Private Technology

: 707 Boundaries of Thinking

For Guan Ming, the events of Okui are temporarily over. In the evening, the boss of the Shanghai market called and talked about today's events, and also briefly talked about the changes of Okui's itinerary.

The original plan was to stay in Shanghai for two days. In addition to today's itinerary, tomorrow will visit Shanghai's attractions as news material.

But this kind of thing happened in the afternoon of the first day, and Okui couldn't sit still. He was going to go north directly, cut it quickly, and settle the matter.

It's as if the two big brothers in the rivers and lakes started negotiations. The above talks, and said that this street is for you and that street is for me, and then everyone can restrain a little, and finally calm down to ensure that the basic disk is stable.

Otherwise, the dog-tooth interlaced white-bladed battle will not be allowed, and Austrian Hei will be lost.

"Dad, I never had a chance to ask before, does my sister really want to be a star in the future?" The next day, Guan Mengyu didn't rush to see the little mouse, but stuck to Guan Ming while watching him write on the paper Holding a few simple numbers, he asked curiously.

Guan Mengyu's future career plan has long been set, which is a scientist in biochemistry and life sciences, but Guan Mengxi's career plan has yet to be verified.

Even if this younger sister is playing with her every day, but Meng Yu, ‘dudu’, said that it hurts and hurts, but the younger sister is not bad, but also for her own good ...

"Your mother is planning this, and my words don't matter. Anyway, our family has money, and it will be good to get a brokerage company at that time." Guan Ming said perfunctoryly.

The materials of the anti-gravity equipment have been selected. The best materials in the current alternatives have a higher density and higher strength than the previous materials. Not only does it save space on the anti-gravity equipment, but also Reduce the volume, thereby reducing the mass slightly, while improving the physical parameters of the device.

But this is just an innovation in materials. For Guan Ming, it is not enough to support the next physical experiment.

Materials belong to materials, and there is still a lot of room for optimization in terms of structure.

The same material, different structure, the upper limit of the force can also fluctuate.

It is important to ensure that the overall quality is lower than the lower limit of normal use, because the lower quality means that at the critical point of suspension, more artificial pendants are added.

"But ... aren't you going to let her have a more popular career in the future? For example, doctors, nurses, accountants, teachers, even scientists, or the words of celebrities ..." Hesitantly, Guan Mengyu still said his own Thoughts, whoever sister is distressed, Guan Mengyu still cares about her younger sister.

"You are very unfriendly to celebrities, and in the state of our family, what are you afraid of?" Glancing at Meng Yu, I saw this little guy holding his cheeks with his hands, probably a gesture of "depressed girl", anyway, baby Fat little face, many meat thieves.

"There is no unfriendliness. I just think that the celebrity industry is eating youthful food, and it is particularly busy when you are busy. The kind of gangsters who get up early in the morning may not be able to be hot. I do n’t want her to be so tired in the future. Being a housewife? Like my mother? Isn't it boring. "Habitually turned the dead fish eyes, but Guan Ming didn't notice.

"First of all, your elder mother has things to do in the future. She doesn't restrict what she wants to do." He paused, thought for a while, and continued: "Second, your sister is my daughter , With me, she will not be tired in the future, and she will be angry! "

"Finally, what happened to her thirty or forty years old, she ate my rice and did not eat your rice. As long as I leave her a good foundation, it will not be a problem for her to chop her hands and buy a lifetime! Is it home women?"

At the end, Guan Ming raised his head and cocked his head.

Xiao Xi, I broke my heart for you, remember to filially obey you, I ~

At this moment, Guan Ming is full of sunshine and love ...

Grinning, Guan Mengyu didn't go to watch this suddenly narcissistic dad, controlled the wheelchair and ran away.

Guan Mengyu is no stranger to this scene. Before she was weaned, Mu Xiaoxiao liked to read the funny things about Guan Ming. I heard that he once called himself Guan Yanzu ...

Conversation without illness, Guan Mengyu acquiesced in the young lady's career plan.

With less trouble from the little girl, Guan Ming can also concentrate on designing the product structure.

From the perspective of mechanics, including the balance between load-bearing structure and bearing area.

Countless thin plates and iron bars of different colors are looming in Guan Ming's mind, and each flash can quickly calculate data such as pressure and quality.

The shape of the discus does not change much, but the internal structure is constantly changing. From the outside, the diameter and height of the discus are also constantly changing.

This design will take a long time for Guan Ming. From a cost-effective point of view, this part is actually better by dual stars. At least from the point of view of computing speed, dual stars will be faster, and in the design options, The double star will also be more rigorous and strict than Guan Ming, and there will be no omissions.

But this cannot be denied that Guan Ming's spirituality in scientific research is, more generally, the 1% inspiration.

Perhaps when thinking about the structure, an idea suddenly appeared, and then improved the magnetic field generation module and the detection magnetic field module.

After all, the logic of the double star is too strict, and the boundary of the mind is increased, and this limit will not disappear because the double star is too anthropomorphic.

Artificial intelligence can never replace humans. Similarly, the memories simulated by artificial intelligence cannot replace humans!

This point is clear to both Double Star and Guan Ming, but neither of them can solve it. Perhaps this problem will be solved in the next N years, or it will never be solved.

"Why is there more insulin in mouse No. 4 than in No. 3?" Guan Mengyu looked at the list on his hands, a little puzzled.

She wasted at least 30 minutes today thinking about the future of Miss Sister. This is the upper limit of time she can waste, because more than an hour later, she will go home to receive her sister's "love".

"No abnormalities were detected in tests such as blood routine tests, which should be a problem of individual differences. From the experimental results, there is no problem with the drug, whether it is the destruction of insulin production in the body or the insulin drug." Ears flutter.

"... a group of 10 ~ ~ three more ... no, five more groups, the same experimental scheme, I want to see the results of the reaction." Think about it, Guan Mengyu gave an order.

Guan Mengyu's two drugs for destruction and treatment are actually configured based on the memory of her previous life. She can be sure that the chemical composition of the drug is not wrong, but she is not sure whether it is individual difference or overall. Genetic difference.

If it is the former, the problem is not big, if it is the latter, then the problem is big.

Guan Mengyu struggled to cling to his shoulders, his chubby little face, and his expression was serious.

PS: I don't know why, there is always some fatigue these days, maybe because there is no fatigue feeling on the third day?

It's almost Chinese New Year, so I need to adjust the biological clock, because during the Chinese New Year, I have to keep pace with the old man at home, otherwise the old man can get up eight times a night to see if I fall asleep!

It is worth mentioning that the old man sleeps at 7 pm and starts at less than 5 am. I need to adjust the biological clock to 9 or 10 before going home.

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