Pretend To Be a Good Person In the World of Conan

Chapter 339: The agency stays, you call it a curtain call

Three years ago, the family scandal came to light because of a leak from a hospital nurse.

Takeda Misa hanged herself, and her mother also hanged herself. Rob found this and thought that Takeda Misa would commit suicide because of Takeda Shin's persecution, so he decided to kill this person and avenge Takeda Misa.

At the same time, he also found that Takeda Shin was selling puppets on the surface, but in fact he was using puppets to traffic drugs.

When planning to kill, Rob finds himself with an advantage - he's a foreigner.

As long as he pretends to be unfamiliar with the Takeda family, he looks like a passerby, lacking the necessary motive to kill, and it is not easy to be suspected.

So a week ago, Rob sent a request to Hattori Heiji in the name of the Takeda family.

He planned to meet the detective when he came near Takeda's house, to deepen the impression that "Rob is just a passerby who stayed at Takeda's house".

When he comes to Takeda's house with the detective, he will be able to deceive Takeda Shin into the warehouse attic, and then use the agency to create a secret room murder.

As for how to trick Takeda Shin for doing those things...

Rob set his sights on the puppet loaded with drugs.

Takeda Shin and Negishi Shoichi cooperate in drug trafficking, and Negishi Shoichi is mainly responsible for the sales channels of drugs. The puppet for the drug delivery was made by Takeda Shin.

And because the puppets of the Takeda family are famous for several generations, few people would doubt that the puppets were sold more expensively. Business has been good for the two of them.

Rob intends to get a pair of puppets with drugs from Negishi Masaichi, in order to threaten Takeda Shin into the attic to talk secretly.

Negishi is often on business trips. He finally heard that he was back the day before yesterday, and Rob went to him immediately.

Unexpectedly, when he arrived at the place and looked, Negishi Zhengyi was already skinny like a ghost, hanging in the room and hanging himself. The corruption of death could not hide his haggard face.

Although Rob didn't know what happened, the plan went more smoothly than he thought.

So he took a puppet and set up a murder mechanism on the second floor of the warehouse.

Next, as long as the detective arrives, his plan can unfold.

However, Rob lingered on the mountain road for a while, not waiting for the detective, but first waiting for a passing enthusiastic tourist.

The tourist is a young man with a genial smile. He seems to have the word "good man" written on his body. He probably thought he was lost in the mountains. He stopped to ask him about the situation and asked him if he wanted a ride.

While lamenting that there are still many good people in the world, Rob declined him, saying that he was a photographer, and he came here to shoot the scenery, so let him go first.

The enthusiastic young man reminded him to pay attention to safety, did not stop, and drove away quickly.

Rob said goodbye to him and continued to look at the end of the road, waiting for his appointment with the detective.

However, a few minutes later, the detective did not arrive, but a man in black wearing sunglasses who looked suspicious.

As the man in black smashed an odd ball under his feet, Rob was dizzy and quickly lost consciousness.

The masked Shiraishi looked around and saw no one, so An Xin stepped forward, filled up an anesthesia, and knocked Rob into the Poké Ball.

After returning to the car, Shiraishi looked at the translucent black long straight girl sitting on the co-pilot.

The girl had a scar on her forehead, her face was haggard, and she looked complicated.

"Have you decided what to write?" Shiraishi took out the paper and pen he bought at the convenience store under the mask, took out the yellow spring candle, and began to pick from the pile of debris.

Takeda Misa nodded.

Shiraishi lit the candle and asked her to write a letter in the limited materialization time. She and Rob had also communicated with paper money before, and Rob should recognize her handwriting.

When she was done writing, Shiraishi folded the letter, took Rob out of the Pokeball, and put the letter next to his wallet and mobile phone, which was the easiest place to see it.

Then Shiraishi took away his passport, put the person back into the Pokeball, drove back down the mountain, and threw the person in front of a nearby police station with a mask.

Foreigners who do not have passports or residence cards will be given some attention by the police, especially in this kind of wilderness, where there are not many cases, and they have a lot of time to grasp the movements of this suspicious foreigner.

Shiraishi threw people away, thinking that the police station is a good place to get an alibi.

He drove back on the road again, ready to find an excuse to stay overnight at Takeda's house. For example, when the car was driving near his house, the tire suddenly burst.

Takeda Xin is the type who "looks at money". From Rob's experience, Takeda Xin was very annoying to this foreign guy at first, but after Rob said he would pay, he entertained him with the attitude of entertaining guests. .

Shiraishi felt he could follow suit.

After working in the winery for so long, he is no longer the poor social animal he used to be, but has advanced into a less poor social animal, enough to pay for one night's accommodation.

However, halfway through, Shiraishi suddenly found a better excuse.

—There are three people on the mountain road, the most conspicuous one is the unlucky Hattori In addition, Maurilan and Conan are also next to him.

This combination looks very "a family of three" at first glance, but it is a little strange to taste it. Judging from the reluctant expressions of Conan and Hattori Heiji, it is probably that Maurilan was uneasy and let Conan run around with Hattori Heiji and followed him.

When the three people walking in front heard the sound of the car, they turned around with bright eyes, wanting to hitch a ride.

After seeing the person in the driver's seat, Maurilan and Conan were even happier.

But at the same time, the two also have some doubts, not knowing why Shiraishi is here.

Shiraishi pointed to the gift box on the seat and brought out the excuse given by the tool family.

Then politely asked what they were doing, although he had guessed the answer from the spoiler.

"—It was a commission from Heiji's brother. Someone who called himself 'Takeda' sent him a letter and money, asking him to help investigate the case." Conan hammered away his sore leg and put his hand on the rear door handle. Just around the corner.

"I don't worry that Conan has been running around outside, so I just followed." Mo Lilan sighed, mainly because Hattori Heiji didn't look like someone who could take care of children:

"Just now we thought we had reached the place, so we got off the taxi. Who knew it was just an old villa when we got closer, and when we returned the same way, the taxi had already left.

"The signal is not good here, and we can't book a car. We had to try to walk to Takeda's house, but we seem to be lost..."

"In that case, I'll take you there." The three of them were not surprised to hear such an answer.

"It just so happens that I have been relatively free from school recently, and I originally planned to take a look at the scenery nearby." Shiraishi's expression was natural, but in fact he did not lie - it was the fox who was busy, and he was indeed free.

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