Pokémon Modifier

Chapter 311 The Awakening God (Part 1)

"After all, those were legends from long ago! No one knows if that place really exists." Miss Joy said.

Populus euphratica: "..."

It seems that the locals are not very aware of the Notice Stone Chamber.

He thought of the information he and Dawu had discovered in the ancient ruins in Green Ridge City before, and changed the question to another question: "Miss Joy, do you know the Whirlpool Sea Path?"

Upon hearing this question, Miss Joy was stunned for a moment and asked, "You mean the branch waterway on Waterway No. 134?"

Yeah, does this place really exist?

Hu Yang nodded and said: "Yes."

Miss Joy frowned slightly and said, "That place is very dangerous and the water is very fast. Even experienced adventurers don't dare to swim in it."

"So where do I go?"

"That place is very conspicuous." Miss Joy said: "Observe with your eyes, the place where the flow of sea water forms a vortex is the location of the vortex sea path. However, I advise you not to go down. That place is very dangerous."

"All right."

After all, Hu Yang turned around and threw Joey's words behind him, and rushed to Waterway No. 134 on his Lightning Bird.

Sure enough, he immediately saw the area where the sea water flowed rapidly and was shaped like a whirlpool.

That should be the destination of his trip.

While thinking, Populus euphratica released the Howling Whale King, stood on it and put on a diving suit with an oxygen bottle, then supported the Howling Whale King and said: "Get down!"

The Roaring Whale King responded and dived into the sea.

The series of whirlpools were dispersed by the huge body of the Howling Whale King, and Populus euphratica grabbed its fins and dived into the water with it.

Twenty meters underwater, the water flow was extremely fast, hitting him like sharp knives.

Fifty meters underwater, Populus euphratica began to feel a strong squeezing feeling. Fortunately, the roaring whale king was there, and he could use his huge body to help him relieve some of the pressure.

When one hundred meters underwater, all the sounds around him disappeared, leaving only the sound of sea water flowing.

At this time, all the pressure around him disappeared, and Populus euphratica could feel that the seawater flow rate at this depth was very gentle.

The melodious cry of the Roaring Whale King came from the side.

Hu Yang observed the bizarre blue world around him, then supported the Howler Whale King, took out the Megalodon's Poke Ball from his bag, and took the Howler Whale King back.

It is more convenient for a smaller megalodon to move around in a place like this.

Hu Yang sat on the Megalodon, looked up and made sure that the Roaring Whale King had not deviated from his position just now, and then made a downward gesture to the Megalodon.

The Megalodon understood, and took Populus euphratica with him, and began to swim quickly downwards.

The surrounding scenery changed rapidly. Various stalactites, towering stone forests, coral reefs of various colors and schools of sea fish began to appear in Populus' sight.

Continuing down, those things slowly began to disappear, and what appeared in front of Populus euphratica was a series of submarine caves with complex topography.

Hu Yang carefully observed the surrounding situation, trying to find the location of the announcement stone room.

But after searching for a long time, he couldn't find any clues about that place.

"The location should not be wrong." Hu Yang said in his heart.

Unless the original position has gradually deviated from the terrain evolution over thousands of years.

Hu Yang couldn't be sure, but he didn't want to give up and return to land now.

The giant tooth shark on the side saw him frowning and thinking, and it could feel that Populus euphratica seemed to be looking for something.

The megalodon thought for a moment, and then let out a series of fierce roars in the distance.

Hearing this voice, Hu Yang was stunned for a moment. As soon as he turned around, he saw the flattering expression of the megalodon.

He looked in the direction that the Megalodon had just faced, and saw something in the deep blue, which seemed to be speeding towards this direction.

Those are... megalodons!

The explosive power of Megalodon is very strong, and their speed in the sea is like a rocket. Therefore, in the blink of an eye, the group of Megalodon swam in front of Populus euphratica, surrounding him and the overlord Megalodon.

The overlord Megalodon looked at this scene with satisfaction, then opened his mouth, as if he was saying something to him.

"You want everyone to help search together?" Hu Yang said in surprise.

The megalodon nodded its head.

Hu Yang did not refuse, and told the overlord Megalodon what he was looking for, and then relayed it to the other Megalodon through it.

The group of megalodon sharks that received the leader's instructions started to move, dispersed, swam in all directions, and disappeared into the complex seabed cave in the blink of an eye.

Populus euphratica was not going to sit idle here, so he took the Megalodon and continued to search in this place.

At the same time, somewhere in a volcano.

Chi Yansong, who was wearing a red uniform, looked excitedly at the ancient creature sleeping in the magma in front of him.

It was a Pokémon whose whole body was covered in red, flaky, armor-like skin. The dark side of its abdomen was gray, with large white spikes protruding from its head, torso, and tail. It was covered with Ancient complex texture.

At this moment, it has its eyes closed tightly, standing like a statue in the hot magma.

Chi Yansong and the members of the Lava Team standing behind him looked at this ancient creature with a look of fanatical excitement in their eyes.

"Look at this sleeping super ancient Pokémon Groudon, how beautiful it is!"

"I have been waiting for this day for a long time!"

"Groudon...no one can wake you up from the lava...only me!"

As he spoke, Chi Yansong held up the blue orb and said enthusiastically: "This indigo orb is what you have been looking for, isn't it? I brought the indigo orb!"

"Let its light awaken you! Show me... show me all your power!"


After the words fell, along with a strange buzzing sound, a strong light bloomed from the orb.

The light shone on the ancient creature in the magma, and the next second, the creature opened its eyes, revealing a pair of golden pupils.

Seeing this scene, Chi Yansong was extremely excited: "Groudon, follow my instructions and turn the entire world into the earth!"

But Groudon didn't have much reaction to these words.

Chi Yansong looked into those golden eyes and realized something was wrong.

The next second, the ground began to shake, the hot magma began to flow, and a hot red energy rose up from Groudon's body, turning into a huge energy blade, speeding towards the direction where the Red Flame Pine stood. Come.

The sword blade quickly enlarged in Chi Yansong's eyes, and his pupils shrank subconsciously. Along with a surge of energy, this volcano located in the eastern part of the Fengyuan region exploded with great violence.

In the explosion, Groudon's body changed rapidly, from the original four meters to a huge size of dozens of meters.

It turned around slowly and stared in the distant direction with its golden eyes that showed no trace of emotion.

Then, lift up your huge legs and head in that direction.

Every step he takes will leave a huge footprint, in which the extremely hot earth energy flows.

Soon, Groudon arrived at the beach.

But it didn't stop and kept moving forward.

The scorching earth energy turned into magma and merged with the sea water. While a large amount of white mist rose up, the energy quickly cooled and solidified, forming the most primitive earth.

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