Tsk tsk tsk, don't talk about it, why does Shi Nuo's posture become more and more attractive? It's just naked masculine seduction, okay?

Look at the well-proportioned eight-pack abs, look at the skin on the face that is fairer than hers, look at the radiant phoenix eyes, and look at...

No, no, no, she won't be able to bear it any longer, and it will be embarrassing when the nosebleeds splatter all over.

"Ahem, why didn't you go?" Everyone else went to work, why is Shi Nuo still here? Could it be that he sneaked back to be lazy?

"Well! It's all thanks to you, Xiaoxiao." Shi Nuo said, the evil smile on the corner of his mouth became brighter and brighter.

"Thanks to me?" Mi Xiaoxiao pointed at herself, a little puzzled, but the uneasy premonition in her heart was inexplicably breeding, constantly breeding.

"Well, in order not to wake Xiaoxiao up, I had no choice but to stay where I am, and Xiaoxiao's sleeping appearance is very cute."

Shi Nuo looked at Mi Xiaoxiao, the smile in his eyes became stronger and stronger, a bunch of long and smooth hair suddenly fell down, hanging on his chest, making someone look even more enchanting.

"Ahem, is it...?" Mi Xiaoxiao turned around in embarrassment, oh my god! This time I lost my old face.

When she lived in the country with her grandmother, when she was young, she always liked to share a bed with her.

But every morning as long as she gets up together, she will inevitably hear a few words from her grandmother complaining about her bad sleeping position.

Now Shi Nuo even praised her cute sleeping posture. Thinking about it, I think it is ironic. Although it may have changed a little after so many years, it will not turn into cute.

"Xiaoxiao, are you awake? See what delicious food I brought back?" Jin Xuan's voice broke in, and the embarrassment was reduced by more than a little bit.

"Six...birds?" Isn't it the six gray birds that Jin Xuan is holding in his hand?

Although she has picked out bird eggs before, she seems to have never eaten birds. Of course, except for pigeons that can be bought in the vegetable market, she has cooked squabs before.

Except for pigeons, she really didn't eat any other bird meat, but it looks so cute, is it a little bird, is it really going to be slaughtered?

"Well, Xiaoxiao, let's roast it!" Jin Xuan said excitedly. He had eaten this kind of bird meat before, and it tasted very good.

Unexpectedly, when I went hunting this time, I just saw a flock of such birds, so I caught one by myself.

"Okay... right?" Mi Xiaoxiao nodded hesitantly, silently muttering the words "the weak eat the strong". Although she looks pretty, she can't go hungry by herself, can she?

"Jin Xuan, don't come back after catching such birds again." Shi Nuo adjusted the animal skin skirt, and then approached Jin Xuan and said.

"Well, I understand." Just now Xiaoxiao seemed to like these birds quite a bit, and she tried not to catch these birds in the future.

It doesn't matter whether you fill your stomach or not, the most important thing is that Xiaoxiao is happy, and everything else can be put aside for the time being.

"Xiaoxiao, did you sleep well last night?" Li Shuo was holding some firewood, and the two people behind him were holding a handful of fruit.

"Thanks to you, it's not bad." I slept quite comfortably last night, and I didn't dream all night.

"That's good, the firewood is brought back, and then I'll leave it to Xiaoxiao." Li Shuo put down the firewood, clapped his hands and said.

"Just stay quietly and don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb." Mi Xiaoxiao didn't even bother to look at him.

"Xiaoxiao, all these have been dealt with, and I'll help you light the fire."

As expected of Jin Xuan and the others who have been eating meat for many years, Mi Xiaoxiao can't wait to give a hundred likes to the speed at which they can handle their prey.

After eating a delicious breakfast of roasted pigeon meat, they all sorted out their moods and prepared to set off again.

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