Proof of the Sun King

Chapter 734: , The Battle of Armory Fort (Part 1)

During the scout of the scouts, the enemy of the expedition army, the waves composed of large groups of goblins and green skins are gradually approaching. Under the warm winter sun, a green sea full of black spots and maliciousness has drowned the entire army. The hills near Fort Ku, where the stench stinks, hideous totems and battle flags flutter up and down in the biting wind.

After learning that an army of dwarves and humans was marching here, the goblin warlord Git-Sourstomach immediately began planning how to teach their bearded foes a hard lesson, so that Maul could feel it. The special-sour stomach is powerful, and the vicinity of the armory is a natural ambush. The Goblin Warlord arranged his army into a half-moon shape, and in the dwarf ranger's reconnaissance, he was relatively successful in making the other party think that there would be no place here. Too many greenskin troops garrisoned.

This group of short stacks probably thought they would stick to the armory fort? The goblin warlord Git-Sourstomach thought with a smile, and it danced, imagining that he had won a great victory, stepping on the head of the dwarf under his feet.

This makes it think of the legendary greenskin warlord, Guru the Potbellied, every goblin wants to be Guru the Potbellied King, that's a true legend, this goblin warlord of the Broken Axe clan is The rare goblins who can fight orcs, nothing can shake their almost twisted reverence for the largest and strongest goblin warlord, Gollum.

Goblin's legend of bravery is still circulating in every goblin camp, and if a shaman casts Goblin's gigantic vision with a spell, even the most rambunctious goblins will become respectful. When Gollum's vision loomed, the goblins would stand at attention consciously, shut their nonsense mouths, and even hold back their stinking habit of picking their noses. And there's a reason for these unusually respectful expressions: To humble goblins, Gollum is a sublime god, the embodiment of something huge, violent, and worshipped, something they've never been able to touch in their entire lives.

And Gollum also deserves this kind of praise. In order to show his strength, the greatest goblin warlord devoured troll flesh and desperately devoured everything. Normally, a small goblin alone would be constantly attacked. The troll flesh that proliferated and recovered exploded, but Gollum resisted and became stronger. The goblin warlord ravaged the Roof Mountains, Badlands, Black Mountains, Middenheim, and Drakwald successively. The Misty Mountains of the forest declared themselves the King of Eaters, built greenskin warships to expedition to Ulthuan, and were crushed to death on the beach by an army of high elves.

You will be as great as Gollum, the same! The Goblin Warlord thought so.

"We are surrounded, King Bellegar!" At this moment, Black Heart Repp was a little flustered, but his face remained steady. The mercenary chief knew what it would be like to be surrounded by greenskins in the badlands. Dilemma, even a dwarf cannot support being besieged for a long time: "What should I do?"

"Calm down, Mr. Littlebird." Bellegar was very calm about this, the King of Eight Peaks held his Hammer of Angland and the Shield of Resistance, and looked at Blackheart Leip with a mentally retarded look: "We are like this To advance, it is strange not to be surrounded."

"Uh, what should we do then?" Black-hearted Leipu was really at a loss. It seemed that they had an advantage in terms of troops. They had about 10,000 troops, and there were almost 10,000 green skins, but who knew the green skins? Are there any other conspiracies and armies?

"What should we do? Face the enemy, of course! Dwarves will never be cowardly or withdrawn!" Bellegar immediately signaled the army to obey: "Prepare to fight, dwarves, and human brothers, the time to fight has come."

Both humans and dwarves responded loudly to Bellegar's call, and they formed a formation under Bellegar's command. The army was formed, and the dwarven crossbowmen and dwarven thunder gunmen were ready to teach the enemy a lesson.

The most elite Angrond vowed that the personal guards and the Brotherhood of Steel would be led by Bellegar himself to stand in the middle army. At the same time, those sea soul guards from Kislev were also directly led by Bellegar. The pistols and Admiral Ivan's archers were separated behind the flanks, and these light cavalry ensured that the fast-moving wolf cavalry and chariots would not sweep over the ends of the dwarven lines and launch a back attack, while Juan-Ca The Sun Knights led by Los-Sunwatcher acted as a mobile force, ready to support all parts of the battlefield at any time.

After making preparations, the entire battlefield fell into silence. The human soldiers knew how to deal with the greenskin because of the previous series of victories. They shouted the name of their belief in God and various slogans loudly.

Unlike humans, dwarves watched the greenskin tide in the distance, and a strange feeling was awakened.

The family and country are broken, the blood feud of the ancestors, leaving the country, and lingering on.

"Distant places, mountains that haunt dreams~"

"We stand on the top of the mountain~"

"Whether the glory of the past can be reproduced~"

"The glory of our ancestors guides our way home."

Gradually, a mournful dirge sounded in the army, and the neat army line rose and fell slightly. The song was like a fine wave that moved the dwarves and gathered their innermost strength. Bellegar nodded slowly. He clenched his hammer and walked up to his oath stone.

The time to fight has come!

The large group of goblins and a small number of Orcs immediately discovered their enemies. The appearance of bearded enemies and human shrimp made those goblins scratch their ears and cheeks, clasped their boogers and scratched their bodies. Weapons beat on shields, their brutish roars burst through the air, the din drowned out the muffled singing of the dwarves, then brass horns and chaotic drum beats marked the beginning of the attack, the orcs swooped forward, countless weapons and shields waving in the air.

Yes, the war has begun!

The first to start the war was the roar of the dwarves' cannons. The dwarven cannons of the Angrond clan spit out angry flames at the greenskin army formation. Six goblins and a green boy easily tore apart the strong muscles and strong bones of the green skin, blasting a piece of dirt and meadows across the desert steppe map.

The human soldiers cheered loudly, and the dwarves dedicated all their praise to Grimnir, the dwarven **** of war.

The other dwarf cannons were not idle either. In a series, dozens of dwarf cannons and several dwarf organ cannons fired one after another. The bombardment meant that many greenskins were blown into **** and meat paste, but the large group of goblins and greenskin boys obviously wouldn't retreat because of this casualty, and they frantically swung their weapons and continued to pounce on the position.

"Fire!" The dwarf thunder gunmen and crossbowmen also released their firepower to the fullest. The trigger sound of the hand crossbow and the bombardment of the muskets were dense, and the green skins in the first three rows were continuously harvested, followed by the fourth row. In the fifth row, groups of greenskins kept falling down, and the greenskins behind them continued to charge up on their corpses. As long as they didn't hit the key points, no matter what the injuries were, the greenskins ignored them.

At the same time, the green-skinned goblin archers and the green-skinned archers also began to fight back. Due to the strong armor of the dwarves, they aimed at the human army at the forefront, Leonardo's panther regiment.

But this time, they miscalculated.

"Turtle Shield Formation!" Leonardo was a mercenary warlord wearing a golden crown and a golden breastplate. He immediately shouted angrily and signaled the mercenary group to change the formation. The soldiers of the leopard regiment responded loudly, and they quickly formed a group. It became a turtle shield formation. The well-trained Lucini soldiers blocked the shields in front and above, and the green arrow rain could not damage these battle-hardened soldiers in the slightest, except for the raindrops on the shields. Apart from the sound, the soldiers of the Leopard regiment were coldly preparing to meet the strong enemy.

And the dwarven engineers of the Angrond clan also quickly noticed the position formed by the goblin archers and the greenskin archers. With the deployment of the dwarf artillery, the goblin archers were bombarded directly. God, the rest are rout in fear, and only the green-skinned bow and arrow boys are still holding on.

Now, the green-skinned waves are approaching.

"Three-line formation!" Leonardo shouted almost immediately, and the Leopards quickly changed their formation to form their most famous three-line formation.

Taken from the glorious tradition of the Principality of Lucini, the soldiers of the Leopard regiment are divided into young soldiers, adult soldiers and reserve veterans, who are arranged in the first row, the second row, and the third row, but even the young soldiers, the Leopard regiment soldiers still have With extremely rich combat experience, facing the rushing Goblins and Orc orc boy, Leonardo roared: "Look at this eagle flag, for glory and wealth!"

"Ah, ah, ah!" The young soldier in the first column threw his heavy javelin, and following his movements, the first two rows of the entire leopard regiment threw a rain of javelins like a torrential rain, and the sharp tips penetrated The body of the greenskin boy and the goblins, many goblins were pierced, the huge casualties made many goblins timid, they hesitated, only the greenskin boys continued to charge fearlessly, they stink The fangs and the ferocious green face screamed and roared, and bumped into the three-line formation of the leopard regiment.

The battle began, with human spears and dwarven battle axes mercilessly slashing and severing the flesh and bones of the greenskin, while the greenskin cleavers and clubs also pryed open the seams of the plate and armor, and the green tide came from The three directions approached the army led by Bellegar, but the dwarves' defense was rock solid, and on the dense front, the dwarves were full of cold and resolute faces.

Belgar stood on the oath rune stone, and the dwarf soldiers and even human soldiers around him kept shouting the names of Belgar and Eight Peaks. Their solid front was shaken slightly at first when facing the impact of the greenskin frenzy, but He quickly secured his position, armed with a hammer and wearing rune vibranium plate armor, Angrond vowed that his guards wielded a giant hammer and smashed all the goblins and greenskin boys near Belgar to a pulp, And the simple spears and machetes of the goblins and the greenskin boys couldn't break through the defense of the vibranium plate armor at all, so they only had to be harvested.

"Stand up! Soldiers, stand up!" Every time Belgar swung the Hammer of Angrond, a greenskin boy or more goblins were smashed to pieces, and the white beard of the King of Eight Peaks was smashed to pieces. Inlaid with golden rune iron rings, flying over the battlefield, like a beautiful landscape, blooming in the flowers of blood.

"Death to the Lord!" Rune craftsman Slud-Honest deployed his doomsday anvil on the battlefield. He took out his forging hammer and smashed it on the surface of the doomsday anvil, and a few thunderbolts immediately Ejected from the surface of the anvil, smashing a group of goblins to smithereens.

In this way, the green waves continued to beat against the solid reef, but they could not shake the solid front of the dwarves.

Twenty minutes into the battle, the goblins became timid and frightened. Only the green-skinned boys were still fighting with all their strength. Bellegar could feel the sound of the earth shaking. When he hammered a green-skinned boy's head into pieces, The King of Eight Peaks raised his head, he knew that it was the sound of cavalry galloping.

It's the Goblin Wolf Trooper! Hundreds of goblin wolf cavalry want to attack the rear of the dwarves and attack the artillery positions of the dwarves through the roundabout tactics of dealing with the dwarves. Piggy!

Bellegar gave a cruel smile, and Greenskin lost his count.

My army is not what it used to be.

The pistol cavalry and cavalry archers led by Blackheart Rep and Admiral Ivan were immediately ordered to set off. They rushed out and faced the attack of the goblin wolf cavalry and the chariot. The cavalry and the rain of blocking arrows shot down the Goblin wolf cavalry, and the rest fled in screams. A small number of green-skinned war pig boys could not affect the battle situation, and they tried to attack the pistol cavalry team of Blackheart Leip. , but the cunning mercenary leader knew how to hit and run. He took advantage of the fact that the war pigs were not good at turning, and quickly divided the pistol cavalry into two teams, letting the war pig boys pass through the middle, and then there was a burst of Volley fire, a small number of war pig boys kept falling down, even if the remaining few were able to get close to the artillery position, they were killed by the prepared artillerymen using hand guns and hand Soul Guard They were also thrown into the battlefield. The tall Kislev crushed the short goblins with his strong physique, and even fought head-to-head with the greenskins. The dwarf artillerymen fired one after another, and the greenskins suffered heavy losses. The goblins have begun to throw away their armor and armor, and the army is broken, and the greenskin boys are also struggling to support.

The goblin warlord Git-Sourstomach, who was watching the whole battle from a distance, rode on a huge warg, and it said angrily: "Damn, damn, what about giants and trolls? The group of giants and trolls I arranged Where are the trolls? Aren't they supposed to come out from the back and the right and smash the bearded enemies and the human shrimp to pieces and smash their ass? And what about the night goblins? Waving What about the guys with the big iron **** going in circles? Where did they go? Without them, how could we break the defense of the bearded enemy? Traitor! Traitor, who ate my food and escaped!”

"It's not good, it's not good, boss!" At this moment, a goblin wolf cavalry riding a war wolf rushed from afar, it screamed and shouted: "It's not good! Boss, giants and troll troops, And the Night Goblin tribe was attacked by hordes of canned shrimp, all over, all over!"

"What?" the Goblin Warlord roared in disbelief, "It's all over?"

"Yeah, boss, those canned shrimps rushed all over the mountains and fields, attacked the giants and trolls who were in ambush, and the night goblins from behind! A dozen giants and trolls, and those who could turn in circles. Everyone, it's all over!" The Goblin Wolf Cavalry screamed: "And those canned shrimps are already... already..."

"What has it been?" Jit-Suanwei roared while pinching the wolf cavalry's neck: "Come on!"

"We've already headed towards the Armory Fort!"


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