Princess is Glamorous in Modern Day

Chapter 1028 The princess is domineering and dominates the audience

When Xia Wanyuan said these words, not only the responsible people sitting in the conference room, but even Lin Wei thought she was joking.

Not to mention that it is a problem to let the meeting go on normally now, let these old fritters report again? I am afraid that this effect can only be achieved if Jun Shiling appears in the conference room immediately.

"Hey, is there no man in the command center?" Seeing two women in a row, the people in charge were also annoyed. They felt that Jun Shiling was deliberately humiliating them.

"Lin Wei is still a deputy after all. Who are you, you dare to sit in this position and yell at us?"

"Xia" Lin Wei wanted Xia Wanyuan to go down, but Xia Wanyuan stopped her with her eyes.

In the current situation, it is best not to tell these people who they are. Once they are told, they will have nothing to fear.

Only the unknown can make people feel fear.

Xia Wanyuan tapped twice on the table with his right hand, "Quiet."

This was her habit when she was in power and listened to the discussions of hundreds of officials in her previous life. At this moment, she seemed to be sitting on the high palace again, with hundreds of officials and people under her feet.

With only these simple words, but with a huge pressure that seems to be substantial, the other people in the conference room actually quieted down.

However, when they reacted, everyone looked at each other, wondering if he had just lost his mind and was about to speak again when Xia Wanyuan spoke first.

"The person in charge of Yongcheng District, you just said that a total of 30,000 people need to be transferred in the district. According to the data you reported on January 20, and compared with the data you just reported, there are six places that don't match, tell me the reasons. Bar."

Yongcheng District was suddenly named, and the person in charge was shocked. Of course he knew in his heart that it was not right, but what surprised him even more was that this woman could hear that there were 6 things that were wrong. It only took a few minutes. , how did she see it?

"There are also Wenjiang District, there are 8 mistakes, Wenyuan District." Xia Wanyuan named a few people who seemed to be in control, and sure enough, when they were named, these usually timid people are now like frightened birds, "Okay. , start with you, re-report, and if there is any data that is not correct, explain it yourself."

Xia Wanyuan found a breakthrough. As expected, these timid and cautious people started to report again.

No matter how strong the dam is, once there is a gap, the water will pour out, not to mention that the relationship between this group of people is not strong at all, so one by one, everyone starts to report in the original order.

The report at this time was not as perfunctory as when Lin Wei was hosting it, because Xia Wanyuan would ask questions, and she would be very sharp, and she would exploit layers upon layers of reports based on everyone's reports, and if she was not careful, she would fall into the trap she set.

Everyone's position is different, and the situation in each area is different. Xia Wanyuan coordinated the overall situation and refined it to every small point.

The more everyone reported, the more frightened they became. The young woman on the stage was so incompatible with her appearance that she even had a calm and domineering arrogance beyond her age.

These responsible people are all rolling in the power nest, and they are all too familiar with this kind of breath. Xia Wanyuan has the courage to be in a high position for a long time.

Lin Wei stood on the stage for a while, seeing that the scene was gradually being controlled by Xia Wanyuan, she glanced at Xia Wanyuan with a complicated expression, and then slowly walked off the stage.

Others in the conference room were also stunned. From Xia Wanyuan to here, all of them had an impression of her being beautiful, and then Jiao, who had never seen her like this.

They knew better than anyone how difficult it was for these people in the conference room to deal with them, but these old loach-like people actually obeyed Xia Wanyuan's command obediently.

They thought Xia Wanyuan was a young lady who didn't touch the sun, but what did they see at the moment?

It was the scene where Xia Wanyuan gave instructions to Qianjun. They thought that only Jun Shiling could control the entire southwestern region with ease, but now they saw Xia Wanyuan making various arrangements in an orderly manner, everyone was really stunned.

The people in the conference room changed one after another, and Lin Wei refilled the cup in front of Xia Wanyuan with cup after cup of tea.

When the sun went down, the meeting finally came to an end, Xia Wanyuan clicked on the desktop, "Okay, this is the end of today's meeting, just do as I said. If there are any adjustments, I will notify you in detail and dismiss the meeting."

"Yes, Chief//Officer." Everyone in the conference room didn't know who Xia Wanyuan was, but from the day of contact, everyone put her in the same position as Jun Shiling from the bottom of their hearts, and couldn't help calling The sound of "Long//Officer."

When the video conference was over and the camera was cut off, Xia Wanyuan coughed lightly, got up and stepped down.

At this moment, the conference room was already full of people from the command center. I don't know who took the lead in applauding. Gradually, the entire command center burst into applause.

"Mrs. Jun, it's fortunate that I have you, otherwise I really don't know what to do today."

"Yeah, if it weren't for you to turn the tide, the situation that the monarch//officer finally established would be ruined like this."

In the corner of the conference room, Lin Wei looked at Xia Wanyuan quietly. After a while, she finally raised her hand and applauded her sincerely.

She was preconceived, and sure enough, a woman worthy of Jun Shiling was not an ordinary person.

"Okay, everyone should work according to the previous rhythm, and we will talk about it when Jun Shiling comes back." Xia Wanyuan said a little tired, smiled at everyone, and left the conference room.

The matter of the plane crash should be difficult to solve. Jun Shiling still did not come back that night.

On the second and third day, Jun Shiling still did not come back.

But now everyone is not so panicked, because with Xia Wanyuan in charge, everything is going on in an orderly manner,

On the fourth day, it was still a three-day conference.

Seeing this devil once again, the heads of the various areas have a disheveled look on their faces.

Jun Shiling is difficult to entangle, Xia Wanyuan is even more difficult than him, mainly because Xia Wanyuan is too good at setting traps, they think they are already old fritters, but they did not expect that there is still a thousand-year-old person here, and they will dig holes for them to jump at every turn.

"Okay, today's meeting is over. If you have any questions, you can communicate with each other privately and dismiss the meeting." When Xia Wanyuan announced the end of the meeting, everyone couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, it was too difficult, devil!

Xia Wanyuan, no matter what their thoughts were, just packed up the documents on the table,

Suddenly, as if she noticed something, she looked up, and the door of the conference room was opened at some point. Jun Shiling, dressed in black, was standing at the door with a smile in his eyes.

Xia Wanyuan's eyes lit up, and he quickly stepped off the stage. Jun Shiling also strode into the conference room, reaching out and taking Xia Wanyuan into his arms.

"Madam is amazing."

One more chapter, before twelve o'clock.

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