"This guy smells so good!"

"If it weren't for the man who was full of bugs around him, I really wanted to rush up and ask, where did he get the perfume on him?"

"It's the first time I've ever smelled this scent."

Several people walked and talked about their wonderful combination.

But as soon as he heard these people talking, the worm-like man showed some displeased expressions on his face.

"It's all superficial people."

And the perfumer, while smelling the good perfume on his body.

While looking at the bug man with some disgust.

"It's better to say that you are too disgusting."

There were other people beside him, who burst out laughing.

"It can only be said that you are the combination, too strange."

The man was talking.

While following the man with the fragrance.

As expected, normal people would rather be closer to the aroma than to be closer to those bugs.

Moreover, these wriggling bugs, just looking at it, are enough to make people unable to eat.

The bug man shrugged.

Simply ignore them.

"Say as if you're not part of our team."

Another blue-haired man looked a little sloppy.

Looks extremely sluggish.

But in his eyes, in fact, not a single prey was let go.

He was the one who caught the most monsters in their team.

The perfume man did not speak.

The joking man just chuckled.

"Okay, you caught a lot, and what you said is reasonable."

Several people walked forward with their own thoughts.

However, it didn't take long to go.

The man who likes to ridicule can't help it.

He opened his mouth and asked: "You said, is it the young man who shot it?"

"If he really did, when did he do it?"

The perfume man also kept nodding his head.

"I'm also curious about this question."

"When exactly did he do it?"

"Could it be that they were given medicine in advance?"

The bug man thought seriously.

"My little flying insect told me that there is no poison in those people."

"Therefore, it was only defeated by someone with very deep skill."

"There is no other reason."

The man said it calmly.

It's not like it has anything to do with me at all.

The others raised their eyebrows at him.

Only the man with slack eyes set his eyes in the distance.

"I really want to meet that boy just now!"

Perfume men also revealed their nature at this time.

"'Who wouldn't want to?"

Several people were curious about Chen Qi.

"You said that the few people who just fell were four people."

"And we are also four of us. Next time we meet that boy, how about the four of us go together?"

This proposal has attracted the attention of the ridiculing man.

"That's a good idea."

"Look how long he can hold on."

But the man with his slack eyes directly rejected this method.

"I refuse, I want to be singled out by myself."

Bug men are totally irrelevant.

"It's good to be able to single out."

"However, I also want to go head to head."

The distracted man blinked.

"Then let me go first!"

The bug man pouted.

"You really like to be competitive, and you even argue about this."

The slack-eyed man explained.

"No, I plan to fight him when he is at his strongest."

"Otherwise, after you finish fighting him, I will fight him again, and there will be an illusion that if you win, you will take advantage of you."

This man is very serious.

After speaking, he walked straight forward.

His results at this time, there are more than 100 monsters with beads in his hand.

In the entire fantasy world, it has been regarded as one of the best results.

The others shrugged and looked at him.

"Is something over the top?"

The man who ridiculed the inaction stepped forward and put his hand on the man whose eyes were slack.

"He came like this, it's not like you don't know."

It's just that after he finished speaking, the man with slack eyes directly slapped his slave off his shoulder.

"I don't need you to speak for me."

The former shrugged.

"You play a lot, and you're right."

While fighting, the two walked forward.

The bug man was very alert and looked at the spoons around him.

Chapter 1100 Divide it, I don't want (subscription)

After a few people discussed it together.

Still moving forward together.

The surrounding monsters kept pouring out.

Since the bug man is in contact with bugs, the noise around him is unusually obvious.

As for the others, although they also vaguely felt something.

But didn't say much.

Everyone else locked their eyes in their own line of sight.

Then he looked at these people.

Then put his eyes on the forest in the distance.

Chen Qi was planning to do an experiment at this time.

"I think it's a bit laborious to fight monsters one monster at a time."

"So I found this shortcut."

Although the tiger in Chen Qi's eyes at first had run away.

But this didn't prevent Chen Qi from using his magic power to trap the tiger.

Now the tiger has fallen.

Eyes closed.

In order to reduce its pain, Chen Qi solved it directly with a sword.

Didn't even get it to react.

He clapped his hands.

After the tiger was gone, he quickly cut through the tiger's skin with his long sword.

This is to allow more blood to flow out of the tiger.

At the same time, it is also to allow the blood of the tiger to attract those monsters.

Chen Qi also found out.

There are so many animals in this forest.

Naturally, these monsters coexist with these animals.

Just like the ordinary human world, people live in harmony with nature.

People need to get the food they want from nature.

And these monsters also want to get the food they want from this forest.

And these animals in the forest are the best nutrients and food for them.

These things naturally grow up eating animals.

As for how much to eat, and how much to eat.

It's up to them.

Chen Qi shrugged.

Then he quickly put away the long sword in his hand.

"Brother Chen Qi, do we need to hide?"

Chen Qi shook his head.

These monsters even dare to shake directly in front of them, so there is no need to put these things away.

After all, if they hide, they will only allow others to take advantage of it.

Although Chen Qi's experiment was easily learned by others.

But he looked at the people around him and seemed to be a little disdainful of this method.

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