Pokémon Modifier

Chapter 520 The Gate of Time and the Original Sea Turtle

Just do what he said. On the day he left Fanba City, Hu Yang began to ask Gardevoir to develop the "Psychic Blade" move, and gave it detailed knowledge on how to use the weapon to fight.

So, looking at the huge spoon, Gardevoir began a new practice.

Using superpowers to create physical items is an ability that requires a very high level of energy control on the Pokémon itself.

If it succeeds in creating a giant spoon and has the ability to change its form, then it means that this Pokémon has reached a superb level of skill in energy control.

"Always, keep working hard!" Hu Yang said to Gardevoir.

Gardevoir nodded slightly in response.

After arranging new exercises, Hu Yang began to focus on Charizard again.

That night, they crossed the Julaoda Road and arrived at a place called Rose Mountain.

This is a coal mine. In the middle of the mountain is a hollowed-out valley. Two excavators can be seen parked there. There are a series of complex caves and trails in the huge mountain, which together form a complex maze. , some coal miners are working in the cave.

It was getting dark, and Populus euphratica found a safe cave to rest there.

After finishing dinner, he started the move modification again and helped Charizard add the "Water Oath" move.

Soon, the modification was completed.

Before he fell into coma, Hu Yang thought that he had learned the combination of moves, and now the fire-breathing dragon would become stronger again.

Whether it is a rainbow, a sea of ​​fire, or a wetland composed of water and grass, it can have unexpected effects on the opponent.

Especially the latter, when the battle field turns into a wetland, the Pokémon standing on it will be affected and its speed will drop significantly.

Hu Yang went to the dream world to look for Reshiram, and after he closed his eyes, the Ancient Moon Bird automatically flew out of the master ball and flew outside as if it sensed something.

Gengar noticed this scene, raised his head and asked: "Kou Jie?" (What are you going to do?)

"Gah." Gu Yuenniao's eyes were dumbfounded, as if he didn't hear anything, and flew away minding his own business.

"Kou Jie..." Gengar stood there and watched the scene.

That guy is indeed the same as before, no change!

But soon, the Ancient Moon Bird flew back.

It slowly fell to the ground with a big stone in its mouth and threw it next to Populus euphratica.

After doing this, it turned around and flew away.

Gengar floated forward, inspected the strange stone, stretched out his paw and poked it. He didn't feel any energy fluctuations from inside, so he stopped touching it.

In this way, the Ancient Moon Bird flew back and forth several times. When the next morning, Populus euphratica opened his eyes and saw a small stone mountain next to him.

He was startled, and when he looked closely, the information about those stones appeared in his mind.

[Frozen stone fragments: Magical stones containing ice-attributed energy, condensed from the cold air that cannot be dissipated. Staying around will cause specific Pokémon to evolve. ]

[Back cover fossil: The fossil of an ancient Pokémon that lived in the sea a long time ago, seems to be part of the back. ]

[Icy Rock: A magical stone containing ice-type energy. If you carry it, the hailstones used by Pokémon will last longer. ]


In addition to these, Populus euphratica looked around and found that there were a lot of various stones.

He looked at the innocent-looking Gengar and other Pokémon and asked, "Where did these things come from?"

Gengar pointed at the Ancient Moon Bird, which was preening its feathers at the side.

Hu Yang understood instantly.

Good guy, instead of holding fish in its mouth, the Ancient Moon Bird now holds stones in its mouth to feed him.

Populus euphratica was moved and complicated. He began to classify the types of stones, and then put them into treasure bags.

Soon, the small stone mountain disappeared, leaving only a fossil.

Hu Yang looked at the dorsal fossil in front of him thoughtfully. If he remembered correctly, the Pokémon in this fossil seemed to be a Protozoa, right?

Turtle, a water- and rock-type Pokémon, once lived in the warm sea about 100 million years ago and is said to be the ancestor of most turtle Pokémon.

With the development of time, the technology of fossil resurrection in this world has become more and more mature.

Some companies and research institutes have even begun to help trainers who find fossils resurrect ancient Pokémon contained in fossils.

But Populus euphratica doesn't have much interest in the original sea turtle.

He got up and started preparing breakfast, preparing to leave here later and continue his journey.

But as soon as breakfast was cooked, it started raining heavily.


Okay, now there is no way to continue setting off.

In desperation, Populus euphratica could only give up temporarily and stay in the cave to wait for the rain to stop.

At this moment, there was suddenly a burst of hurried footsteps outside.

Immediately afterwards, Hu Yang saw a young man running into the cave in the heavy rain with a backpack on his head.

For a moment, their eyes met.

The young man's eyes slowly moved down, resting on the fossil of a primitive sea turtle.

After seeing the appearance of the fossil clearly, the young man's eyes suddenly brightened and he said in a surprised tone:

"Wow! It's the fossil of the extinct ancient Pokémon Protozoa!"

As he spoke, he came forward, knelt on the ground with an excited look on his face, held the stone in his hands, and a strange light shone in his eyes.

Hu Yang: "?"

Soon, the young man noticed the look in the other person's eyes as if he was looking at a fool.

He immediately realized that he had lost his temper, put down the fossil sheepishly, and explained:

"Sorry, I'm too excited. Hello, I'm Fujio. I'm a professional archaeologist. I'm currently looking for the fossils of the ancient Pokémon Origami in Rose Mountain!"

Hu Yang said politely: "Hello."

After the introduction, Fujio immediately turned his attention to the stone and asked, "Can I take a look at this stone?"

Hu Yang nodded and made a gesture of invitation.

Fujio picked up the stone, looked at it carefully, and gently rubbed the lines on it with his fingers. Even if he touched a dusty hand, he didn't care much.

Instead, he asked Populus euphratica: "Did you dig this fossil in Ross Mountain?"

Hu Yang glanced at the Ancient Moon Bird next to him, nodded and said, "Yes."

"So that's it." Fujio nodded thoughtfully, clapped his hands fiercely, and said excitedly: "I knew it! I knew that there were primitive sea turtles living in this mountain! Finally, I found traces of their existence. Got it!"

As he said that, he put down the stone and raised his head to look at the young man in front of him: "Excuse me, are you willing to let... ah no, sell this stone to me? I can buy it for a high price!"

For Populus euphratica, the fossils of Prototheca sea turtles had no other use except for collection. He looked at the other party who seemed to want them very much and asked, "What's the price?"

Fujio immediately gave a number.

The price isn't high, but at least it's better than nothing. You can buy some more snacks for the Pokémon in the zoo.

Thinking of this, Hu Yang nodded and agreed to the deal: "Okay."

"Arigado!" Fujio said gratefully: "Thank you very much for letting me see this fossil. As another reward, I will tell you a secret about Rose Mountain!"

Um? What secret?

Hu Yang raised his head and looked at the other party.

Fujio said with a mysterious face: "People say that Pokémon like Turtle became extinct a long time ago, but that's not actually the case."

"I had played with live Turtles as a child, and I wanted to know how I came to see these Pokémon since they were extinct."

"So, when I grew up, I began to investigate Rose Mountain, and not long ago, I discovered the secret of Rose Mountain."

"In a hidden cave in this mountain, there is a special vortex of time and space distortion. I call it the Gate of Time. Through there, you can travel back to the past world and see extinct ancient Pokémon. "

"I entered there by mistake when I was a child, and then traveled to the world of the original sea turtle, and had that incredible experience."

"If you want to take a look, I can take you there." Fujio paused and continued: "But there is no way to travel back to the past, because the time gate is very unstable, and the distorted space-time energy nearby It will tear people apart.”

"Gate of time?" Hu Yang grasped the key point.

Fujio nodded: "That is a very special phenomenon. I don't know why it appeared in Rose Mountain, but what is certain is that it existed a long time ago."

After hearing this, Hu Yang also remembered a plot in his mind.

In the anime, Team Rocket once planned to travel to the past world through the "Gate of Time", where they planned to capture a large number of extinct ancient Pokémon to increase their combat power and conquer the Unova region.

During that plot, the Time Gate was also unstable. In order to stabilize it, Team Rocket resurrected the Protozoa from a fossil, hoping to extract its biological energy and provide it to the Time Gate.

Bioenergy...can it be replaced by waveguides?

Thinking of this, Hu Yang said: "Take me to see it."

"Okay." Fujio thought he just wanted to take a look, so he agreed.

The two left the cave under umbrellas and walked through the Ross Mountain Trail.

Under the leadership of Fujio, Populus euphratica soon arrived at a hidden cave.

Looking at the dark cave in front of him, Fujio said: "This is it."

Hu Yang walked in with his feet raised.

The first time he saw the target, he recognized the phenomenon.

As expected, it was the same space-time distortion he had seen before in Xicui.

Time and space distortion is a special phenomenon that brings modern humans and Pokémon into another time and space. Similarly, it can also bring things from the past to the present.

"Now that I think about it, I was really brave when I was young. I dared to break in here alone and was taken there by it."

Fujio was still sighing at the side, but Hu Yang had already stepped forward and stretched out his hand towards the door of time.

Powerful waveguide energy surged out and poured into the gate of time.

The next second, Hu Yang knew why this place was called the Gate of Time.

With the injection of waveguide energy, the twisted space-time vortex stabilized and turned into the shape of a door, floating quietly in place, with the dark blue energy vortex flowing smoothly.

Hu Yang took back his hand.

Behind him, Fujio's eyes widened in shock: "Oh my God, this is unbelievable. How did you do it?!"

Populus euphratica: "Simply provide it with a little energy. Okay, now you can enter it."

The stable distortion of time and space will not cause harm to humans. The only thing that will harm humans is the unknown everything on the opposite side of time and space.

Thinking of this, Populus euphratica released the ancient moon bird and took it into the door of time.

A burst of dark blue light flashed randomly, and everything in front of him suddenly changed.

A gust of wind blew by, and Populus euphratica found himself on a lush green grassland.

Vaguely, he heard the sound of sea water hitting the rocks, and guessed that this place should be very close to the sea.

Looking around, there didn't seem to be any danger.

Fujio also traveled through the gate of time.

He looked at the scene around him, excited and surprised: "That's right! This is it! This is where I played with the turtles when I was a kid!"

He pointed to a big tree and said: "That's where the sea turtle let me sit on its back, and they took me to the seaside!"

While he was talking, a sharp chirping sound suddenly came from the sky.

Immediately afterwards, the two saw an ammonite beast fleeing from a short distance away in panic.

A black shadow flew straight through the air, using its powerful lower limbs to tightly grasp the shell of the ammonite beast, and brought it up into the sky.

"That's Archeopteryx!" Fujio exclaimed, "A bird Pokémon that lived in the same era as Turtle!"

Populus euphratica raised his head and looked upward, only to see the ancestor bird grabbing the prey and flying into the distance, and soon disappeared.

"I never expected that the ammonite beast would be the prey of the great ancestor bird." Fujio murmured.

Hu Yang recalled the habits of Prototheca sea turtles and said: "Not only Archeopteryx, Prototheca sea turtles also regard ammonite beasts as food."

Especially after evolving into a rib turtle.

They have great strength and can penetrate the bottom of an oil tanker with one palm. They will use their well-developed forelimbs to beat their opponents until they faint, and then drag them into the water to eat. The power of their jaws is so amazing that even the spiny ammonite beast evolved from the ammonite beast. It can also be easily eaten whole.

However, due to the great changes that have taken place in modern times, and the fact that the resurrected Turtles are raised by trainers and have a food source, they will no longer hunt other Pokémon.

"Rotom, start collecting illustrated data." Hu Yang released Rotom, preparing to let it scan Pokémon living in this era.

Pokédex made from Rotom can be uploaded to the Pokédex app on your mobile phone.

There, every time a trainer views the illustrated book, the uploader will receive a certain amount of remuneration, which is equivalent to the research funds and copyright fees of the Pokémon doctors in the old days.

Of course, it is not possible to upload it directly. It must also be reviewed by multiple Pokémon doctors to confirm the authenticity of the uploaded information.

This is the Pokémon Pokédex for the new era, a new plan proposed by Hu Yang and implemented by Dewen Company.

Compared with before, this Pokémon illustrated book is more advanced and more convenient, and can greatly meet the common needs of trainers and researchers.

"Got it Thom!"

After the order was given, Rotom turned on the scanning function and scanned the Archeobird eating fruit on a tree not far away.

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