Pokémon: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 376, coming, coming

After Ukai left, Midoriya didn't stay busy at the river for long. In the evening, he took the green onion duck and Heracross, carried the food left for him by Ukai, and slowly returned to the wooden house.

As soon as he returned to the wooden house, he saw a young man standing outside the door of the wooden house. When the young man saw him, he was overjoyed and ran over quickly.

"Is the old gentleman Mr. Green River?" The young man was sent by the owner of Liuli Hall. After a whole day's journey, he finally arrived at Tiangan Island and saw the conspicuous lakeside wooden house from the air.

"I'm Lu He, who are you?" Lu He thought it was the Rockets who came for him, but the people from the Rockets probably weren't that polite and would talk to him nicely.

"I am the trainer of the Liugan Gym. I came here specifically to thank the old man for saving Master Hao Er." The young man bowed slightly and handed over the thank you gift he had brought this time.

"It turns out to be Liugan Gym. You found the wrong person. It wasn't me who saved Hao Er, it was Ah Hai who saved Hao Er." Green River opened the wooden door and entered the wooden house, turned on the solar lights in the wooden house, and invited the other party to come in.

"Mr. Lu He, I have heard from Master Hao Er that you want to thank him, and that trainer Ah Hai also wants to thank him. But why didn't that Ah Hai come?" The young man entered the wooden house, put down the thank you gift, and continued to test the old man Lu He.

"He has left. It's too late." Green River smashed the old pipe in his mouth and poured the young man a glass of boiled water.

"Thank you. When did he leave? It's a pity that these gifts of thanks could not be delivered to him," the young man said with regret on his face, but in reality he was still testing Green River.

"Leaving at noon," Midoriya told the truth, there was nothing to hide, and Ukai didn't let him hide it.

"Mr. Midorikawa, did he say where he was going? I also want to give these gifts to him." The young man's words were true, but they were also false. His purpose was to ask about Ukai's whereabouts.

"He didn't tell the old man, and I didn't ask," Green River shook his head. He really didn't know about this. He didn't lie. It's up to the other party to believe it or not.

"Thank you, Mr. Lu He, for informing me. Please accept these gifts." The young man observed Lu He's micro-expression, but could not tell anything.

These old fox people were so mature that they didn't blush or express any expression when they spoke. It was really difficult for him to detect anything unusual.

However, for Green River to be able to talk to him frankly about A Hai, he probably really didn't know where the other person was going. Otherwise, there would be no need to hide anything. Instead, he would just say it outright like a casual conversation.

"You're welcome. The old man didn't help in any way and he still had to accept gifts. How embarrassing!" Lu He could see that the thank-you gifts were all food. He happened to be short of food, so it didn't matter if he accepted them.

"Haha, thank you Mr. Lu He for taking care of Master Hao Er in those days. The thank you gift is indispensable," the young man said in a polite way, preparing to say goodbye to Lu He and go back to report on the situation here...

There was nothing he could do if he failed to investigate that Ah Hai. It was also a step too late for him to arrive. If he could arrive in the morning, he might still be able to see him. Now he could only regret going back.

"I haven't had dinner yet. Do you want to stay and have a drink with the old man?" Lu He took out the instant food and prepared to have a drink.

"Thank you Mr. Lu He for your kindness. I have something else to do, so I won't disturb Mr. Lu He's meal." The young man bowed slightly again, said goodbye and left the wooden house.

As soon as he left the cabin, he was blinded by a heavy fog...

"No, it's poisonous gas." The young man just inhaled a little and held his breath for a moment, realizing that it was not a mist at all, but a very pungent poisonous gas.

The young man quickly released his flying elf Bi Diao, and shouted loudly to Bi Diao: "Bi Diao, use the wind to blow away the poisonous gas..."

Then the young man released his other five elves one after another to be alert to the sneak attackers around him. After Bi Diao blew away all the poisonous gas, no sneak attackers were seen.

The young man seemed to realize something and quickly stepped away from the wooden house. A series of poisonous needles immediately attacked and pierced the mud in front of the wooden house.

"You little rat who hides his head and shows his tail, don't you dare to come out?"

Facing the violent shouting, the person hiding on the roof stopped hiding and jumped off the roof, followed by the Abo monster and the double bomb gas.

"You killed them? It's not that bad!" The Rockets cadre looked at the young man. This man was quite alert and was able to avoid his sneak attack. But in the next battle, it’s hard to say who will win.

"Team Rocket? Who killed them? I don't understand what you are talking about." The young man saw Team Rocket's black uniform with a big red R letter on it. He actually met Team Rocket here. How could there be anything here? Team Rocket.

"You're pretending to be stupid, right? Two captains came here to kidnap Koji, but you didn't expect them to kill them," the Team Rocket leader felt a little strange when he saw the confused look on his face.

He didn't hold back at all, and directly told what happened to the first two Rockets. Anyway, everyone had already encountered each other, and one person was responsible for the other's actions. There was no need for the other party to deny such things.

"I understand," the young man finally understood what Team Rocket said and why Master Hao Er could go home.

It turns out that the trainer named Ah Hai rescued Master Hao Er from the poaching group, and was kidnapped by Team Rocket. After killing the kidnappers of Team Rocket, he found someone to send Master Hao Er home.

That's why he met Team Rocket here. He was here to investigate Ah Hai, and Team Rocket was also here to investigate the cause of his subordinate's death. They happened to bump into each other, and Team Rocket misunderstood him as Ah Hai.

"What do you understand?" Team Rocket asked in confusion.

"You are also here to find Ah Hai," the young man didn't want to take the blame for Ah Hai, especially the Rockets. He couldn't bear the blame, so it was better to make it clear.

"Ah Hai?" Team Rocket cadres didn't understand. Who is Ah Hai?

"Ah Hai is the trainer who rescued Master Hao Er from your Team Rocket," the young man explained and revealed his identity, "I am the trainer of the Liugan Gym. What does Team Rocket mean? I want to follow Have I done one? Or do I have to win or lose?"

"It turned out to be the gym trainer? Why were you so surprised to see me? So you didn't find him either?" The Rockets leader smiled. He came here to investigate the trainer who made the phone call. Unexpectedly Met the gym trainer.

"No, since you are also looking for him to thank him for rescuing Master Hao Er, so we are still enemies." The young man also became serious. He did not want to have a conflict at all, and he might not win in a fight.

If the other party wanted to fight, he would have no choice but to fight. There was no way he would admit defeat...

"Enemy? Are you worthy of a gym dog?" Team Rocket's cadre smiled. He didn't take the opponent seriously at all. He looked down on these gym trainers and didn't know where his sense of superiority came from.

"Is Team Rocket so arrogant? Don't you know I'm an alliance trainer?" The young man was a little angry when he heard the name Team Rocket. He was a gym trainer, and secondly, he was also an alliance trainer.

In terms of power in the elf world, the Alliance is definitely the largest. It is really arrogant for the other party to look down on the Alliance.

"What about the alliance, we are not going to be stepped on by the Rockets in the future," when the Rockets cadre said this, his eyes were full of confidence, even full of fanaticism.

"I understand," the young man understood. This man had lost the most basic thinking ability, even logical thinking. Even the king and the king couldn't tell the difference.

There is no way to deal with such brainwashed fanatics. The only way is to fight to the death and completely kill the opponent.

"What do you understand?" The Rockets cadre was very confused. Why did the other party understand again before he said a few words?

"It's nothing. If you want to fight, come and fight." The young man didn't want to talk nonsense anymore. As the trainer of the Quasi-King of the Liugan Gym, he had never been so humiliated by others. He thought that the other party only had the strength of the Quasi-King. This time It's a tough battle, but not an invincible one.

"You don't know where that person is, why should I fight with you?" After the Team Rocket cadre lost his enthusiasm, he regained his composure, shook his head and turned around to leave Sweet Orange Island.

It is true that he is a fighting maniac, but he is not a fool. There is no way he is wasting time here, especially when he can't get any useful information. He has to fight hard and get nothing, so he is not that stupid.

A trainer who grew up in a place like the Rockets has a very strong purpose. He will get whatever is beneficial to him no matter what, unless the effort is not directly proportional to the benefit, or even inversely proportional.

If he doesn't get any benefits, fighting with a colleague here is a very uneconomical thing, so he has no time to waste time here.

After Team Rocket left, the young man felt that Team Rocket's brain was not normal. He thought there would be a fierce battle, but he did not expect that the opponent came with force and left inexplicably, which made him relieved.

Lu He, who was hiding in the house, saw the murderous aura outside the door slowly dissipating, and then he cautiously poked his head out. If the two trainers outside the door got into a fight, Green Onion Duck and Heracross alone would not be able to protect him.

Fortunately, they didn't fight outside the door, and he was secretly relieved. He walked out of the wooden house and saw the young gym trainer taking back his elf.

"Mr. Lu He, didn't I disturb you?" The young man saw Lu He coming out and apologized quickly. He almost caused trouble for Lu He.

"Ahem, you're not hurt, are you?" Green River was not an unreasonable old man. He could clearly see that this gym trainer was much more polite, unlike the Rockets trainer who attacked them as soon as they came up.

"No, Mr. Green River," the young man smiled and said goodbye to Green River, "Mr. Green River, be careful. I encountered Team Rocket here and need to rush back to report immediately. I can't stay longer..."

"It's okay, you can go ahead," Lu He waved his hand, smashed his old pipe twice, then turned and returned to the wooden house.

"Mr. Green River, Team Rocket is looking for Mr. Ahai. If you can contact him, you can remind him that Team Rocket is tracking him..."

Before the young man left, he tested Lu He again. Although it was a test, he was polite and didn't sound so disgusting. Even if it was a test, he felt comfortable listening to it.

"Don't worry about that kid. He's very capable. A poaching group will be gone. Those two Rocket teams will be gone as well. No one can keep him..."

Green River's words are also a reminder to the other party that if the pursuit of the other party makes the other party unhappy, there may be bloodshed.

Although that young man is easy to talk to, he is not merciless when it comes to killing people. He will also be a hero in the future. He is old, but he is not blind yet and he can still see people very accurately.

"Thanks for the reminder, old gentleman," the young man knew that he had been exposed, but he didn't feel embarrassed. Being thick-skinned is also a required course for trainers, let alone such a trivial matter.

After bidding farewell to the old man, he sat on Bi Diao overnight and prepared to return to Liugan Island overnight. He flew all day today and another night. Although Bi Diao spent most of the time gliding, Bi Diao still had a hard time.

After this mission was over, he added spicy strips to Bi Diao...

The youth's side returned to Tangerine Island overnight, and Ukai's side also came to Tangerine Island. This is the headquarters of the Tangerine Alliance, and there is a Tangerine Stadium, where Tomoe defeated Yuuji.

However, he didn't come to watch the game. After arriving at Citrus Island, he spent 100,000 alliance coins to open a spacious King's Suite, and he was already lying on the soft white bed.

He planned to have a good sleep and prepare dinner for the elves. The Gull flew for a few hours and rested in the elf ball. Then they would have dinner together.

However, as soon as he lay down, he was woken up by Darkrai.

"Is there something wrong with your backpack?" Darkrai could sense the abnormal movement in the backpack, but it wasn't very clear what the abnormal movement was. After all, it was in the backpack.

Yuhai had no choice but to take out his backpack and see if there was anything strange in it. He didn't know what living things were in the backpack.

After opening his backpack, he was blinded by the bright white light. He finally knew what this strange movement was.

Counting the time, the brown elf egg had been hatched for two months, which was sixty days, and the elf egg finally glowed.

Thinking of this, he quickly came to the window, closed the curtains, and turned on the lights in the room to the maximum to cover up the white light of the elf eggs hatching.

After doing all this, he took out the incubator and looked at the glowing brown elf egg. He kept looking at it until half an hour passed, and the elf egg was still glowing.

This made him a little confused. What on earth was this elf egg doing? It had been glowing for half an hour. This was still a recorded time. He didn't know when it started to glow.

He didn't know what was going on like this, but considering that the elf egg liked to eat electricity, he simply connected the power cord to the incubator.


As soon as the power was plugged in, the interface of the incubator flickered with sparks. There must be a short circuit in the power supply. As the power cord was scorched and bounced away, the lights in his room instantly went out, and the entire hotel lost power.

But the elf egg in the incubator still did not stop glowing, and it became brighter and brighter, and then slowly dimmed. He quickly took the elf egg out of the incubator and waited quietly for the elf egg to hatch.

It didn't take long for the elf egg to hatch in his hands, turning into a small furry thing that looked like a feather to the touch.


After the main gate of the hotel was pulled up, the lights in the room flickered on and off, then quickly stabilized. He also looked at the elf cub in his hand to see what had hatched from the elf egg.

"Uh... Spearow? Or a gray feathered bird..."

The moment he saw this elf, Ukai was paralyzed, completely paralyzed. After sixty days of emotional incubation, a sparrow hatched out. A sixty-day sparrow, it felt a bit strange!

According to the incubation cycle of the Spearow, it does not take sixty days to hatch a Spearow, and the Spearow does not eat electricity. This hybrid bird only came out after sixty days, so it should not be a Spearow.

"Jie Jie," Zamao Bird looked at the tall Yu Hai. Could this be his mother?

It only glanced at Ukai, then curled up in Ukai's arms and fell into a deep sleep.

After all, he is still too young, and he is a premature baby. The hair on his body is very tender, and it is all the kind of tiny fluff, not even a feather.

He saw the Spearow sleeping and sighed helplessly. A Spearow was just a Spearow. It was a prematurely born heterochromatic Spearow, which was already pretty good.

The reason why he guessed it was a spearhead was because the beak of this hybrid bird was very sharp. It was not as curved as Bobo's, and it was not as smooth as the feathers on Bobo's neck. This hybrid bird had a very sharp beak. The feathers on the feather bird's neck are very fluffy.

Seeing this, he sighed. After all, it was a heterochromatic firebird, and it should have electrical abilities. He didn't expect too much, but the sixty-day incubation time was too strange, and he couldn't figure it out.

Looking at the sleeping Spearow, he used the Poké Ball to collect the Spearow in his arms, wanting to see the Spearow's proficiency panel.

【Lightning Bird (Premature)】

[Attribute: Electricity + Flying]

[Gender: Male]

[Potential: 58.89%]

[Level: 1.01%]

[Characteristics: Pressure/0.53%] [Hidden Characteristics: Static Electricity/0.13%]

[Mastery moves: (peck/0.21%) (electromagnetic wave/0.31%)]

Lightning Bird is genderless, here it is changed to male...

This egg has finally hatched, bosses, please stop urging it... It's all premature, woo hoo hoo...

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