Yuan Yaochu said casually: "I guess she can't help it? If she doesn't file a complaint, doesn't it mean that she killed someone?"

The second elder brother said: "I don't mean that. I think... With her temperament, she will not choose to resist and save herself whatever the killer asks her to do or do to her. Moreover, the biggest doubt is, "

He paused for a bit in the way: "She said that the killer wanted to do something wrong to her, so she took the opportunity to fight back. However, the killer died on the street. This, why doesn't it make sense?"

"Uh, yes," Yuan Yaochu scratched his head: "You're so smart, I didn't even think of this! What's going on? Could there be something else going on?"

Yan Shenjue said quietly: "People in the Jianghu act as they please, maybe some people just don't like Tang Sanshui, or Hu Gua, and intervene... After all, Hu Gua asked for help at that time, using the death note."

The second elder brother asked: "What is a death post?"

Yuan Yaochu said: "This is a kind of saying in the Jianghu, which means that in the event of a catastrophe of life and death, you saved me, and I can promise you any conditions, which is equivalent to giving my life to you... …That’s why it’s called a death post, it doesn’t specify who will take over the job, it’s a way of casting a wide net, many people can see it, so it’s not surprising that it attracts people from the Jianghu.”

The second brother suddenly said: "So it is."

Yuan Yaochu said: "If you really want to know, I'll go and scare someone later, just ask clearly?"

"It's not necessary," the second brother thought about his sister's luck, and felt that he might be thinking too much: "It doesn't matter what the truth is."

"That's right," Yuan Yaochu said: "The result is that evil will be rewarded with evil, and people will be happy, so that's fine!"

While talking, he glanced at the carriage outside, the horse had already dragged the carriage away, Yuan Yaochu said, "I'll send the carriage there first! Then I'll bring the food back and let's eat!"

He ran away quickly.

In fact, at that time, Mrs. Lin used ox hair fine needles only because this method was relatively secretive and could not be found on their heads.

However, the sudden death caused by internal bleeding caused by ox hairy needles cannot be seen on the surface of the corpse. At this time, the surgeon does not know how to dissect, so the cause of death cannot be found out. Therefore, it is equivalent to the sudden death of a person Pain, and then die, it does look a lot like a murdered soul.

In addition, Tang Sanshui was on the lobby at that time, biting his own mother alive, it was really unimaginable, the situation was indeed extremely strange and tragic, the jailer is also a human being, and the jailer is also afraid! So this matter can't be held back at all, and the city is full of wind and rain overnight.

When County Magistrate Liu saw that he couldn't hold back anymore, he simply wrote an excerpt and reported it to the capital overnight.

Yuan Yaochu came over the next day and told Brother Tang about it.

Although I don't know how the superiors will deal with it at this time, it is obvious that this matter has become a big problem.

The second elder brother restrained the younger siblings and forbade them to go out, fearing that the superiors would call them over for questioning on a whim, or the children were careless and said something that shouldn't be said, and someone would make a fuss about it.

Yan Shenjue comforted him: "You don't have to worry too much. The county magistrate reported this matter. In order to excuse himself, he must put all the blame on Tang Sanshui and call him a demon in the world, and you were all harmed by Tang Sanshui. Those who have passed will never be implicated, and maybe they will not be mentioned, so don't worry."

Having said that, the second elder brother was still uneasy, thinking about building the house, should he stop for a while?

Otherwise, would it not be too good to have a funeral over there, or a big construction project here?

He couldn't make up his mind, so he asked, "Can I follow you to the county seat?"

"Yes," Yan Shenjue said, "Uncle Qingshan didn't let you show up because he was afraid that it would cause trouble. If you want to go, you can go there in private... Otherwise, my elder brother will go back in the evening and take our carriage." Bar."

The second brother nodded.

In the evening, after dinner, Nai Tuanzi and younger brother were coaxed to sleep, and after waiting for a while, Brother Yuan came over.

The second elder brother got into the car directly, followed elder brother Yuan back, rushed into the city before closing the city gate, and found the small courtyard where the funeral was held along the way.

It may be because of the previous incident, so even at night, I have to recite sutras every other hour, and the small courtyard is still brightly lit.

Brother Yuan called Tang Qingshan out.

Tang Qingshan heard what he said, and said in a low voice: "It seems safe to stop, but if it really stops, no matter when the work starts, there will be people talking, so there is no need to stop, and nothing will happen."

Yuan Yaogui couldn't help but glance at him more.

In fact, Tang Qingshan was right.

Because this matter involves a lot of ethics and human feelings, as long as the superiors are not stupid, they will not go to the bottom of it, and will only crucify Tang Sanshui.

As for other people, whether it is the "victim" of Dafang, or the mother-in-law of the "accustomed child" Mrs. Liu, or a fringe person like Xiao Liu... all of them should not be mentioned.

Because it is not something that can simply "punish" the evil and "promote" the good. No matter how you deal with it, some people will think it is wrong, so just crucify the wicked directly, and let others deal with it coldly.

Putting it into this matter, that is to say, they have been building a house, whether it is because Mrs. Liu has expelled her family, or because she has no house, and the New Year is coming soon, and other reasons, it is easy to come up with it... Even if someone wants to sue , not so straight, and there is no place to sue.

On the contrary, if you stop and start work again, there will be many people complaining, because it means that you "understand" this, but you don't do enough.

Those who don't know will not be guilty, the things in the middle are very subtle, Yuan Yaogui didn't expect Tang Qingshan to understand.

Tang Qingshan didn't explain in detail, and asked again: "Is everything okay at home? Is Xinbao good?"

The second elder brother said, "It's okay, Xinbao is also good. Dad, don't be too honest, take a rest."

Tang Qingshan just nodded.

After saying a few words, he went back, because the city gate was not open at the moment, so the second elder brother went to Yuan's house to spend the night, went back with Yuan Yaogui in the morning, and brought them breakfast.

When I arrived in the village, it was still dark, so I didn't delay anything.

Xinbao had no idea what happened that night.

Parents were not at home for several days, and Xinbao's whole group was a little sluggish. When he got up in the morning, he saw fried dough sticks, biscuits, and steamed buns on the table... Xinbao finally regained some energy: "There are so many!"

"Yes, a lot," the second elder brother said with a smile, "What would Xinbao want to eat?"

Xinbao looked back and forth a few times, but couldn't make up his mind, so the second elder brother took oil paper and wrapped a small bun for her: "It's stuffed with bean paste, Xinbao has a taste."

Xinbao took a sip and narrowed his eyes: "That's a good time."

"Is it delicious?" The second elder brother smiled and said, "There is a famous bun shop in the city that only makes sweet buns. These are all sweet, like brown sugar or lotus paste."

Xinbao was very surprised: "Why did the bags in the city come to our house?"

The second elder brother smiled and said, "It wasn't the bags from the city that came to our house, it was the bags that my elder brother went to buy. My elder brother went into the city with elder brother Yuan yesterday, went to see my father, and came back in the morning...Xinbaoer? "

His younger sister didn't even eat the steamed buns, her eyes were wide open, looking at him, the second elder brother was rarely embarrassed: "What's wrong?"

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