Pretend To Be a Good Person In the World of Conan

Chapter 120: I have nothing to do with the winery, really...

A thick stack of e-books popped out of the bag and shuffled neatly across the screen.

Shiraishi took a closer look and found that the titles of the books were "The Principles and Tectonics of Light Weapons", "Structural Design of Artillery", "Analysis of Ammunition Engineering" and so on.

Just click on a book, and instead of text, the corresponding dynamic video and explanation will appear on the screen.

Shiraishi looked at the disassembled and reloaded guns inside: "Will there be missions related to shootings and explosions recently?"

The Q version assistant didn't answer him. She folded the furoshiki, carefully put it back in her pocket, took out a small handkerchief, waved it at Baishi like a parent sending her child to school, and quickly slipped away.

Shiraishi's attention was focused on the tutorial. He didn't have time to hold her down, so he could only withdraw his hand and figure out his intentions.

However, no matter what case you will encounter in the future, it will not be a loss to learn. And he was interested in these from the beginning. In junior high school, he bought several stacks of similar books, but it was a pity that he became busy with his studies and had other hobbies, so he couldn't care about it.

Such a long list of e-books finally made Shiraishi no longer bored. After reading two or three books, he even wanted to find a place to practice.

Unfortunately, there are no shooting clubs nearby, let alone bomb clubs. There are only a few resorts for hunting, and the threshold for consumption is extremely high. I'm afraid I won't have a chance to go until the wallet is re-drummed.

After taking a few small tasks such as "righting the billboards" and "removing the stones at the corners", when he returned home, Shiraishi found a child standing at the entrance of the cafe, sticking it in front of the glass, looking into the store.

...the time to come is still here, no wonder there are suddenly more tasks today.

Conan seemed to be full of doubts, but he was very alert and determined not to say at the door that Shiraishi could only open the door of the cafe and put people in.

Sure enough, just after closing the door, Conan started: "Can you tell me the antidote for that poison, where did you get it?"

This question is closely related to the Black Organization, and Shiraishi may divert the topic, may fall asleep suddenly, or may refuse to answer.

But what Conan didn't expect was that none of the three happened - Shiraishi just frowned slightly, looking very puzzled: "An antidote?"

"..." Prepared a series of interlocking questions, but the first one got stuck.

Conan silently observed Shiraishi for a while, temporarily unable to see whether he really didn't know or was acting stupid.

Just as he was about to ask further questions in order to discern what he was thinking, a hand suddenly placed on his shoulder.

Shiraishi's face was serious, and he squatted down: "Tell me in detail, what happened before?"

Conan has just slept for two or three days, and his brain is in a state of confusion.

As soon as the other party was serious, he also subconsciously became tense and dealt with the situation from the beginning.

Shiraishi listened to what he had personally experienced, nodded at the right time, and occasionally showed a surprised expression.

When he heard Conan say that the capsules given by the black cat could temporarily turn him back into an adult, Shiraishi's face darkened slightly: "He didn't even mention such important information to me once."

His realistic reaction finally convinced Conan, these two people... information is not completely common?

Ah, speaking of this, in the incident related to the male star last time, the black cat also used a certain way to create the illusion of Kimura Tatsuya's "death". At the time of the incident, Shiraishi was also kept in the dark.

Thinking about the man who was taciturn and stunned him and put him in the cubicle because he blocked the way, Conan suddenly felt that if the black cat was talking, it was indeed possible to do such an unethical thing in order to save trouble.

Look at Shiraishi, who seems to be a little angry - this look is very rare on his face. However, it is inevitable to be concealed from friends by friends.

After figuring out the cause and effect, Conan suddenly felt that he was provoking discord. It was obvious that these two people had helped him several times... This really shouldn't be, shouldn't be.

So with a little guilt, he comforted Shiraishi in turn:

"Maybe it was not long after it was made, and he was not sure about the efficacy of the medicine. He wanted to wait until it stabilized and then tell you - he originally said it would last for fifteen minutes, but within ten minutes, I turned back into a child."

Shiraishi was stunned, and even helped with the patch that didn't match the duration. Conan is really useful.

He was very relieved, but his expression did not change. He nodded solemnly: "I will tell you as soon as I hear the news... Similarly, if you get relevant news, remember to contact me."

In this way, when you do the daily task of "Saving Conan from Death" in the future, it will definitely be a lot easier.

"Okay. And..."

Judging from the fact that the black cat knew something about that poison and even came up with an antidote, even if he was not a member of the organization, he must have had contact with them.

Shiraishi is not necessarily, his understanding of the black organization may still only stay on "those people have medicines that can make people smaller".

"You must remember that the group of people in black are very dangerous. If you notice an abnormality, don't go deep alone." Conan lowered his head, looked at his little hand, and sent a wry smile, "I am a sad negative. example."

You're pretty precise about your positioning...

Baishi replied: "Don't worry, I have my senses."

Conan originally wanted to remind Shiraishi to be careful of black cats, but after thinking about it carefully, the probability of black cats being members of the organization is not high.

The two of them probably already knew about "Conan = Kudo Shinichi", even if there is still one percent uncertainty, after hearing the "last words" he left at the diplomat's house a few days ago, the black cat It must also be able to lock his real body.

Gin gave him that mysterious drug before, in order to silence him. He survived as a child because the drug has side effects that some black-clothed organizations have not yet grasped.

If the black cat is really a member of the organization, it is definitely more cost-effective to arrest his special case in the laboratory, and then kidnap the people close to him and threaten it.

So the black cat should have just happened to get that kind of medicine, and he is also asking someone to study it.

Yes, Conan feels that even if there is an antidote, the producer must not be Shiraishi or Black Cat.

A person's time is limited, and his areas of expertise are also limited, and Shiraishi has no pharmaceutical equipment at all, and he often stays at home, so it is unlikely that he will be free to study drugs.

As for the black cat...

He didn't even know how to use a syringe, and he had to draw a line to draw blood, and he couldn't even be related to this field.

—Yes, although I couldn’t see the process, the terrifying touch and the shape of the wound made Conan guess what happened to his After thinking about this, Conan finally He swallowed the reminder words back in his stomach.

Shiraishi did look much calmer than he was at the time, and he should be as measured as he said.

Shiraishi didn't say a few words the whole time, just waiting for Conan to make up his mind. Communicating with smart people is really worry-free.

Conan drank his two glasses of water, and finally said everything he wanted to say, and waved his goodbye contentedly.

After he went upstairs, it didn't take long for Hongye to come back.

This time, she looked in a good mood, and there was a slight smile on the corners of her lips:

"With the help of Miss Q, I found a high-paying job, and I have already received the first fund. I will return the capital to you first. If you need money urgently, please let me know and I will do it well. Budget."

"Okay." Shiraishi nodded, at the same time a little surprised - the Q version of the assistant is actually surnamed Q... Isn't the full name QAQ, or qwq, q-q?

A series of emojis flashed in line in his mind, Shiraishi pressed his temples, shook off the messy associations, and looked down at Hongye's computer screen.

Then I was surprised by a string of 0s after the deposit.

"...Your new job, does it mean 'robbing a bank'?"

Hongye, who has a criminal record, shook his head this time:

"The new owner happens to be researching drugs, which is my area of ​​expertise. And their senior management is a little dissatisfied with the current person in charge of drug development. It seems that something is wrong with her relatives. So they urgently need talents in this area, Miss Q. It's very easy to help us forge a suitable identity, so I can..."

"Wait." The more Shiraishi listened, the more inaccurate he became. "The new owner you're talking about... shouldn't all the employees use alcohol as their code name!?"

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