Prodigal Son of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1764: The Last Battle

Remember-remember\\【End-this-God-station\\】Input-in-address-address: w-w-w.w-a-n-b-e-n-t-x-t.c-o-m


The entire Ottoman Empire collapsed much faster than expected.

Like a giant, his strong body before made people daunting, but the speed at which he fell also made everyone speechless.

When the Fourth Army headed west all the way to the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, it this time...the entire Ottoman Empire was cut off in the middle.

The territories of Istanbul and Serbia in the north are cut off from the peninsula in the south and the territories of Egypt and North Africa.

At this time, the Ottomans' idea of ​​trying to assemble a large army has become fishing for moons in water.

Because this offensive came too fast.

For people of this era, the advance of the Ming army was like lightning.

It is simply impossible for you to organize an army, but you find that one after another, the fortified cities have been broken.

Originally, you wanted to defend against the enemy at the national border three hundred miles away, but when you prepared to organize the army and horses three hundred miles away, the army and horses had not gathered yet, and the soldiers had already arrived!

Everything is snowballing.

The Kaxias who tried to resist... looked tired and helpless.

The food and grass that was expected to be allocated had not yet arrived, but had been intercepted by the new army that had penetrated into the territory.

People's hearts are floating...the dragons have no leader.

The emperor's decree from Istanbul... Even in the chaos, it is impossible to effectively convey it, because when the decree departed from Istanbul, this Kasha was still stationed here, and when the order arrived, Kasha had already welcomed the far away with joy at this moment The Han friends who came here have gone. Istanbul.

People were horrified to find that... a large number of rangers began to appear in the suburbs.

This is the scout team of the new army. Before the army horses arrive, the rangers are scattered like sand.

They are often Qingqi, and the horses under their seats are extremely handsome, which can be said to be one in a thousand.

They wore only leather armor and were armed with long knives and short guns. Their swords are not bulky, thanks to Daming's excellent smelting level, they are not only sharp, but also as thin as a cicada's wing, and their rigidity is also excellent.

They are often in teams of three or five, and rarely fight people head-on. They will explore the terrain, draw a simple map, determine the location of drinking water, mark mountains and rivers, and even bolder ones will appear in the Ottoman garrison Nearby, through various methods, detect the number of people on the other side.

And once there is a large number of enemies surrounding them, they will withdraw like a gust of wind and never stay.

These people seem to have become fine, not slippery.

But for Istanbul... as soon as these rumored scouts appeared... the city suddenly became panicked.

Too fast, really too fast.

The appearance of the scouts...means...the main force of the Ming army...may arrive here soon...

Throughout the southern Ottomans, there was no decent resistance organized at all.

And the greatest capital of the Ottomans is now... also exposed to the threat of the Ming army.

The city has begun to tense up.

The emperor has given orders for firm resistance.

But there were many bad news in the city about the emperor's plan to abandon the soldiers and civilians here and move to Edirne.

People are overwhelmed.

The Ottomans have occupied it for a hundred years.

And now...many people are vaguely soon have a new owner.

Numerous forbidden troops have gathered here, numbering in the tens of thousands.

A large number of people who spread fear were directly arrested and thrown into dungeons.

But even so, it is still impossible to curb the spread of all kinds of terrible news.

Fear spreads in this city every day!

And in the palace.

Suleiman's face... has become more and more gloomy as the battle progressed.

He has a sense of powerlessness.

No matter how he wanted to resist, once a new combat order was issued, someone told him that the order was outdated before the order was communicated because the enemy had made new progress.

The fall of one fortified city made him more and more irritable.

He is a very intelligent man.

Even...he thought that Ottoman would be full of vitality under his rule.

But now...he found that in this war, his previous experience had no effect at all.

So... Anxiety and anxiety began to grow and spread in his heart.

The large number of defections to the enemy made him feel a little flustered, and he became more suspicious.

Any bad news is enough to make him furious for a long time. this moment...he felt more and seemed that only Li Zheng...could make him feel more relaxed.

Li Zheng, who served as his driver, could always find any way to comfort him.

When the enemy appeared, Li Zheng told him, His Majesty, don't worry, the opponent has traveled a long distance and is already vulnerable to a single blow.

When the Ming army was in full swing and went deep into the country, Li Zheng had his wisdom in his hands, and he swears by citing scriptures, telling him that His Majesty need not worry, the opponent's foothold is not stable, and the battle line is too long. In this way, His Majesty only needs to temporarily fortify the wall and clear the field, just like the battle of Guandu. When the time is right, send elites to take Yuan Shao's granary directly.

, you can win the battle.

And now... the Ming army has arrived in Istanbul.

Suleiman had lost the slightest bit of patience, and his anxiety was almost at its peak.

However, Li Zheng still looked at Suleiman calmly, and said earnestly: "Your Majesty, in the Spring and Autumn Period, General Le Yi of Yan led the armies of five countries to attack Qi. When Qi was in danger, there were only two cities left. At the critical moment, Na Tiandan stood firm in Jimo, broke the boat, fought to the death with the bandits, and finally defeated the Yan army in one fell swoop, and regained the old land of Qi. Your Majesty, the capital of His Majesty is now stronger than Jimo. Your Majesty's forbidden army is even better than the Qi army's ten Times. Your majesty's sage is not comparable to mere Tiandan. Why is your majesty worried? As long as your majesty sticks here and there is enough food and grass in the city, the soldiers are grateful for your majesty's kindness and are willing to work together with you. The people hate the Ming army deeply. Willing to live and die with His Majesty. Then... what is there to worry about?"

At this moment, Suleiman had a feeling deep in his heart.

It's the person in front of me... or this group of people. You can't believe a word they say, even poisonous!


These words... how pleasing to the ear.

But it seemed... to hear my own heart again.

He took a deep breath and said hesitantly, "I am Tian Dan, am I Tian Dan?"

Li Zheng looked confident: "That's right, Tian Dan is not as good as your Majesty. The most urgent task right now is to select good generals, guard the capital, and fight to the death with the bandits. From my humble opinion, Your Majesty has three victories, while the bandit army has three defeats. This is one of them." , It’s a cliché, His Majesty won the hearts of the people, but the bandit army is far away, and the people hate it.”

Li Zheng paused, and continued: "The capital of the country has been standing for a thousand years, and it has been repaired for a hundred years since the ancestors and ancestors established it here. , the other is also."

"The third is the most important thing. Your majesty is blessed with great blessings, and you are gentle and far away. Since he took the throne, Shi Renbude, everyone believes in love, ministers, etc... all are willing to die loyally for your majesty. On the other hand, Na Minghuang and Fang Jifan Human beings have wretched and hideous faces, cunning in their hearts, and beasts in their faces. Your majesty, such a benevolent king, must be helped by heaven. How can he perish? Since ancient times, there has been a way of cutting down the innocence. I have never heard of it."

Suleiman was still feeling uneasy.

In fact, he never knew... what Li Zheng said was nonsense.

But at this was still a coincidence, it seemed to be a psychological implication that he believed it.

He was human after all, a mortal man of flesh and blood.

Because of this...he would, like most ordinary people, constantly comfort himself psychologically when encountering major setbacks.

And Li Zheng's words... just made him calm down.

He was silent for a moment, then nodded and said: "What you said is also reasonable. If I want to fight the bandits to the death, Qing and others should try their best to help them."

Li Zheng solemnly bowed down: "Your Majesty is so kind, I will never forget it, and I will repay it with my death."


Suleiman stood up.

He was still frowning.

I have a lot of worries in my heart.


Immediately afterwards, the deployment of defenses began.

Put some important key points in the hands of cronies.

And... at this moment... when Suleiman was comforted, the mighty Ming army began to come from all directions.

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