Proof of the Sun King

Chapter 317: , The Battle of the Plains of Leonasay (5,000 words large)

Although Ryan had time to talk to Aegir, the sound of the cannons from his army never stopped, the four cannons roared, and each burst of explosive cannonballs caused huge casualties to the barbarians.

A large group of knights appeared on the field, and the knights witnessed the tragic situation of Leonase, and a kind of anger exploded in the hearts of the knights.

For the knights, the most honorable thing is to defend their home and country, and now, the castle of Leonasay has been captured, and large villages have been reduced to ruins. The knights cannot forgive the brutality of the barbarians. Their sins are only with their blood. to repay.

Aegir also discovered the power of artillery. The barbarians must not sit still, otherwise one or two hundred barbarian warriors will be lost in a single salvo.

The barbarian army of Scalins was still slowly gathering at this time. After this raid, the barbarians were not yet ready for war. Many barbarian warriors had just woken up from their sleep. Before they were ready, the barbarians were bombarded by dwarf cannons. , suffered a great loss.

The knights were about to move, but Ryan raised the warhammer, signaling the knights to stay calm.

Although the barbarians are not ready for war, it does not mean that the attack can be effective, because the ordinary barbarian warriors and barbarian warriors have not reacted. If you force the phalanx of these heavily armored warriors, you will surely suffer a powerful counterattack from the barbarians.

The good news is that Ryan did not see the shadow of the Chaos Hell Cannon. Has it been destroyed during the siege?

Since the barbarians are not ready, the cannons of the knight army will not show mercy to these Chaos believers, the dwarves' artillery is constantly roaring, inflicting violent killings on the enemy, and by the time Aegir has finally assembled the barbarian army, they have lost close to it. a thousand people.

Aegir began to observe the composition of Ryan's army.

Lane's left flank is composed of more than 2,000 knights and more than 3,000 knights, without any infantry. Leading the left flank is the former Duke Hubald from Carcassonne, leading a large group of kingdom knights, ranger knights and a small number of expedition knights. , he looked grim, waiting for Ryan's order.

The right wing was composed of a small number of Seagod Knights, more than 2,000 Ranger Knights and more than 3,000 Knight Retinues, and there was no infantry. Leading the right wing was the Deputy Head of the Seagod Knights, Sir Hoolf.

There were only a few hundred knights behind Ryan in the central army, and the rest were all infantry. The dwarf cannon was behind the central army. Those **** dwarves found their positions and fired continuously, and they could fire a cannon in about five minutes.

Infantry in Brittany? Egil thought to himself, why is Ryan's central army all infantry? Can these infantry stop me too?

"Move the whole army! Take the middle army!" Aegir commanded a large number of heavy troops: "Go forward!"

"Move forward!" The barbarian army has completed the assembly, and due to the suppression of artillery, the barbarians must take the initiative to attack!

A large group of heavily armored barbarian troops attacked the middle army of the knight army, and the serf archers began to shoot arrows, but the weak arrows could hardly hurt any Chaos Warriors and Chaos God's Chosen Warriors. These Chaos believers were all wrapped in heavy armor. , Brittany's bows and arrows can hurt those barbarian plunderers, but they are destined to be unable to hurt these black heavy armored warriors.

The Bastogne Longbow Battalion played its part, and these longbowmen attacked the barbarian warriors with projectiles, and still caused good damage.

"Steady!" Ryan stood at the front first, and when the black tide charged towards the army of knights under the fire of the dwarves, Ryan signaled to everyone to stabilize!

The infantry in the first row were almost all knights and sergeants. Most of them held swords and shields. There were also a large number of infantry with halberds in the back. Lane himself led more than a hundred knights standing behind.

"Humph! He wants us to attack his central army directly, and then let the knights on the flank flank and annihilate us." Egil immediately saw Ryan's tactical intentions.

Ryan's plan was simple. Obviously, he had the advantage of artillery, and the artillery of the barbarian army had already been destroyed in the previous siege.

So Aegir and his army must attack Lane's middle army, otherwise they will always be the target of artillery strikes, which is unacceptable for the barbarian army,

After attacking the central army, taking advantage of a large number of barbarian troops stagnating in the middle, once the knights on the two wings flank and flank, the barbarians will obviously fall into a disadvantage. Although the warriors of chaos can fight well, no army can face multiple fronts for a long time. fight.

Agil suddenly realized that he and his barbarian army seemed to be at a disadvantage in the battle.

"Kovindev!" Agil suddenly shouted angrily.

"In!" Chaos Champion came up from behind.

"Take your people to contain the army of knights on the left wing!"

"Yes!" Kovindev took the people away.



"Go and attack the right flank of the Bretons, and be sure to hold back the knights of the right flank!"


The black wave was approaching, and at this moment, a cavalry suddenly poured out from behind the barbarian army.

This cavalry was all composed of lightly armed barbarian warriors. They rode Norsca warhorses with javelins in their hands and a bundle of javelins on their backs. They dodged from the rear and headed towards the knights on the left flank. In an instant, a dense rain of javelins was thrown.

The heavily armed knights were caught off guard. About twenty knights were stabbed on the spot, and more than a dozen knights could not afford to fall on the spot.

Not every knight has the ability to buy and wear plate armor for himself. The vast majority of knights wear chain armor. This kind of armor is good for defense in melee combat, but not at all for long-range attacks.

This cavalry is called the Norsca Champion Hunters. There are more than 400 cavalrymen. They are a small number of cavalry that Agil carried during this southward journey. They will not be used until the critical moment.

Many knights chased after them on the spot. They raised their lances and rushed towards the barbarian cavalry, but the barbarian cavalry was extremely fast, and they quickly circled behind the Breton knights.

Chaos Champion Kovindev drew a javelin from behind: "Let it go!"

More than 400 javelins fired in an instant salvo, and more than 30 heavy cavalry fell off their horses. Hubbard was infuriated by the barbarian's provocation. He raised his broad-blade sword with both hands: "Knights! Charge!"

The large group of knights on the left flank quickly turned their horses and rushed towards the barbarian cavalry. The barbarian cavalry laughed. Their horses did not wear heavy vests, nor did they wear heavy armor like the Brittanian knights. Much faster than the knights, when the knights barely turned around, they were already far away.

Hubbard's heavy cavalry wanted to attack the barbarian cavalry led by Chaos Champion Kovindev, but they couldn't catch up.

"Hahaha! Southern bastards! You can only follow us and eat ashes, you can't even touch our horse's tail!" Many barbarian champion hunters laughed, they turned their horses' heads happily, and dodged again Chased by knights.

The plan was successful, as long as the knights on the left wing were constantly mobilized by them, it was impossible for the knights to complete the double-teaming of the barbarian army that was attacking the central army.

Before they knew it, they had run to a neutral position between the center army and the left flank.

"Humph!" A sneer appeared on Hubbard's grim face, and he immediately issued an order: "Knights! Spread out!"

"Yes!" The large group of knights dispersed in the unexplained eyes of the barbarian cavalry. Kovindev didn't realize what was going on. The serfs on their side received the order in the direction of the central army of Brittany: " All down!"

Thousands of serfs suddenly all lay prone on the ground.

Behind the serf infantry is a large group of dwarves, and three rows of black muzzles. Behind the dwarves are hundreds of serfs, and dwarf hand crossbows in their hands.

Dwarf engineer Dugan-Tiehan with a toothpick in his mouth: "Fire!"

"Boom~ boom boom~"

More than two hundred dwarf thunder gunmen fired at the same time, and a dense barrage rain almost drowned the barbarian cavalry. More than 400 barbarian cavalry fell over 100 on the spot in such a dense barrage. Many barbarians were shot several times and immediately fell dead. In the blink of an eye, more than 50 barbarian warriors died on the spot, and more than 70 barbarians died on the spot. When the warrior was injured or fell from the horse, the Chaos Champion Kovindev shouted in his heart that it was not good, and he quickly ordered: "Disperse! Disperse!"


After the volley of dwarves was over, it was not over, and then came the performance time of the crossbowmen, who had already learned how to aim, shoot, and reload quickly for months or more. The barbarian cavalry pulled the trigger.

The hand crossbows of the dwarves were of high quality, and the arrows they shot were short but full of penetrating power. The barbarian cavalry suffered heavy losses. When more than five hundred Norsca champion hunters retreated in embarrassment, they only had less than three hundred left. people.

Hubbard led the knights to charge the injured barbarians. , to completely wipe out these barbarian cavalry.

"The southerners actually have such a powerful shooting force. When did the Bretons reach an alliance with the dwarves?" Egil immediately realized that his previous plan had failed, and the remaining light cavalry was no longer enough to contain the left wing. The knight troops must accelerate the elimination of the long-range troops located in the center of Lane!

At this time, the barbarian army in the middle had approached the middle army led by Ryan.

The soldiers of the Central Army were a little uneasy in the face of the black torrent rushing here, and many serf soldiers couldn't help but tremble.

However, they have already received orders, and they know how to deal with these powerful enemies. Most of the serfs have already received Ryan's orders. When the barbarian army was approaching quickly, the serfs who appeared in front of the barbarians quickly followed Ryan's orders. Order to withdraw into the army in an orderly manner.

Now, the Chaos warriors who rushed into the central army found that they were facing some elite soldiers with halberds or swords and shields. They were surprisingly neatly standing for the barbarians. The first row of people stretched their right feet forward. Halberds in hand, the remaining sergeants raised their shields to meet the furious onslaught of the Chaos warriors.

At the same time, the crossbowmen who were hiding behind greeted the barbarian warriors who were charging. The dense crossbow arrows knocked down the barbarian warriors and chaos warriors in the first row. More importantly, the same people who were hidden behind the array The big killer finally played its usefulness.

That's the organ cannon.

The cannons in the four barrels have all been filled with lead shotgun shells blessed by the prophets of the lake gods and even the fairies in the lake!

"Boom!" At close range, the cannonball fired at the rushing barbarian army, and the flames in the barrel spurted out a large amount of shotgun shells.

Hundreds or even more barbarian warriors were beaten to pieces, but the barbarians also never retreated. The barbarian army who was not killed on the spot entered the Brittanian army and began a tragic hand-to-hand battle. .

"Flame Skull!" Veronica shot, the Garland Witch was full of brilliance, and a giant flame skeleton swept through the dense army of barbarians, causing them huge damage.

Egil suddenly discovered that the army of knights led by Ryan was not at all as reckless as the army of the Principality of Leonasay and bet everything on the knight's group charge. On the contrary, the army led by Ryan went to war. Come in order, their queues are very tight, and their battles are extremely well-organized.

The central army is engaged in a tragic hand-to-hand battle. The halberds and sergeants that Ryan has just trained are fully resisting the frontal attack of the barbarian army, barely supporting the right wing. Barbarian champion warriors and hordes of barbarian predators scuffle, and the situation currently looks deadlocked.

This is a Brittany freshman! The Chosen Champion of Khorne is keenly aware that the battlefield is moving in his unfavorable direction, because the barbarian cavalry used to contain the left flank of the knight army suffered heavy casualties. These barbarian cavalry can rely on their flexible speed to avoid arrows or crossbows. Arrow, but could not escape the lead shot of the dwarf musketeers. At least twenty or thirty barbarian cavalry fell in each round of salvo. Within a few minutes, the five hundred barbarian cavalry that Aegir brought from Scalins remained. After less than a hundred rides, their numbers are still decreasing rapidly, and sometimes the despicable dwarves don't aim at the riders at all, but directly attack the horses!

Chaos Champion Kovindev has given up on continuing to harass the left flank, but has come to the central army alone to command the barbarian army, ready to meet the group charge of the large group of knights on the left flank.

"We must defeat the enemy's artillery and those dwarf musketeers immediately! Otherwise, we are in danger of losing!" Aegir knew that he had to take action, and he called his own guards, three hundred Chaos God's chosen warriors led the barbarians The remaining five thousand barbarian warriors were ready to enter the battlefield.

At the same time, Armand, the Holy Grail Knight, who was standing behind the central army, watching the situation on the battlefield, said to Ryan, "My Count, Aegir is ready to lead his own bodyguards to join the battlefield."

Ryan nodded, he turned his head, and set his eyes on the sorceress standing beside him: "Teresa, please."

The sorceress was dressed in black leather. From the start of the war to the present, she had been preparing a powerful spell. Seeing Ryan speak, Teresa raised her purple staff high.

"Eight-ring magic, ice dragon breath!"

An ice dragon with a length of more than 20 meters appeared in the sky. It shouted angrily and opened its mouth to the barbarians who were fighting fiercely on the battlefield. The magical energy of the ice system flowed from the mouth of the ice dragon like a flood. Spit out.

All the barbarians that were breathed out by the frost dragon's breath were all broken into pieces. Although the barbarians who grew up in the northern wasteland were very able to endure the cold, they could not face this powerful magical energy.

What made Aegir feel very bad was that the battlefield was divided, and the frost dragon breath spit out by the ice dragon divided the barbarian army in half from the middle, and built an ice wall several meters high, and the barbarian army was cut in half from the middle. , the offensive was greatly reduced, and he was locked in the ice wall. The barbarians moving in the direction of Ryan's army were beaten and retreated, but the barbarians behind could not keep up.

At this moment, the Chaos Champion Kovindev, who was commanding the army, happened to be hit in the head by a stray bullet. The power of this stray bullet was so great that half of his head was directly blown off, and he fell off his horse and died on the spot.

His death sparked further chaos in the barbarian vanguard army, where there was no longer a single commander and had to fight their own way.

The dwarf engineer Dugan-Tiehan put down the long-barreled sniper gun that was still smoking in his hand, and said proudly to the kingdom knight Hux and Ryan's fiancee Surya who were standing beside him: "I said Right? In the heads-up fight, the brave dwarves will definitely win!"

The projectiles used for sniping were produced in Veronica's Dawning Wizard Tower and filled with a large amount of flame magic energy. In a hurry, Dugan only got three rounds, so he had to use them sparingly. The dwarf engineer expressed his victory. Satisfied and can't wait to let the Human Knights know.

Hux could only answer him by rolling his eyes. The noble kingdom knight thought that a dwarf's duel and a knight's duel might have different meanings. Upon seeing this, the heroic female knight Suria took the initiative to praise: "Mr. Dugan, you The marksmanship is really good."

Hearing Mrs. Surya say this, Dugan's chin and beard were almost up in the sky: "Dwarves are always the best."

The barbarians on the other side were still banging hard against the ice wall with their weapons.

"This thin ice wall!" Aegir was the first to charge up, his infernal battle axe directly smashed a huge pit on the ice wall. The magic ice wall made by Teresa could not resist Aegir's onslaught, but The ice wall is at least three or four meters thick, and the God-chosen champion of Khorne immediately shouted to Chakoy, the only remaining Chaos wizard in his tribe and his adopted son, "Destroy this ice wall immediately!"

"Yes!" Chakoy had just begun to feel the wind of chaos and prepared spells, but there was an extremely dangerous signal in his mind, and he subconsciously avoided it.

A white beam hit where Chakoy was standing.

A beautiful witch in fiery red leather appeared from afar under the protection of many knights and sergeants.

"Your opponent is me, Chaos Wizard!"

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