It was indeed because of him that she was pushed into the river, and her life and death were unknown, but it was about the people he was really sorry for.

She, Mi Xiaoxiao, can only be ranked third at most.

The first and the second can only belong to those two small, innocent children who were involved and even died because of it.

The person he is really sorry for, the person who should really feel regret, are those two children who have already gone to hell, not her, Mi Xiaoxiao.

"Uncle Brown..." Otto's eyes lit up involuntarily when he heard Mi Xiaoxiao's words, and then quickly began to dim.

Does Uncle Browns want to save him?

He He……

He didn't have the face to see him alive, and he was responsible for what happened to him. He shouldn't have hurt Mi Xiaoxiao, he shouldn't have done it.

"Ott, as the leader, haven't you realized your mistake yet?" Mi Xiaoxiao took a step back, looked at the overshadowed Ott, her tone lost the excitement just now, and regained a little calmness.

"I shouldn't have called your attention." He was wrong, if he hadn't felt jealous and resentful because of Mi Xiaoxiao's increasing popularity.

He didn't suspect her more, and didn't cooperate with Lin Ye to attack her, would everything be different?

However, if she hadn't been too dazzling as a female, how could he have persecuted her? Although he was wrong, he was only lost in his nature by the desire for profit.

What's more, a slap can't be made, if there is no leader Lin Ye's instigation and his help, how could he really make up his mind to kill him?

Therefore, he was at fault, but his fault should not be solely on him. Lin Ye was also at fault.

Thinking, Otto is the eyes, originally lifeless, but at this moment, there is a beam of light called evasion, rising from the bottom of the eyes.

Gradually, the entire eye sockets were moistened, and the vitality that had been lost before slowly returned at this moment, and the desire for life and the attachment to life were regained.

"Oh, you're stubborn." Mi Xiaoxiao saw Otto's transformation, and listening to his words, Mi Xiaoxiao could only sarcastically.

There are many thick-skinned people in the world, unfortunately, Ott is one of them.

Just a moment ago, he was swearing, and told her in a firm tone that he was wrong, and even showed a look of hopelessness, if anyone wants his life, just take it.

But now?

He loves himself and doesn't know where he is wrong, not to mention defending himself and exonerating himself, acting like it's a matter of course.

Others say that it takes only three seconds to be serious, but Ott blames himself for only three seconds.

"Xiaoxiao, don't be angry with yourself." Jin Xuan stepped forward, put his arms around Mi Xiaoxiao's waist, and stretched out his hand to show her comfort, which immediately made Mi Xiaoxiao feel better.

"Don't worry! I'm fine." Mi Xiaoxiao smiled at Jin Xuan, indeed, she didn't have to be angry about a scumbag.

"Xiaoxiao, why don't you come here instead?" Li Shuo looked at Mi Xiaoxiao, his emerald green eyes were glowing with fireflies.

Xiaoxiao was kind enough to chat with Ott just now, but if it were him, it would not be as simple as chatting.

"Hmm, let him do it all!" Mi Xiaoxiao looked at Li Shuo who was eager to try, and said angrily.

"All over again?" What all over again? Why didn't he understand Xiaoxiao's words? Jin Xuan looked at Mi Xiaoxiao, and was puzzled.

"Well, didn't you say something about whipping, gang fights and other methods? Give it to the leader of Otto all over again!

No matter what, we have to take care of the leader, right? Otherwise, if we don't agree with him, we will lose our lives if we are not careful. "

Mi Xiaoxiao cast a glance at Otto, who was immersed in her own thoughts, with a hint of sarcasm in her tone.

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