckle belt stood behind him, the stranger in a blue woolen smock and an ancient dwarf scroll in his rough, cracked hands: "And now you want to take it back. ."

"Only by recovering the Eight Peaks, can my clan and I usher in the final revival." Bellegar replied earnestly, he took the pipe from his mouth, and looked at the old dwarf strangely, from his beard In terms of length, he can be his grandfather: "Who are you? You are not a warrior of my clan, where are you from?"

"I'm from Eternal Peak." The old dwarf nodded, he walked behind Bellegar: "I'm just an old craftsman, good at making and repairing weapons to make a little money, I think you may need my help, so I'm here."

"Thank you for your help, and may Granny be with you." Bellegar nodded: "All friends who can lend a helping hand at this juncture are friends, please take a seat."

The old dwarf sat beside Bellegar, he also stretched out his legs, took out a glass of Bagman **** black beer and sipped: "This will be an extremely glorious battle, I'm glad you found enough A powerful ally, but as an elder, I still want to pass on a little life experience to you."

"I have nothing to educate. If you want to tell me that Brother Ryan is unreliable, then I will not treat you well. Valaya is on top. Brother Ryan is my friend, forever friend." Bellegar said very much. Muttering unhappily, the King of Eight Peaks said awkwardly, "I don't think I need your advice."

The old dwarf didn't answer immediately. He skillfully took out a small packet of tobacco and stuffed it into his pipe. Then he took out a fire stick and lit it three times. Then the dwarf said slowly: "Ryan Machado? He is barely a qualified warrior, barely, but you have to remember that he is the only one the dwarves can trust, and no one else is worth mentioning~www.wuxiaspot .com~ King Bellegar, you must know that human life is too short and fragile. Look at the empire, besides Charlemagne and Ludwig the savior, is there a qualified emperor... But at least for now, We can really trust Ryan Malcador and his knight allies, you know that's not what I'm talking about, I'm talking about another bunch of nasty, nasty, disgusting guys who have turned their backs on the great covenant, and I'm not going to point my ears here name."

"You mean..." Bellegar pondered, and the King of Eight Peaks clearly thought of something. He looked suspiciously at the old dwarf behind him. He was wearing a long cloak, covering his whole body. He got up, but there was clearly an axe-shaped thing pinned to his waist: "You're here to help me, right?"

"I'm very happy, I thought it was an impossible task to recover the Eight Peaks, but Bellegar, you turned the impossible into a possibility. Now, it is not far from recovering the Eight Peaks, as long as you and your knights The ally defeated that greenskin and that mouse in this battle, you might really have a chance, I mean, that little chance." The old dwarf nodded.

"This is my oath, I will recover the Eight Peaks Mountain." Bellegar's eyes lit up: "The oath, this is the bond that maintains our family."

"Yes, the Kingdom of the Mountains, will be revived again." The old dwarf's slow and low voice sounded like a heavy weight: "The oath is as solid as a rock!"

"Go, King Belgar, may Valaya guide your way, may your will be like Granny's broken iron, may your strength be like Grimnir's axe, may you succeed."

Bellegar nodded slowly. In the eyes of the old dwarf, he sent a black crow high into the sky, watching the crow fly into the distance, the King of Eight Peaks said with emotion.

"This day is finally here!"

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