You know, as an emperor, he knows that natural disasters have never stopped, and they haven't increased in number, either here or there.

But as a common people, they will only know that my grandparents lived here, and they have never seen such a powerful earthquake! !

I have lived half my life, but I have never seen such a heavy snow. Isn't this a catastrophe? ? This is the catastrophe! !

With only a small patch of sky in front of them, they are easily provoked.

They will believe it! !

If they are instigated, no matter what the court does, they will feel that it is not enough! !

Because they felt that if they hadn't shouldered the catastrophe for the little princess, they wouldn't have been in such trouble! ! It was the little princess who killed them!

Yan Shirong also looked gloomy, and said slowly: "Among the Jurchen tribe, there is an expert... This person understands our Han culture very well."

That's why we can make up such clever rumors.

First affirmed the identity of the little princess, and then pushed the boat along with the current and turned the clouds and rains. How could this be the barbarian they thought?

This method is comparable to a brilliant strategist!

Moreover, the shortest identities of these people have been with Dayan for more than a year, and the longest even has eight years! !

They are already very familiar with the people around them, their language and behavior are impeccable, and some of them have even become relatives here!

If it wasn't for Xinbao, no matter how hard they searched, they would not be able to find these people.

So if these people are really asked to release such rumors, it is very likely to succeed.

Yan Shirong was so angry just thinking about it.

Xinbao silently raised her hand to speak.

But several people were deep in thought, no one noticed her, Xinbao tried her best to squeeze in the middle, holding up her small hands.

Yan Shirong was afraid of scaring his sister, so he quickly restrained his expression and said with a smile, "What is Xinbao going to say?"

She said loudly: "Xinbao knows what to do!! Xinbao knows how to deal with these people!!"

Yan Shirong smiled and said, "How to deal with it?"

Xinbao said: "You forgot, we have Little Phoenix!"

What is wrong with Jurchens worshiping, worshiping a bird! !

But for any bird, how could it not slip and kneel when meeting the king of birds like Little Phoenix? ?

She had read a super good-looking book, and there was a girl named Tang Shijin in it. When she was a teenager, she accidentally got a pair of Haidongqing, which played a decisive role in defeating the Jurchens!

This book is really beautiful, I hope everyone will read it!

When Yan Shirong was told by her, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows: "You can try."

The imperial court had Yingfang. Emperor Ming Pei used to be in the army when he was young, and he was skilled in bowing and horses. He liked hunting very much. It's just that he didn't go there because of many things in recent years, but Hai Dongqing didn't stop raising them.

Yan Shirong sent someone to notify Miss Lin directly.

As long as Little Phoenix is ​​by Xinbao's side, he will be alive and kicking if he doesn't enter the space, but he is very clingy to Mrs. Lin, so he can't be easily hugged, so Mrs. Lin also changed her clothes and followed.

Now there are still seven or eight sea dongqings in Yingfang, all of them are in their prime of life, with plump feathers and fierce appearance.

Mrs. Lin was a little worried, and asked Little Fenghuang in a low voice: "Are you afraid?"

Little Phoenix had a proud face, and cooed a few times... It's just a flat-haired beast with no intelligence, how could I be afraid?

Emperor Ming Pei didn't ask any more questions, and directly asked Ying Nu to put Hai Dongqing into the room. Lady Lin saw that Little Phoenix was really not afraid, so she slowly put it on the ground.

Then several people withdrew, leaving only shadow guards to take care of them in secret.

Mrs. Lin was very worried, and said repeatedly: "Be careful, don't be scared."

Xinbao: "..."

It's only been a few days, am I not A Niang's darling? ?

The shadow guard hangs on the roof, staring down.

Little Fenghuang was still chubby and not very smart, but with the virtue of looking down on the world, he took a few steps forward with short legs.

To tell you the truth, if he were Hai Dongqing, he would want to pounce on him and teach him a lesson.

But unexpectedly, as Little Phoenix took a few steps forward, several Haidongqings, as if they had received some order, stopped their movements, their throats were like a hen, and they let out a few hoarse moans. , and then slowly walked this way, stood next to the little phoenix, shrunk its legs and clamped its head, and folded its wings. The whole bird seemed to shrink in a big circle, showing a very obvious surrender.

This invisible creature suppression is really amazing.

Xinbao whispered: "Command them, command them!!"

Little Phoenix understood it, cooed a few times, and then tried to flap her little wings, flew up a little bit, and landed on the biggest Hai Dongqing.

But Haidongqing was standing up. Although it was much taller than Little Phoenix, it couldn't stand up. When it fell, it rolled down.

Everyone: "..."

Mrs. Lin said awkwardly: "I usually feed it a little too much."

Little Phoenix obviously felt ashamed, so he let out a loud growl, puffed up his small wings, and patted Hai Dongqing's body. Hai Dongqing didn't feel anything at all, and remained motionless.

Xiao Fenghuang cursed and hit him several times, Hai Dongqing finally felt something and moved to the side.

Everyone again: "..."

When you put them together, you can clearly see the difference.

Many of Little Phoenix's actions are very humane, as if a person is wearing a bird's suit, but Haidongqing is a bird, a small and stupid bird, but it is afraid that it dare not resist, and does not understand what it wants to do at all. I don't even know how to cooperate.

Yan Shirong sighed: "The object looks like the master!"

"That's right." Xinbao didn't realize that she was the master at all, and said worriedly: "Yan Xiaoyuan's temper is too bad! He can hunt birds, so can't he talk to Haidongqing properly?"

Mrs. Lin heard that something was wrong, she turned her head: "Xinbao, what do you mean by that?"

Xinbao: "..."

The strong desire to survive made her move her little feet slowly into Yeye's arms, and said: "Xinbao said, it, can't he learn from A Niang and learn to be virtuous and virtuous and perfect? "

"Oh," Lady Lin nodded, "That's right, I really don't know how to teach children."

Xinbao said weakly, "It's not your child."

"That's right!" Mrs. Lin said: "It's my granddaughter, my son is too good at teaching his son."

The only son present: "..."

No, stupid refusal.

Several people were bickering, but Little Phoenix was still training the eagle hard inside.

Because it can't fly high, she obviously wants to stand on the back of a certain sea dongqing, patrolling like a general, while letting other eagles follow, but this first step can't be done!

Haidongqing couldn't understand its meaning anyway, so it can be seen that there are no such complicated words in Niaoyu, such as "getting down" and "shorter", probably only food and danger.

Emperor Ming Pei got annoyed, so he said: "Try it slowly, Zhen is gone, can Xinbao go?"

Xinbao hesitated for a moment: "Xinbao also wants to leave, but he is afraid of leaving. Others can't understand Yan Xiaoyuan's words."

She let out a long sigh: "No wonder people say that those who are capable work harder, and Xinbao is too powerful, so he can't go anywhere."

Emperor Ming Pei: "..."

That's all right, he left first, Yan Qingshan gave Yan Shirong a look, Yan Shirong patted his forehead, and followed.

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