Pretend To Be a Good Person In the World of Conan

Chapter 485: 1 meal analysis is as fierce as a tiger

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Shiraishi looked at the Q-version assistant on the screen, trying to get a little bit of information from her reaction when she heard the speculation:

"My words are very adaptable, and I'm too lazy to choose. Generally, I belong to which camp where I land. If I was born in a tool person's home, as long as my relatives don't be too strange, I should make my position tend to theirs. Consistent."

"But the tool people seem to be on the side of the organization, and the world is clearly biased towards justice winning.

"If I discovered the problem in advance, I would probably try to stop it. If I couldn't stop it, I would run away on my own, and it wouldn't be in the state of being at odds with it now." He also deliberately stayed in Tokyo, an accident-prone place...

"Unless I didn't realize the danger at first, I didn't know that this was a very scientific world, so I didn't take appropriate action in time. When I wanted to jump out of the car, I realized that it was a bit late... By the way, where were you then? "

Hearing this question, Q version assistant Q's body was shocked, and the whole person showed no expression, but a small cloud gradually appeared on the top of his head.

She sat in the corner with her knees in her arms, her eyes lacked the highlights, and there seemed to be mushrooms growing vigorously behind her, as if she had experienced something unbearable in the past...

Shiraishi glanced at her, suspecting that the system had lost the host in the middle of the process, resulting in his failure to deliver his golden finger at first.

- When he landed at the "spawn point" near the amusement park, the task progress bar in the system was 0, and the skills and backpack were also very empty.

If this is because of bad things done in the past, the system forcibly resets the person, then now, the system should no longer sell the "life track package" to him. ', and he couldn't fault it.

In short, Shiraishi felt that, from Conan's perspective, Shiraishi Ryuji was probably a villain. If the current place where I live is also from the system py, then I may have chosen the address here with a purpose.

There are three possible reasons for the purpose of being close to Conan, the center of the red square.

One is to brush system tasks, and the other is to sneak into the red team to go undercover, waiting for an opportunity to bring down all these people with opposite positions.

The third is to use their own spoilers and system failures to help the red party get rid of the organization. In this way, as long as the positions of the tool family and the organization are not completely the same, without their accomplices, they may be able to transform successfully.

Shiraishi put the three together and looked at the first.

Approaching Conan does come in handy for contact missions.

However, the system will also prompt the location of the task. Compared with the current one who works hard to brush, staying in the family and hiring a group of people to do it for him seems to be more effective. So come here by yourself, there may be this aspect of consideration, but this should not be the main reason.

Also, the second article…

Don't think too much about this, just rule it out.

In the red square, the Conan family, Dr. Haibara Ai, the Maurilan family, the Kidd father and son, all of them have their own problems, such as IQ, brain power, technology, luck, magic, everything.

Even if you try to ignore things like the luck of the world and take a gamble and assassinate them individually, there are still FBI, cia, the police of the island country, MI6 and other state machines...

If it is delayed for a long time, the intelligence agencies of other countries may also appear one after another in the future.

...Faced with this situation, it cannot be said that the black-clothed organizations have no chance of winning, but their chances of winning are 80% too small. No matter what Shiraishi thinks, he does not feel that he can be so tough and confident to face such a group of enemies.

He is still very practical, and has always been the code of conduct in the face of the enemy - if you can't beat it, join in.

So in this way... three seems to be quite suitable.

But it's also quite surprising that I actually want to start an organization, no, no matter how I think about it, I feel that the truth is that Shiraishi found this slogan as an excuse, in fact, I want to live here.

Also, sudden amnesia is weird.

There are various indications that "Baishi Discipline" may have also become involved with the organization.

If he can no longer be classified into the red team, then after erasing a memory, it can indeed make Shiraishi's way of thinking and temperament become the student before the time-travel, thus making it easier to mix into the sacred red team, but...

Although Shiraishi has always agreed with Conan's ability to compete with other people's vests.

But just for the reason of "may be seen through", he directly took away a large chunk of memory... Even if he could get it back in the future, this kind of risky behavior didn't seem like something that Shiraishi could do.

There is too much missing information, and the decision is not so easy to make. Shiraishi is very entangled and wants to make a head, but unfortunately Belmod's head has not been made.

He went around the store and stared at the pot on the ground for a while under the doubtful eyes of Butterfly, and felt a little comfort.

Then Shiraishi poured himself another glass of Coke and floated back to the room with the glass.

The Q version assistant was still waiting for him with a mini camera.

Shiraishi thought about it for a while, then opened a private chat and asked about the strange stone that Hongye had sent before, as well as the semi-finished software research by Itakura Taku.

Hongye replied, "Wait a minute," and after a minute, sent two reports.

Shiraishi glanced at the size of the file, and then clicked to look at the densely packed technical terms and formulas. With a flick of his fingertips, he almost returned the file to her the same way.

Fortunately, in some places, you can see the annotations given by Hongye.

Shiraishi took a deep breath, summoned the fox to hold him and suppressed his shock, and then picked out what he could understand.

If you don't understand it, let the fox check it out.

After half an hour, the tired fox squirmed behind the pillow and disappeared, and Shiraishi finally understood what the two documents were talking about.

…it feels like we could make a splash and experiment.

He opened the door first, gave Butterfly Endure the instructions for hatching the head, and told her to remember to ventilate the head in time, and pay attention to moisturizing the head after hatching.

Butterfly Nodding nodded, and again in cold sweat repeated the key points at the boss's request. Shiraishi then felt ok, turned around and went back to the room.

When the light screen was turned on again, the Q version assistant was already lying on the ground holding the mini camera, and secretly yawned with the camera covering his face.

Bai Shi picked up the drowsy girl and shook her. An exclamation mark appeared on the Q-version assistant's head, and he opened his eyes to wake up.

"Show me the memory, speed up." After Shiraishi finished speaking, he thought about it and asked, "By the way, how long does the process take?"

The Q version assistant freed up his hands to compare the number.

"...Wait first." Shiraishi went to a nearby convenience store and brought back a lot of snacks and drinks, and then called Haibara Ai to tell Haihara Ai that he had something to do recently and would not go there to eat.

Two days Shiraishi grabbed the water glass and leaned on the sofa in a daze.

The Q version assistant didn't know when she changed into a maid outfit. She rubbed her hands and stuck it on the light screen, watching Shiraishi Shenyou nervously.

When Shiraishi raised his eyes, the Q-version assistant swished back off the screen.

A few seconds later, he stuck out half of his head again to take a peek.

Baishi was silent for a moment, then sighed: "I don't want it anymore, can I return it?"


The Q version of the assistant retracts its head and disappears at the edge of the screen.

Then he drilled back quickly, holding an instruction sheet for recalling memories in his hand, and the light of money flashed in his eyes, stronger than ever.

"..." The corners of Shiraishi's eyes jumped, "...Forget it, I'll talk about it."

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