Princess Consort Is No Pushover

Volume I Chapter 927 The Crazy King Jin

"Prince Jin, please be careful. I am only loyal to the emperor. When did I become the minion of King Li? Only the emperor is the master of the minister! I only act according to the law and speak according to the law." Zhang Fuyin hurried to court The emperor bowed his hands and expressed his loyalty.

"What about the evidence? How dare you convict me based on the words of a spy? What if the spy was bought by Chu Xuanchen? Father, you must not be fooled by them. They are all the same. Damn. If you really dispose of your minister, you will regret it." King Jin said earnestly.

"Yes, Your Majesty, when we opened the door and went in, we only saw King Jin and the spy talking, but they didn't seem to know each other, and we didn't find any letters between them. A good man, in my opinion, this matter still needs to be investigated again, and I am afraid that there must be strong evidence before he can be convicted of treason. If only the secret agent's words, but no evidence such as correspondence, cannot be convicted !” Geng Tian, ​​Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishments, stepped forward.

But Zhang Fuyin said: "Master Geng, can't we have so many eyes as evidence? He is colluding with secret agents, isn't it conclusive evidence? Letters are required to be considered proof? Jin Wang dares to communicate with the spy?" How can others collude with the letter and let us search it? He will definitely destroy the letter. You saw it with your own eyes at the time, why did you want to exonerate him?"

"..." Geng Tian felt a little guilty when he was stared at by Yin Zhang.

He is Su Ming's disciple, so of course he wants to help King Jin.

Seeing what Zhang Fu Yin said, Jin Wang glared at him angrily, "Well, you old man, you all want this king to die, right? This king is not as good as you want, the thing that this king has never done is death I don't even recognize it."

"My lord, you'd better be honest, maybe the emperor can give you a lighter sentence, why do you need to quibble?" Han Taifu said.

"My lord, we saw with our own eyes that you colluded with spies, how can you argue with your words?" Grand Master Li also echoed.

"Okay, all of you old things were bought by Chu Xuanchen, right? Tell me, how much money and benefits did he give you? You actually came to slander the king for him! Father, don't listen to this A few old men, they colluded with Chu Xuanchen to harm me, I will not plead guilty, and I will not plead guilty to death." Jin Wang was wronged, and the more he talked, the more excited he became.

Suddenly, with a sudden exertion of internal force, he broke the rope in his hand.

"Come on, hurry up and escort!" Chu Xuanchen said coldly, and he was already in front of Emperor Hongyuan.

Emperor Hongyuan was also frightened by King Jin's actions and took a step back. He said angrily, "Nizi, what do you want to do? Do you still want to murder me?"

"Father, this son is your own son, how could he murder you? You would rather believe these outsiders than my son?" King Jin suddenly grabbed Zhang Fuyin by the collar and acted like a madman. He roared angrily, "It's all you old bastards who framed this king, and you, Chu Xuanchen, you are the mastermind, and even if I turn into a ghost, I won't let you go. Just to frame me!"

The adults of Zhang Fuyin shook their heads in disappointment when they saw King Jin become like this.

The current King Jin has become so crazy, so vicious, like a lunatic, how can he still have half a bit of prestige before?

"My lord, you are so disappointing." Taifu Han sighed and shook his head.

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