Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 4514 These... are all ours! (7)

"This... is really incomprehensible..."

Li Moying frowned, no matter how she thought about it, she couldn't figure out what was going on.

If it wasn't Huang Yueli who said these words, he probably already believed that the other party was lying to him.

However, it is impossible for his little Li'er to lie to him.

After thinking for a while, he simply stretched out three fingers and placed them on Huang Yueli's wrist, wanting to check what's going on in her body.

The two people's profound strength from the same source due to their dual cultivation slowly penetrated into Huang Yueli's meridians.

Almost at the moment of entering, Li Moying felt a suction force emanating from Huang Yueli's dantian, tightly wrapped around his profound energy, and sucked it into Huang Yueli's body.

However, because of Huang Yueli's weakness, the suction force was not very strong, so he could easily withdraw backwards.

Li Moying frowned and thought for a moment, but did not choose to let go of Huang Yueli, but increased her profound strength a little, and probed into her meridians again.

This time, without any surprise, his profound strength was absorbed again.

Li Moying increased the output of profound power time and time again, and as these profound powers were continuously absorbed by Huang Yueli, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

The suction force of Huang Yueli's dantian... seems to be slowly increasing!

In the end, she hung around him almost hungrily, and even aroused the profound energy in Li Moying's body, and injected it into Huang Yueli's body.

At the same time, Huang Yueli groaned softly: "Mo Ying, you... what are you doing? Let go... let me go! Let go quickly!"

As she spoke, she waved her wrist and directly shook Li Moying's hand away.

The connection of profound strength was cut off instantly.

Li Moying was stunned for a moment, then overjoyed, "Xiao Li'er, can move?!"


Huang Yueli was also startled.

She raised her hand just now, it was completely subconscious, she just wanted to shake him away because she was afraid that she would suck too much of Li Moying's profound energy and cause harm to him. It was only now that she realized that she... could move up? !

Huang Yueli hurriedly raised her hand again.

Unlike not long ago when her whole body weighed a thousand catties, this time, she successfully raised her right hand. However, this movement was much more difficult than when she was usually healthy, and it was quite strenuous.

When she raised her wrists to her shoulders, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't raise them higher.

What's more, it was such a simple action that couldn't be simpler at ordinary times, but at this moment, it made her out of breath, and there were big drops of sweat on her forehead.

"Tsk, why can I only move like this!" Huang Yueli frowned in disgust.

For a warrior as powerful as her, what she hates the most is probably such a weak and powerless state.

She put her right hand down, and instead propped her elbows on the ground, exerting a sudden force, trying to sit up from the ground.

However, this movement was obviously more difficult than the movement of raising her hand just now. She only lifted her back three inches before she lost all strength and fell to the ground again.

"Xiao Li'er, what are you doing?! Your body hasn't recovered yet, don't be brave!"

Li Moying caught her fallen body in time, frowned and glared at her.

His little Li'er is good at everything, but she is too strong, she has already been hurt like this, so why bother, can't she lean in her man's arms obediently and let him take care of her and protect her?

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