Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

1178. Chapter 1178 The task of cheating people (2)

Su Jiasheng said: "Of course we don't want to do this either, but you have already taken a great risk for us. Yesterday, Fatty Wang was seriously injured. He and Chen Guanshi must hate you to the bone. If you provoke them again, Isn't it self-inflicted? You must not let anything happen now, and you must not let them find a chance to punish you!"

Huang Yueli said hesitantly: "But, then you..."

Su Jiasheng quickly interrupted her, "It's nothing for us, isn't it just doing some hard work? In fact, the types of handymen are fixed. No matter how excessive Chen is, it is impossible for us to eat food. All the good jobs are distributed to others, and we are all just doing coolies. These are trivial things, and they should be regarded as self-discipline in cultivation."

Huang Yueli wanted to say something more, but the group of people had already walked outside of Chen Guanshi's courtyard.

Under the watchful eyes of outsiders, everyone dared not say anything, and quietly lined up and walked in.

In Guanshi Chen's courtyard, it was already full of people.

The outer disciples who were assigned by Chen Guanshi as handymen were not only the small group from Xingyao College, but also many outer disciples from other places. There were a total of a hundred or so, and a small courtyard was crowded to the brim. of.

Chen Guanshi let everyone wait for a long time before he arrived late.

He walked to the high platform in the center of the courtyard and cleared his throat.

"Everyone, first of all, congratulations to you. After many selections, you have finally formally joined the Xingyao Sect and become outer disciples! Although you are only outer disciples, but with our reputation as the number one sect in the Southern Tianyu of our Xingyao Sect, you must be in other schools. In people's eyes, it is already like a carp leaping over the dragon's gate!"

"However, becoming an outer disciple is only the first step. If you want to truly achieve something in martial arts, you must not slack off because of this. You must practice more diligently. At the same time, you must also know how to appreciate the cultivation of the sect, be loyal to the sect, and complete the sect. The task assigned to you by the door."

"As disciples of the outer sect, you are not actually disciples of the Xingyao Sect in the true sense. You need to complete chores for the sect. Remember, some of the chores entrusted to you by the sect are very important, and you are not allowed to pick the best. You must try your best to complete the fat picking and whatever you get. Every time you complete a chore, you will have corresponding contribution points. These are the things you must use to exchange for exercises and resources in the future, so you must cherish them!"

After saying this, Chen Guanshi coughed lightly again.

"Okay, next I will arrange errands for everyone. Please call the disciple whose name is called, and come to me to receive the mission token."

"The first one, Zhong Weifang. Your task is: be responsible for the management and ordering of goods in the warehouse in the west area, and follow the instructions of the warehouse steward..."

"the second……"


In the beginning, none of the few people came from the Star Academy, and the tasks they were assigned were all very good. They were either lucrative or very leisurely.

But soon, it was the turn of the disciples from Xingyao Academy.

"Next, Yuan Zeyu. Your task is: to serve as the training partner for the inner disciples' swordsmanship practice field in the Eastern District!"

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately caused bursts of exclamation from the disciples present.

Someone immediately began to whisper.

"That Yuan Zeyu, I heard that he is the number one student in Xingyao Academy, right? It is said that he is a very talented man, why was he assigned such a deceitful task?"

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